

Kenzo had secretly added something to the food, a substance that would enhance their libido. It was an experiment he had been curious about for a while. He wanted to see how well they could handle their sexual urges when pushed to the edge. Hitomi and Yuki were nowhere to be seen, but Kenzo could hear movements in their rooms, indicating that they were in the house. He wondered if they had all eaten the food. Despite their predicament, Kenzo decided to overlook it and be grateful for their participation.

As Kenzo sat on the chair, he couldn't help but hear a constant clapping sound coming from Mizumi's room. They were already engaging in intimate activities. 

Kenzo was enjoying his little break. He had never been a fan of human interaction, but this unexpected situation was becoming quite the experience. 

Who would have thought that Kenzo would be having this much fun with a group of strangers he didn't have to kill? It was an unexpected delight, and he was glad that things had turned out this way.

The day progressed, and they all remained locked in their rooms. 

Eventually, Osuke emerged from his room, panting and breathing heavily. It was clear that he had been engaged in a sex marathon but had reached his limits. 

Mizumi followed shortly after, wearing an unbuttoned shirt that revealed the sides of her breasts and a very short skirt that barely covered her backside.

"I-I'm sorry, Mizumi, but I can't keep up," Osuke admitted defeat, his eyes catching Kenzo's gaze. "Um... Does he live with you?" Osuke whispered, trying to gauge Kenzo's condition.

"Huh? Oh, him. Ignore him," Mizumi dismissed Kenzo's presence, showing that she was comfortable with him seeing her dressed like this. 

She was a confident woman comfortable in her own skin.

"I have to go, babe! If I go another round, my heart might actually stop," Osuke gave up, and Mizumi knew there was no point in arguing. 

She sighed in disappointment before allowing him to leave.

"Fine, want me to escort you to the door?" Mizumi's tone was anything but friendly.

"Come on! Don't tell me you're mad..." Osuke blurted out, but Mizumi didn't answer. She gently shoved him towards the door.

"Bye, mister!" Mizumi said, and Osuke realized that his girlfriend was throwing a harmless tantrum.

"I'll see you later after I replenish the strength you've stolen from me, you blood-sucking witch!" Osuke teased, and Mizumi couldn't stay angry for long. A smile appeared on her face, but she quickly remembered her anger and shut the door.

Kenzo observed their dynamic. They were compatible in many ways, but he wasn't sure if that extended to the bedroom. 

He found himself wanting to test just how loyal they were to each other.

Mizumi was about to head to her room when she suddenly stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"Hey..." she called out, catching Kenzo's attention. 

"Did you, by any chance, enter my room?" Mizumi asked, surprising Kenzo because he had left no trace behind for her to draw that conclusion.

"I didn't. Is there something wrong?" Kenzo raised an eyebrow, sensing that she was fishing for information without any evidence to support her claim.

Mizumi didn't respond and instead abandoned her initial plan to enter the room. She walked towards Kenzo, piquing his curiosity about what she had in mind.

"I don't know, it's just a hunch," Mizumi replied, sitting across from him on the floor. Her muscular thighs were exposed, and the outline of her buttocks was partly visible.

"You want me to snoop around in your room?" Kenzo asked in a suggestive tone.

"Who knows what you might find if you did. I might be an axe-wielding murderer, after all," Mizumi teased, but Kenzo wondered why she was having this conversation with him in the first place.

"That wouldn't surprise me," Kenzo responded, taking Mizumi by surprise because she knew she didn't give off that vibe.

"It's always the pretty ones you have to look out for," Kenzo concluded, and Mizumi's surprise soon turned into a smile.

"Oh, stop it," Mizumi blushed, revealing that she didn't receive many compliments, most likely because men felt intimidated by her. Kenzo, however, saw past what most men couldn't.

"Your food was delicious, by the way," Mizumi commented.

"I'm glad you liked it," Kenzo responded. His aura was so pure and harmless that it was hard to believe he was responsible for a massacre the previous day.

"Did you go to a culinary school, or did your mother just know her way around those meals?" Mizumi asked, trying to get to know Kenzo to some extent. She wanted to understand the man who was staying under their roof.

"I'm self-taught..." Kenzo replied, but Mizumi found it hard to believe.

Kenzo knew that she wouldn't be able to associate her increased libido with the food. Mizumi's reaction was priceless, and he simply smiled in response. 

He had no knowledge of his parents or any memories of his childhood. 

It was as if his life began when he was ten years old, as if that was when he gained consciousness.

Kenzo always avoided discussing this topic, or he would simply spin a tale of a happy home, even though he didn't fully grasp the concept of family.

Mizumi realized that she was getting too invested in the conversation and took a step back. 

She thought talking to him would take her mind off sex, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. Kenzo wasn't the plain individual she had initially assumed.

As she stood up, Mizumi tripped over herself and was about to fall to the ground. However, Kenzo quickly grabbed hold of her from behind, breaking her fall.

"What is this softness?" Kenzo thought to himself, only to realize that his hand had accidentally grabbed one of her ample breasts but was this truly an accident?

He didn't hurry to let go, and he noticed that she wasn't in a rush to remove his hand either.

Next chapter