

Kenzo was a man on a mission. He was determined to find those who were after him. With his distinctive mask, he sought recognition, and it didn't take long for people to realize who he was. But what did they want from him?

Kenzo took a seat at the bar, surrounded by criminals who dared not claim the bounty on his head. They knew the kind of demon he was, and there was no way in hell they could lay a finger on him. However, Kenzo didn't share the same sense of security.

He had come to this bar to send a message, and it took approximately an hour for him to depart, drenched in blood. But it wasn't his own blood.

A glimpse of the closing door revealed the lifeless bodies strewn about. Kenzo had ruthlessly slaughtered everyone inside, conveying a simple message: 

"I'm not the one being hunted, you all are."

The impact of his actions was swift, as the police were soon involved. The gruesome scene, with dismembered body parts scattered about, left no doubt that a human couldn't be responsible for this carnage.

The message had been received, and Kenzo's bounty skyrocketed exponentially. This was exactly what he wanted. However, there was something he hadn't foreseen.

"He has really done it now, that scary bastard," Endo muttered, a mixture of fear and admiration in his voice. This was the first time a massacre of such magnitude had taken place. With the strict gun laws in Japan, it meant that not just any criminal had access to firearms. Only a select few possessed the means, and that was what made this bloodbath possible.

Kenzo's weapon of choice was originally a katana, but rumors circulated about his affiliation with the Yakuza, an organization personally led by one of the four Dons. Endo felt a chilling sense of dread because it meant that the Oni had no intention of pleading for mercy. He was eliminating any criminals who crossed his path.

And how long would it be before he came for Endo?

Endo snorted a line of cocaine and leaned back, a woman on her knees between his legs, pleasuring him. He used his other hand to guide her head back and forth.

"Fuck! I would have cum if I wasn't so damn worried!" Endo exclaimed, pushing the woman aside. 

"The Oni, man. I wish I knew what the fuck was beneath that mask," Endo blurted out before indulging in another line.

He leaned back, but the moment he opened his eyes, a shadowy figure caught his attention from the corner of his eye. Endo's immediate reaction was to jump up, startled by the presence.

"Who the fuck is that!?" Endo screamed at the top of his lungs. However, the woman who had been pleasuring him moments ago was too high to even register his outburst.

"Did you fucking see that, you bitch?" Endo continued to yell, but the woman was completely oblivious, lost in her drug-induced haze.

Endo couldn't determine whether he had truly seen something or if it was merely a hallucination brought on by his altered state of mind. He cautiously approached the spot where he had glimpsed the figure, but there was no one in sight.

"... Oni?" Endo muttered, his fear consuming him as he became convinced that he was not alone. If Kenzo was present, there was no doubt that the infamous assassin had come for his head. And in his current condition, he was in no shape to confront the best killer the underground had ever produced.

Kenzo took slow, unsteady steps, but he stumbled and fell to the ground, tripping over himself. It soon became apparent to Endo that it had all been a figment of his imagination, and he began to laugh hysterically. The realization of his deep-seated fear of death dawned upon him, as he knew that the Oni was coming for him.


The other assassins were well aware of the situation, but unlike Endo, they knew that the Oni wouldn't be foolish enough to come to them. He had already taken out a group of low-level adversaries, who were no match for their skills.

Among the various organizations outside of the Death Squads were the Phantom, Grim Reapers, and Midnight Crimson. These groups were considered the cream of the crop in Japan, yet even they paled in comparison to the power wielded by the Yakuza.

Reports indicated that Kenzo, or rather, the Oni, had been spotted at the train station, seemingly heading outside the city. The Crimson, taking the bait, dispatched four of their best killers after him, assuming he was attempting to flee.

The team consisted of Poison Ivy, Silencer, Cannibal Jack, and The Torturer. These individuals were far from weak, having taken down skilled assassins with greater potential than the Oni. Unlike the Oni, who targeted a wide range of opponents, these four specialized in eliminating trained killers, giving them a slight advantage in combat.

As they stormed the train station, each assassin scanned the area meticulously, ensuring that there was no possible escape route for the Oni. The evening had progressed, and the likelihood of missing him was slim.

"The Crimson's deadly four..." a voice called out from behind them. It belonged to Kenzo, donning his signature mask.

"The Oni, I presume?" Poison Ivy spoke up. Her vibrant pink hair was adorned with multiple vines, and she sported pink lipstick. She had a slender figure, accentuated by her choice of a revealing singlet that showcased her tattooed arms and wide hips.

Kenzo barely had time to respond before Poison Ivy swiftly dodged out of the way, and Silencer, dressed in his signature hitman suit, fired a bullet directly at Kenzo. The bullet struck his mask, shattering it. The sight of his face exposed made the other assassins even more nervous than if they had killed him themselves.

The anticipation in the air was palpable, so much so that even the normally composed Silencer refrained from firing another shot. There stood Kenzo, his true face now revealed to them.

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