
Chapter 10

"That was amazing, Alex was a great movie."

"Yes, it was excellent, especially at the end, it made me emotional."

"True, when I saw that old woman holding the sandal, I felt my body go cold."

Everyone started talking about the movie, listening to all the guests talking about the emotions they felt, I felt a touch of pride, the same feeling I get when I recommend Manecraft to a friend.

At first, he said it was a childish game, with no purpose, that it wasn't fun, with ugly graphics, but once I managed to convince him to play it, the bastard became more addicted than me, the feeling of presenting something I like to someone, the feeling of pride mixed with the feeling of mission accomplished, is addictive.

"Brother, where did you meet Totoru? And that big cat, he's so strange."

"Hahaha, Totoru is the guardian of the forest, so of course he lives in Arcadia."


"Yes, Arcadia is the planet that is dominated by nature, all kinds of plants exist there."

Arcadia is a planet used only to grow medicinal herbs, it's one of the few worlds where nature is totally taken care of, only people authorized by the government can visit the planet, the environmental laws in Arcadia are extremely heavy, throwing garbage on the ground, cutting down trees or destroying any plant, can give severe fines, so most people prefer to go to other places to visit.

Meli looked at me with her eyes shining, the feeling of being admired is very good, when I looked away, I saw Jade staring at me with a slightly red face.

"How can you put me in the movie without asking me?!"

"Eh?! Haha, I thought you'd like to be in the movie, since you were so dedicated to helping me, no need to thank me."

"Thank my ass.... You should have made my personality more realistic, it made me look like a shy girl who can't even talk to a boy, but since you went to all that trouble, I'll leave it at that... Hmm?! Wait, what's that..."

While she was complaining, I asked Liza to play the video I had recorded on the screen, a few seconds of Jade with her eyes wide open, her mouth open and a surprised expression.

"Hahaha, look at Miss Jade surprised, what a wonderful expression, hahaha, I'll send this to the general."

"Kyaaa, Monica you traitor, don't even think about sending this to Grandma, Alexandre Lockhart delete it, or I'll break your spine."


"Hey! Wait, no violence, this is a birthday party. "


"Don't run away, you coward, the more you run, the more I want to break your bones."




"... Sister Jade is scary now."

"Hehe, I'll record it and send it to the general, she'll love seeing Miss Jade so excited."

The party ended very lively, I only got a few scratches, but it was fun.


The night in the couple's bedroom


Mark looked at his wife coming out of the shower, wearing only her underwear, she looked fine, but he knows that Catharina was a little shaken by the end of the movie.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Hmm? I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"I know you better than anyone, I saw how you reacted at the end of the movie."


"It's no big deal, I was just a bit shocked that one of my children might disappear.

It's silly, but when I thought that Meli might be at the bottom of that lake, I felt my heart tremble."

"I felt that way too, but you even hid your face .... Puff, hahaha, who would have thought that Black Cat would look like that, watching a movie that her own son made, hahaha."


Catharina looked at Mark laughing, she turned around, grabbed a pair of long pants and started to put them on.

"Huh?! Hey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm just putting on long pants, I think I'll sleep like this for two weeks."


"Please, big Black Cat, forgive that worm, who didn't know what he was doing!!!"


"I'll be wearing this for a week yet, rumm"

(Shit, me and my big mouth.)

After a while, the two of them lay down to sleep, Catharina suddenly remembering something.

"I think I'll ask Alex to send me a copy of the movie, I'll show it to Emilia."

"Emilia? Ah, the Exceed girl, are you close?"

"I wouldn't say close, but I think we're getting to know each other."

"Hmm, that girl seems pretty lonely, maybe the movie will help."

"Yeah, that's what I thought, she might have a bit of fun, I just don't understand why such a young child is allowed to take part in the exchange, these politicians have shit on their minds."

"The exchange is important, more and more Exceed are visiting our planets, so they must have thought it would be easier for a child to attract people's sympathy, and reduce prejudice."

"They may have thought so, but it's not working, if it was, I wouldn't need to stand guard over it."

"I know, but there's not much we can do."

"Maybe I could introduce her to the kids, I'll ask her next time I go to work."

"I think you should talk to her mother first, or they might think you've kidnapped the girl, hahaha."


"I think I'm going to sleep like this for two weeks."

(Shit, why can't I keep my mouth shut.)


Alexandre's room


I took a shower and got ready for bed, but it's a bit hard to fall asleep, Melissa loved the movie, and asked me to make another one, it's not a problem I can make other Studio Ghibli or Disney movies.

But there's something else I can't get out of my head, 'games', I worked creating games in my past life, now with the creative table just a few meters away, it leaves my body itching to do something.


Better get some sleep, I'll think about it tomorrow.




"Aaaarrrrhh, I can't sleep."

I turned on my holographic bracelet, and started researching the games in this universe, I have an idea of what they're like, but I want to better understand the mentality of the players here.

I started researching the most famous games with the most players, obviously they're all war games, no surprise there.

Reading the reviews, there's nothing but praise for the historical fidelity and the freedom of battles on warships, so I started researching more games, and reading more player reviews.

I delved deeper and deeper into the research, looking for more strange and different games, but the most different game I found was a kind of hunting game.

Basically the player appears in a small town full of flying fish, and you have to find an enemy soldier and beat him with a spoon, I just don't understand this game.

But after searching for hours, reading hundreds or thousands of player reviews about the games, I now know that there are definitely no fantasy, strategy or any other kind of games.

What's more, all the games are virtual reality, there are no computers, cell phones or video game consoles, the holographic bracelet basically has all the functions of a cell phone, and a power thousands of times greater than any computer.

In this kind of situation, what kind of game should I make, follow the trend, create a war game and slowly bring in the fantasy ones, maybe Pokémon Go, with today's technology, it's easy to get a satellite to spread holograms around the world.

Maybe Mass Effect, it would be something more familiar to people from that universe, or maybe a horror, Dead Space is a great choice, but I could also make one of those old games, it would be wonderful to see Chrono Trigger in virtual reality.



"Shit, my head is exploding, I should do something safe or... Wait, why am I thinking about the games market, I have time to think about it when I'm grown up and start a company, now I can just test the creative table and do something I like."

I got up and went over to the creation table, opening the drawing screen, my mind began to wander, I want to make a game that reaches people, that entertains, but that conveys a message.

"It should be a charismatic protagonist, maybe a funny one, a character that everyone can like."

I stood there staring at the blank screen, several ideas running through my head, but not one of them was something I wanted to do right now.

"Wait, the protagonist doesn't necessarily have to be charismatic or have any pleasant features, there's actually a character I'd like to tell the story about."

I couldn't help but smile, so I started drawing, yes, a character who isn't necessarily likeable in any way, but who, once you get to grips with him and discover his story, it's impossible not to like him.

Dressed only in a sandal with a golden shin guard, a red cloth around his waist attached to a golden belt around his waist, a pair of golden armbands wrapped around chains, dual blades in his hands, gray skin, and a red tattoo running from his head down the left side of his body.

Not a funny character, not fun at all, but definitely someone impossible to hate.

"Kratos is about to be born in this universe."


Note: Now the protagonist is going to start working on his first game in this universe, but it's going to take a while to finish, so I'm going to make a few jumps in time, so as not to make it too strange for a child to make a game as... "affectionate" as God of War.

Next chapter