
Alix was done with the Shen's

Moments later, after the funeral proceedings had just started, Alix excused herself and found her way to the bathroom.

It was her first time inside the Shen ancestral behemoth home so she took her time walking as she observed her surroundings. The walls were decorated with paintings showing their family history and glory. Another day, Alix would have been interested but of course, she could not erase Shen Biao's husband's system from her mind.

It was not even just a simple scheming system but super scheming. To her amateur detective mind, maybe he was the one responsible for the death of Shen Xiaoping, the coincidence was just a little too much for her to accept.

If he was, then he was really going to lay out more traps for them and see to it that they all fell inside, never to recover.

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