
Hello number two.

The strange gathering continued on for thirty minutes, the same rhetoric was recycled, more fever pitched speeches and promises of glory, endless wealth, freedom and fame. As the seconds ticked by, Alix grew bored and impatient; she was here for one reason only, her husband.

As if the universe decided to answer her need, the preacher finally came to the main show.

"We are going to teach them a lesson today by killing one of their most important funders. They say we cannot kill the innocent, so let us get justice by killing the guilty."

A side door was opened and two men came out, dragging Caishen between them as if he was a sack of potatoes. He appeared to be completely powerless as he was thrown down to the ground without a care. Alix clenched her hands and held in her temper. Not yet, she told herself, not yet.

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