
Fight to death

Two hours and fifty five minutes later, Alix and group arrived at their destination. It was coming to eleven in the night, and she was feeling weary. In the privacy of the bedroom, she gave herself a shot of an energy booster.

"Do you want one?" she asked Caishen.

He shook his head, he had an almost depleted cup of hot coffee in his hands and was wide awake, alert because this was certainly not a moment that called for sleep.

He helped her off the bed and they left the room, joining the others that had yet to move.

They were still waiting on Alix as she was the planner for the mission.

The moment she appeared, the captain yanked her away from Caishen and pointed to the large screen which previously had a map and current location. Now, it was showing footage from outside the ship, They were outside of an invisible barrier, deep under the water, in a lace where normal humans would not dare to tread.

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