
Number two's location.

She glanced at his hand and lazily raised her eyes to his and gestured at his hands, asking that he let go of her. He dropped her hand but his piercing gaze dug into her eyes. If he could, he would take her brain out and find that information for himself.

"Captain, have you ever taken a sailing trip on the South sea? If you have not, i suggest you join me on one after my wedding, preferably. Number two enjoys the water so much. But you cannot go alone, you will find nothing. Only i can show you the way, i am just giving up information ahead of time so that you can make preparations in advance."

The number two she was referring to was Afaro, Genesis's second in command. This was part of the information the system had extracted from weather boy.

"Tell me when.." The captain nodded once, turned his back and left.

Alix could not let him leave without giving him a simple warning. "Captain, don't be presumptuous and startle the snake, we get one shot."

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