
A man without shame.

The whole time when Alix was glaring at master Rong, Abby Chung was watching her. He was not alone at the back, the captain was in attendance as well and both of them had not been invited by Alix.

They were not there to enjoy the performances or support Alix but to keep an eye on her in case someone from the dark side made contact with her.

In the hidden city, the analysts were receiving real time images of the guests and confirming their identities. Even the students, teachers, non teaching staff, drivers and bodyguards had to be checked. Anybody that was on school grounds had been run through a facial recognition system.

Their bodies had been scanned by equipment at the entrance to the school. Of course, the guests were unaware of all this. This was done to confirm that everyone in attendance was human, not a cyborg, clone or anything else from another world.

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