
Happy fat orange cat.

It took a while and more coaxing from Caishen for Alix to relax. Nanny Luo, on Caishen's orders brought her a glass of water. She had been hesitant to leave but one look from Caishen had sent the older woman hurrying away. 

She, in turn stopped Xiaobo from going to the study in search of Alix. and sent him back to the three brothers that were relaxing in the living room. 

When she felt normal again, Alix was filled with a small modicum of embarrassment. 

"Sorry." she muttered softly. 

"For what?" he responded. 

She raised her head and beseeched him with unsure eyes. What was she apologizing for exactly, she wondered too. Was it the system thing or the panic attack? Technically, she had not lied to him about the system because he had never come out and asked her directly if she had a system. 

"Are you okay? How are you feeling now? Should we go to the hospital? I asked Mo Sen to fetch professor He in case you need to talk..."

Next chapter