
Helpless cat slave.

"So i went to Alix's mall after the opening and noticed that they have a pet store. I went in out of curiosity and saw that they had a few cats for sell. I don't like cats very much. I know...i know....boo, i suck but it's not as if i hate them, i just don't like aggressive pets and cats are sometimes aggressive. 

Anyway, i saw the cutest cat sleeping on a cat tree in it's little pink hat and it just looked so adorable that i had to bring it home. I was so excited until i reached home and my cat wouldn't step on the floor. 

I contacted Alix's mall online pet advisor and they told me to clean my apartment. Apparently, my new cat doesn't like dust so i am working like a paid maid now, cleaning for my cat. If it sees even one speck of dust, it hisses at me and i have to come running with a mop.

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