
Tai Ho Sun's little shorty.

Just after teaching her second class of the day, Alix took a walk around the back of the building to the area where more musical orchids had been stacked on shelves under the parasols. 

All the greenery in the beautiful snow was quite beautiful to behold. It was not surprising that she found students and teachers alike over there. 

Besides viewing the orchids, they were gathered around elder Ren's special newly built mini art pavilion and she didn't have to guess why. It was because of those two paintings of his, one Majesty's and one hers, surrounded by the open musical orchids while she was playing a violin. 

The two paintings had already been shared on his weibo and already, offers to buy both were coming in but elder Ren had refused to sell. He planned to make them a part of his last exhibit which was incomplete.

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