
Now that's a good way to welcome me home.

The next day, after making sure that grandma Tai's cat which slept in her bed did not eat anyone while they were sleeping, Alix sent her brothers off to school and then she went home first because Caishen had returned and he was there waiting for her.

As soon as she walked into the house, she excitedly broke into a run while calling his name loudly. She found him in his office, sitting in his chair behind his desk. 

He was putting his des phone down, having just ended a phone call. 

"Aaaah!" she squealed excitedly and dashed toward him, throwing herself at him. "Hubby Zhang, welcome home. I have missed you so much."

Bravely, she tipped his head upwards with a hand on his chin and put her mouth on his. The saying was an apple a day kept the day away but for her, Caishen's kiss a day, kept her moods elevated through the day. 

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