
Information is gold.

Mayor Qui didn't extend a hand to Alix and he remained passive, still staring at her with an unreadable look in his eyes. Alix was not one to beg for anything anymore, so she retracted her hand. 

He had chosen the sinking ship, it seemed. 

"I guess we don't have any further business Mr. mayor." She stared at the door and gestured dismissively, "You can see yourself out." 

"I didn't say that i wouldn't work with you. I just don't trust you enough to so much as shake your hand. If you want me to trust you, you should prove yourself first. When can my grandson get a heart transplant?" 

Alix left the comfort of her chair and walked out to the front of her desk. She perched half of her buttocks against it and crossed her legs. Here, she was much closer to the mayor and could look into his eyes directly when she talked. 

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