
Just like old times.

Zhang Xian continued to hold his head down, saying nothing in response. 

"I hope you know what you have done because when you come to your senses i am certain that you will come to regret that decision. I know that you feel entitled to pay back Nana but let me ask this, all through your marriage did you not work and provide as the head of the family?"

"I did." he responded softly. 

"Did you put food on the table?" grandpa Zhang asked him.

"I did." he answered.

"Did you pay for your sons education and school materials?" 

Again, Zhang Xian nodded and he answered, "I did." 

It was true that he had provided the best he could by working in factories. His health condition in the beginning had not been the best so there were days when he had to miss work, sometimes a month or two. Nana's earnings had carried them through those days. 

Next chapter