
A great duo

After fighting and finding their way through a dozen minion demons Alix and Dark death found their way to the middle of a dark forest in which every tree was bare of leaves and grey in color. 

Even though it was just a game, it was an eerie place that made Alix feel uneasy. The trees for one had these round marks on their barks that looked like dozens of little eyes. 

They gave Alix this feeling that they were alive and they were watching.

"It's coming." her system warned her. 

The ground where they stood started to move as the roots of the trees on the ground shifted.

"It's coming." she repeated the words of the system to Dark death. 

Both of them kept their keen eyes on the ground which was opening up and slowly turning red. Little spurts of lava popped up from the ground. 

Alix's right hand gripped her flute and she stepped backwards. Dark death did the same, both of them avoiding the small stream of forming flava.

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