
The fish must pay rent

"I met your mother today."

After dinner, it was tradition for Alix and Caishen to engage in some form of conversation.

A new addition to their routine was Caishen soaking his feet in warm water infused with herbs which Alix provided.

He was sitting in a chair with his legs in a basin while Alix sat across from him with her legs crossed.

Both of them were already dressed for bed but she had a towel on her head and a lollipop in her mouth.

"I heard, she mentioned to me that you sold an original classic composition for five million. Congratulations, are in order." He mentioned.

She nodded and clapped for herself with a big smile on her lips.

"Thank you." She replied.

"Should I have come home with flowers?" He asked.

Nodding her head, she answered, "Yes. Now that you mention it I am quite sad that you brought me nothing.

I on the other hand bought you a nice looking jade ring."

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