
So she sought death

While Alix was praying not to be snake chow, her blue elf was celebrating because they had gone up to five million viewers in such a short time. 

Granted they were betting on Alix being eaten or killed but more viewers meant more points, more popularity and more access to the virtual network.

At the same time as well, Caishen returned home from work and found Xiaobo doing his homework with Wang Ma and Alix's nanny fawning over him. 

One was feeding him apple slices and another was patting his head. 

"Wang Ma," he called. 

Three people looked at him and two stood up with respectful looks on their faces. 

"Welcome back young master." Wang Ma greeted first. 

Scarlet's nanny went after her and Xiaobo followed.

"Where is your aunt?" he asked Xiaobo. 

He knew that she had picked him up from school, fed him some snacks and they came home directly. 

He was expecting to see her here, fawning over Xiaobo as well. 

Next chapter