
Never leaving

Under the keen watchful eyes of Wang Ma and her nanny, Alix went upstairs with a slight quiver in her legs. Going into the room when Caishen was not here felt like a violation, somehow. 

Was it truly right for them to be sharing a bedroom already? All of that a husband and wife should live together bravado had long faded from her system. 

Her long stemming cowardice had returned and she stood before the looming grey doors of the bedroom with an unsettled heart. 

"You can sit outside and play the game, if it helps." The system suggested. 

"It's all about the game with you." she mumbled. 

"I am gaming system, duh!" it responded. 

What else would it be all about if not for the thing it was created for. 

Alix raised her right hand slowly, took one long calculated breath which made a slow high pitch sound at the end, like that of a whistle. 

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