
A mad bull in the house

The moment the door slammed shut, Lin Qianfan turned to Jing Hee with a scathing gaze that could drill holes into her body if it could. 

"Are you stupid?" he yelled at her. "What were you thinking placing Billi's utensils on the table? I thought I told you to hide her far away from young master Zhang's presence?" 

On the receiving end of his brunt admonition, Jing Hee nervously replied, "Honey_, honey....it's."

"Shut that fat thing up." he bellowed and pointed to the housekeeper who was still weeping on the floor like a helpless fool. 

Jing Hee cursed the housekeeper under her breath and gave her a vicious gaze. Qianfan was not so easy to handle when he was filled with rage and she wanted him to be in a good mood today. 

Her plan had been to cajole and convince him to give Billi some of his shares in the company after Caishen agreed to help them with the company. 

If only that wretch Alix had kept her mouth shut and not ruined everything. 

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