
The first quest

She set up the laptop, it was silver in color, with no identifying marks or brand. She sat it down next to the computer which was already sitting on the table. Then she added the key board, mouse and connected everything as it should be.

"Host, do you want the laptop size to be adjusted?" The system asked.

"Yes, make it as big as this computer, I want the edges curved." She answered.

Right before her eyes, the laptop dismantled itself and adjusted as she wanted it to be.

"What the!!" She said in shock.

"Don't be too surprised host, all this is nothing compared to what this great system can do."

She gave it a thumbs up, put on headphones and the system connected her to the infinite gaming world.

Alix felt her consciousness being pulled into the game and she was even more amazed at how real everything felt inside.

Her avatar was an exact copy of herself, resembling her from head to toe. In the gaming world, she was dressed in a short pleated skirt like that of a student. The top she was wearing was made of leather, in her hands was a dagger and on her feet were riding boots.

"Why am I dressed like a kid?" She mumbled.

"Host you can always change your outfit as you level up. In the meantime it is important to note that you are at level one and the rewards will keep increasing and getting better as you level up."

While the system explained, Alix moved her hands up and down, flexing her fingers as well.

"Look, my fingers are working perfectly."

"Congratulations." A sarcastic system responded. "Now find a quest and choose an occupation."

She looked at the game occupations, looking for what was closest to her career in the real world. Those were the skills she needed, not just any random category.

"Let's see, pharmacist, no thank you." While it could be good for fixing her fingers she already tasted the mystery fruit and it was good enough for now.

"Assassin, also no. Ooh dancer, hmm, pass. Healer, mage, Knight, thief, bard. I could be a bard." She mumbled. "System is the bard musician that plays instruments to heal or kill? I want music related skills."

It was a familiar character to her, her go to in every game she ever played.

"Yes, they can cast spells by playing certain melodies." The system responded.

"This, I choose bard." She said. The other occupations were not for her.

"Once an occupation is picked it cannot be changed are you sure about this?" The system asked.

"One hundred percent." She replied confidently.

With her response, the information was input and she waited for further instructions from the system. She took the chance to look around the game world. She was standing in what looked like a town square of what looked like the middle ages.

The buildings were built with bricks and most of them were shops and market stalls. It was a vibrant town with a bustling scene. Children were playing, vendors were hawking wares and people were happy all around. It was rather peaceful and very charming. The NPC's were really designed to make the game come to life and looked so real.

Mixed in with the humans were other creatures that looked less human. She even saw an elf in a white robe.

"Quest." The system said.

"Right." She said.

She checked the board which had the quests.

"The town chief needs someone to climb the church roof and wake the canaries up. What kind of quest is this?"

She was thinking of quests along the lines of fight this beast or that one.

"Hello young lady, you have been looking at the quest board for a while. Do you want to go on a quest?" A woman with a crying baby in her hands approached.

She was one of the townspeople, an NPC.

"Yes, can you help me?" She asked the woman.

"You can pass by the town chiefs House by the hill. It's the red roof house by the bakery, he will help you." The woman answered and walked away.

As expected of an NPC, they only offered the necessary help, no more than what they were created to do.

She walked to the house as she had been directed and knocked on the door. It was opened by a little boy, one who resembled an elf.

"Who do you want?" He asked in a skittish voice.

"The town chief." She answered.

"Father, someone is looking for you." He shouted and run out of the house.

He left the door wide open, giving Alix a picture of the inside which smelled like the bakery next door. Was he or his wife the baker?

A large bearded man came through a side door and looked at her. "Are you the one looking for me?" He asked.

"Yes." Alix nodded, "I am here to ask about a quest, the one about the canaries specifically."

The town chief smiled, walked to her, leading her outside and he closed the door to his house. Then he said, "Finally, someone is here to help our town. You see our town has always been filled with beautiful music. The family of canaries would sing us a song every morning but one day, mother canary lost her inspiration and she has been in slumber since then. The children of our town are very sad about this, and I have found a music scroll that could wake up mother canary. If you can get the scroll, play or sing the song and wake her up, I will reward you greatly. Will you take on the quest?"

Alix though it sounded pretty easy, just get a scroll and sing or play an instrument. Why not?

"You have no instrument." The system reminded her.

"Can I buy one?" She asked.

"To purchase items you need in game currency which means you need real life money that you do not have. This system has detected that you are poor, with only fifteen thousand in your account. This is why I suggested that you marry the rich Zhang Caishen. With his money, you can buy every instrument, every weapon, every transportation form and more. Do you still wish to purchase an instrument?"

Alix was stumped on how to proceed. Should she spend what was left of her meager savings on a game or borrow money from Zhang Caishen? Holea was already taking care of nanny Luo she could not shamelessly ask for another favor from her.

Giving up on the game was an impossible task as well.

"How much do I need to purchase an instrument?" She asked.

"The cheapest instrument on your funds is one hundred thousand yuan. Remember that this instrument can also be taken out of the game and used in the real world." The system was sharp enough to drop this reminder before she could begin lamenting about the expense.

"I think I will continue the game tomorrow system, I am so tired tonight. It has been a very stressful day, look at how much I am yawning." She closed the game, pausing her quest for now. It did not have a time limit which meant she could freely return at any moment to take it on.

"Suit yourself host but remember that others are already getting ahead of you."

She disconnected from the gaming world because she would need to think about funds. Tomorrow, she promised herself, she would figure it out.

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