
Chapter 2

'Shit,' Jason liked Game of Thrones and even had some favorite characters, but to live there and experience the ass kissing politics and the white walkers was also going to be a problem, not to mention the faith of the seven. So many things were going on all at once, and Jason didn't care for any of it. 

'If I'm born a bastard, I'll just fuck off to Essos and conquer but if I'm born into a powerful house, then I'll just make that house as powerful as I can' he decided. "Very well for my first wish-" His wish was cut off when the voice interrupted. "Change my mind, I'll simply make some up and give them to you, and don't worry, you will do quite well in your new life, and I'll even throw you another wish if you accomplish a small mission for me once you get there," they said. 

'Why bother even telling me to wish for shit if you were just going to switch up on me?' he thought. "Okay, very well, show me my new gifts." 

A white light glowed in front of him, and a piece of paper floated into his hands; When he turned the page, to read it, his eyes widened with disbelief. 

Otherworldly beauty: your beauty surpasses all men and women, giving you an enchanting appearance that hypnotizes people to give you what you want and attracts both females and males. 

'uhh..okay I mean, I'll take what i can get, whatever helps,' he pondered as he read the next one. 

Warrior enhancement: you will have superhuman physical abilities that have no rivals, which will impact your growth as you mature. 

Touch of servitude: You can make anyone your unyielding loyal servant for life once under servitude, they will get an increase in physical and mental abilities, simply touch them and say, 'unyielding servant' (has three uses per month) 

Valyrian hands- will be able to make a Valyrian steel weapon or armor of their choosing simply by thinking of it, or one dragon egg. (Can only do it every six months.)

Healing hand: can heal anyone's from any injury, old or new; simply touch someone and say heal (Can only use this power 10 times per month) 

'I don't know how Westeros calendar works but ok, I'll figure it out, these powers will most likely not only paint a target on my back but also people will want to get close to me and I don't typically like being around a lot of people,' he mused, "So I'll be a Targaryen, then, I presume," he asked. 

"DING DING DING, we have a winner, and because I granted you an extra ability, it will be up to you to bring House Targaryen to full power, and as for your mission, which is to simply entertain me, the reason I picked you was because you were not one to follow rules but also do what needs to be done, now go along now," he laughed. 

The Targaryen's were a powerful family and the ones to unite the seven kingdoms, but their strength came from their dragons, and without them, they were weak, so they settled for allying themselves with other kingdoms for a more secure hold. "In what year will I be born into?" he wondered. 

"Year 262 AC son of Aerys, second of his name and Queen Rhealla, fare well Jason and do enjoy your new life." 

His world went dark as he began his new life. 

He felt pressure all around him as he felt slimy all over, and then a scream could be heard, as muffled voices were heard all around. 

Rhealla had endured and labored for hours on the birthing bed, and the wait was over, as the measter announced. "It's a healthy boy, your grace." the measter looked awestruck as he held her son, Rhealla opened her arms, but the measter was still holding her child with a foolish look on his face. "Bring me my son, Grand Measter" she called firmly, the measter looked up, quickly shuffled over, and handed over her child.

As Rhealla looked down at her child, she marveled at his beauty. He had deep, bright violet eyes that put her in a trance, he had long eyelashes and a beautiful face, on top of his head was a mess of bright golden silver hair. "Oh, my sweet boy, your so beautiful." 

Jason was adjusting his eyes to the new colors around him as he laid eyes on his new mother, or rather, his first real mother since he never knew his first one. She was beautiful and had a gentle face, but she was not weak, Jason was never one for feeling, but he could not help but feel a sense of warmth in his heart as he was enveloped by his mother, and he promised himself that his new family would not suffer under his watch, especially his mother. 

The door swung open as a man with similar features to his mother came in and came over.

Aerys Targayen didn't ask to be king, nor did he ask to marry his sister, but what's done is done, as he walked over to meet his newborn son, he was halted in his steps as he gazed at the child. The child was simply beautiful. 

Aerys himself was a handsome man, and his heir, Rhaegar, was a handsome boy, The Targaryen's were known for their beauty. But what this boy here was something entirely different; he mistook his son for a girl for a moment. "His name shall be Deamon Targaryen, Well done, Rhealla" he said, smiling down at his sister wife, who gave him a tired smile. Then Rhaegar came running in as he shouted for his new sibling,

Rhealla indulged him by letting him see his new brother, and from that moment on, her son would simply stare and smile at his new baby brother.

Heres chapter two, leave any suggestions.

writingoutofbordemcreators' thoughts
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