
How to Be a Parent

Aurelius had to carry Phoebe back home as the girl's adventure at the park had tuckered her out. The constellation struggled to hold her in a comfortable position, the action being new and foreign to him. Phoebe didn't seem to mind his awkwardness simply rubbing her face into his chest as she lulled herself to sleep. 

The constellation felt a sickeningly sweet burst of emotions as he quietly observed the girl's expressions and mannerisms. It was strange how she found comfort in the presence of a being with enough power to unmake reality. Strangely he didn't seem to mind how much the girl was beginning to rely on him. 

The walk home was silent, but it gave the constellation plenty of time to make up his mind on how to treat the girl from now on. He decided that since she had regained her strength it would be a fitting time to start training her. 

Her training would consist of a mixture of strength and stamina exercises and once she had mastered them, she could be trained in the way of physical combat and magic. Aurelius worried that the magic training would be less effective since the planet had yet to be filled with an abundance of magic energy, this would naturally occur before the dismantlement; the first signs before the waves and portal occurred. Even with this caveat it would be an important step to strengthen the girl for the waves, so it was training that had to occur. 

When he arrived home, he gently put the girl in bed ensuring that she was snuggly tucked into bed. He looked around the room, it was sparse and drab, he had put little thought into her room when he first purchased the house but as he looked around, he found it too unsuitable for the girl. The constellation wasn't the largest fan of humans, so he paid little attention to their needs and desires, but he did remember another constellation complaining how he had to modify all their champion's armor because it wasn't "Lolita fashion" (whatever that was) and how human girls cared about cutesy things and appearing cute. Thinking about the moment made him reconsider the style of Phoebe's room and her clothes. None of them were particularly cute and that likely meant that she hated them. 

To apologize for his earlier treatment and to make the girl happy the constellation had decided to use his immense powers to transform the entire room and her wardrobe. With a simple wave of his hand, the room shifted to a cute pastel pink hue, the bedpost grew a large princess-style canopy, and the bedsheets became a light pink and covered with small stuffed animals. The girl's wardrobe was filled with soft sweaters in many hues of pastel pink, pleated skirts, various cute accessories, several dresses covered in lace and frills, and adorable animal-shaped bags and backpacks. All in all, the changes Aurelius made were all soft, cute, and pretty. 

If a normal human parent were to look at his design choices, they likely would have called it excessive and mentioned how he was spoiling the girl. But there was no one around to make this point so Aurelius was very pleased with the transformation. 

With his work done Aurelius left the room and unpossessed the doll returning to his semi-transparent ethereal form. He found the pair of fox servants returned their small statures waiting outside the door. They bowed in respect before one of them made a small collection of books appear out of thin air. 

"My lord we suggest if you are serious about raising the young lady that you take some time to read these books. Many humans have written books on insights on how to raise children. We believe that these will prove to be useful for you." Kiki implored as she handed four books over to the constellation. 

Aurelius looked over the books in his hands with a little hesitation. He didn't like the idea but he acknowledged that he had no idea how to raise the girl so these books would likely be his best bet. Looking at the titles he didn't feel all that confident in the wisdom of humans. 

Harmony in Chaos: A Guide to Navigating Parenthood with Grace. 

Whispers of Wisdom: A Parent's Guide to Raising Extraordinary Humans. 

Positive Discipline 101: Building a Foundation for Well-Behaved and Happy Children. 

The Mindful Parent: Cultivating Calm and Connection in the Chaos of Family Life. 


Aurelius looked slightly exasperated at the glee the pair of fox servants showed. He nodded in acknowledgment before giving the two a task. 

"I need you two to use your magic to create a training ground outside for Phoebe, it needs to have the usual equipment and fixings. Get to it while I read." He commanded. 

The two foxes bowed once more and proceeded to quickly shuffle off to the backyard as Aurelius opened the first book.


It took about three hours for the foxes to finish, with a pop Aurelius felt the magic that had been swirling outside come to a stop, and a new fold in space was created. He closed the book and stored it and the rest of the books in his spatial storage. 

Aurelius had the two create a pocket dimension by folding the space around them for two reasons. The first reason was obvious he needed a place for Phoebe to train that was spacious and private. The second reason was to test a theory that he had come up with recently. 

Due to the taboo barring a constellation interfering in a physical or magical capacity, Aurelius had expected to receive a warning from the council that watches for these problems, but he didn't. He guessed that his kin bond with Phoebe and the summoning of the two fox servants might have been small infractions that could have possibly been missed by the council, but he knew a spell as large and complex to bend space was something that the council would never miss. 

He had been wary the entire time the fox servants worked expecting some form of harsh punishment to befall him but nothing of the sort happened. This was concerning, it led to the constellation coming up with two possibilities for this occurring. 

The barrier that had been keeping him from leaving or sending messages to the star stream was in some way hiding the planet from the council's sight. Or that there was an issue with the council. Aurelius felt that the former was more likely, as a barrier strong enough to keep an ancient constellation trapped must be strong enough to obscure the council's vision. 

Aurelius sighed, this meant that he would have to analyze the barrier in hopes of figuring it out and freeing himself from it. The only problem with this was that Aurelius was a constellation mostly focused and accomplished in martial prowess, he was just average in all things magic and spells that couldn't be used for war and fighting. For the first time in his long life, he missed some of his constellation companions, especially Celestial Weaver. She was especially proficient and accomplished in magical practices, no matter how annoying he found her. 

Aurelius estimated that he would likely take ten years to finish analyzing the barrier. Ten years was nothing to immortal constellations, but it did irk him that he was even in this scenario. He made a silent vow to the star stream that when he found the constellation responsible for this, he would use them as a punching bag for three millenniums. 

Looking at the sky outside of Phoebe's window, it had slowly gotten darker as the moon began to rise, he decided to begin her training the next day as the books told him how important sleep was to a growing child. Aurelius gave a glance over to the sleeping Phoebe, fighting an intense urge to poke her small plump checks. Instead, he took a small red bird stuffed animal from the small pile at the foot of her bed and placed it gently between her arms. The girl mumbled softly as she cuddled the plush pushing her face into its body. Aurelius smiled at the sight before leaving the girl's room.


When Phoebe woke up, she was extremely pleased by the changes in her bedroom. She eagerly and excitedly began showing off the changes to Kiki and Min-Min. Her favorite addition came in all the stuffed animals, she took special care as she showed them off to the foxes. She had lined up the stuffed animals in order of how much she loved them, as she was ranking her favorites, she discovered a small issue when it came time to rank the small red bird plush and a small fox plush. Kiki looked at the girl mischievously as she faked surprise and sadness. 

"My lady does that mean you do not love me and Min-Min as much!" She whimpered. 

Phoebe looked shocked and worried as she rushed forward to Kiki who had begun to fake cry into Min-Min's arms. Min-Min had also begun to mess with a small girl adding to Kiki's act of devastation. Phoebe, in response, took the fox plush and put it in the front of the line trying to explain that she loved foxes the most and that she loved them just as much. 


[The Constellation, Ethereal Avian of Fiery Skies, argues that birds like himself are far superior to foxes!] 

Phoebe's face paled at the message she then quickly changed the rankings placing the red bird in front of the fox plush. This act spurred on the acting of the two foxes as they began to weep louder. Poor Phoebe was flustered as she tried to calm down Kiki and Min-Min as she once again changed the rankings. 


[The Constellation, Ethereal Avian of Fiery Skies, grumbles at the rank change.]

Phoebe wasn't quite sure what to do, she desperately wanted to make both parties happy, but she wasn't sure exactly how to do so. She whimpered slightly picking up the two dolls. 

"I love them both, I can't pick one! Sorry!" Phoebe's whimpers evolve into soft sobs. 

At this, the foxes stopped their act and immediately began to soothe the girl. Aurelius flushed slightly embarrassed at his childish competition. It didn't make sense to him why birds had to win first place in Phoebe's affections, but he didn't want to lose to the foxes. 

"I'm sorry my lady. How about we eat a small treat before we tell you all about the fun training that you will be starting." Min-Min soothed as he slowly led the girl out of the room and into the bathroom. 

Next chapter