
Chapter Thirteen: Prison of Tartarus

Author Note: Once again, I remind everyone to inform me if they ever notice some grammatical errors in this chapter so I can fix it.

I also recommend you all, to begin reading these Author Note's to actually keep up with information about this fic.


Main Character POV:

We all had flown downwards to the deepest depths of the massive ravine; it had been dozens of minutes since we began our flight down. The fact that it had taken THIS long for beings such as us to fly only goes to show how truly deep this ravine was.

At my level I can easily cross billions of light years in a mere instant and zero complications, that's how strong an Ascendant Tier: Heavenly Class being was and I wasn't even trying my best here. The rest of the people in the group had reached this same ballpark of power. 

What surprised me mostly was that even Hestia was on the same Tier, her training with Gaea must have been effective as she was just as strong as his sisters if what I am feeling from her Aura is right.

I looked at each member of the Group going from Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Adamas, Poseidon and Zeus.

It was quite interesting to see that Poseidon's behaviour didn't alter one bit even after the year of training and coming across people like Aphrodite.

As expected from the most prideful god in Record of Ragnarök, so far all of the Greek Brothers had adopted the appearance of their Record of Ragnarök versions with the addition of Hermes, some having the Appearance of their Fate in the case of Demeter and Aphrodite and Saint Seiya versions in the case of Athena and Artemis.

For some like Hera, Hestia, Dionysus, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Gaea, Rhea, Metis and Amaltheia I didn't recognize their figures being from any of the merged universes, oddly enough. But most of those mentioned haven't actively made an appearance on any of those shows.

I mused in my thoughts a bit before something had caught my attention, not just my attention but all of the others too.

"Brace yourselves, we are about to enter the deepest and darkest regions of the Domain of Gaea. The Gate that leads to the Underworld is very close." Hades announced to everyone, as he suddenly increased his speed.

This caused us all to increase our speed promptly as we followed him. We went through a certain pathway that seemed rather chaotic and unpredictable the deeper we go.

I could feel that there are some more chaotic and darker energies lurking about within these depths, as we slowly began to near the exit to Gaea's Domain, I began to feel a similar energy that was more profound yet duller and darker than Gaea.

Eventually however, we managed to reach the end of this ravine, which is proven when we all effectively crashed down and landed on the bottom ground. However, that did not stop us as we stood up right away and looked around us.

"So, this is the gate to the Underworld." Adamas was the one who spoke this time, as he looked very seriously at something in front of us, prompting all of us [Except Hades] to follow his gaze and take a look.

What we saw was a massive Gate that was oozing dreadful, profound and a very unique brand of limitless aura that undoubtedly possessed qualities of the Underworld.

I could feel many different Domains and Energies from this gate such as Souls, Death, Life, Hell, Oblivion, The Afterlife, and so much more.

"How foreboding." Demeter who was close to my side muttered; her eyes narrowed as she gazed at the gate.

Seems like this Gate prompted a reaction from many of those present, as all of them immediately recognized the various auras and energies this Gate had been emanating. Which made some gaze at the Gate in weariness and others gazed at seriously due to the aura of absolute dread coming off from the Gate.

However suddenly our attention switched as a person amongst us started emanating an aura keenly similar to that of the Gate, a power that spoke of the Underworld, the cycle of life and death, the deepest secrets of the underground.

It was Hades who shook his head.

"Do not fret! We are Gods! The Underworld bears beings of our stature no ill will. For it is only considered to be deadly and dangerous for creatures of mortal origin to enter these depths and tread towards the Underworld uninvited." Hades upon noticing the expressions of weary and seriousness upon his siblings had begun to speak.

" The Underworld is not as Hostile as it may appear, not to forget to mention that Tartarus himself had already been informed, thus knowing of all our goals, reasoning and purpose in regard to our visit to the Underworld." Hades spoke in a confident tone to assure everyone, which made several of those present relax at their brother's words.

It seems that everyone except Me, Hades and Poseidon had reacted quite wearily to the underworld.

"Still Elder brother, that Gate has quite the dreadful energy. I can already tell that Tartarus is even stronger than Grandma Gaea." Zeus replied, looking quite analytically at the Gate of the Underworld.

I nodded.

"I agree with Zeus, this energy is not only ancient. But very potent as its reach seemingly extends throughout the entire depth of the ravine itself. If the stench of the Conceptual Energy of the Domains is this strong whilst its outside, who knows how strong it could inside of it." I added my own piece, prompting Hades to nod.

"You both are not wrong; I was able to confirm that fact myself. Out of the Four Primordials of the Sky, Earth, Sea and the Underworld. Tartarus is undoubtedly the strongest especially after considering that many of the minor Primordials such as Nyx and Erebus also live within the Underworld, only surpassed by much more powerful Grecian Primordial's such as Ananke, Aion/ Aeon and especially Lord Chaos himself." Hades explained, as his eyes glazed over the memories of his training under Tartarus.

Interesting, I had forgotten that the Greek Pantheon had so many Primordials, Those Primordials are the reason why the Greek Pantheon is ranked amongst the High Ranked Pantheons, you can consider the Greek pantheon to be the middle of the High Ranked Pantheons even only surpassed by some of the more ancient mythologies such as the Zoroastrian Pantheon who is a massive rival for the Hindu Pantheon.

In my opinion, the Zoroastrian Pantheon itself is massively underrated. As the strongest in this mythology are often compared to the likes of the Abrahamic God. How do I know about this Pantheon? 

When I was in that year long training, I tried digging some information from the system about some Pantheons and Mythologies, one of them was the Zoroastrian Pantheon. Of course, not all of the things about the Pantheons are similar to their Mythologies which makes sense considering the mixture of multiverses involved.

Anyways speaking of the Zoroastrian Pantheon, it's a pantheon that emerged from the Progenitor First Generation Primordial God Zurvan of Ancient Zurvanism Religion which predates Zoroastrianism even.

He who is stated to the be the Primordial Progenitor God of Infinity, Chaos, Time and Space whose existence led to the existence of the Zurvanite -Zoroastrian Divine Realms.

Zoroastrianism only coming into existence through the extensive reverence and worship of Ahura Mazda, thus changing the people's main object of faith from Zurvan to Ahura Mazda as time passed by.

Zurvan had a similar domain as Ophis does, being the God of infinity himself. He had also birthed two other First Generation Primordials such as Ahriman and Ahura Mazda the two beings solely who are stated to be solely responsible for the existence of Evil and Good amongst Mankind and their sole origin.

Zurvan sensing the incoming conflict between his two creations, commanded them to find a solution as their very battle could end up creating an Apocalypse which could end all of existence and creation itself.

Ahura Mazda created Spenta Mainyu as his enforcer of Good and avatar, who inherited the Will and Conceptual Aspect of Goodness, Becoming the Second - Generation Primordial of Good. Ahriman in return, retaliated by creating Angra Mainyu, his own avatar and enforcer of Will.

Angra Mainyu and Spenta Mainyu ended up being created as completely new entities, who carry on the will of their creators. Good and Evil continue to clash in Zoroastrian Myths, as Ahriman also had a son named Azi Dahaka or Zahhak, the Dragon God of Sins, Chaos, Destruction, Apocalypse and Evil. It's stated in the Avesta Religious texts that Azi Dahaka gave rise to Sin amongst Mankind.

In return, Spenta Mainyu created Six new beings known as the Amesha Spenta, who each represent a certain aspect of 'Good' created to stop Azi Dahaka's influence. Thus, creating the Six Third Generation of Primordial Gods who are considered to be the manifestations of 'Ahura Mazda' created by Spenta Mainyu. 

The Amesha Spenta also goes by the name of the 'Gathic Gods' in the Avesta, which make them a special group. The Zoroastrian Gods mostly go under the term and classification of 'Yazata' which is the race they belong to, similarly to the Aesir and Vanir of Norse Mythology.

What's even more interesting is that both the Hindu and Zoroastrian Myths seemingly have connections with each other. Being two of the oldest mythologies out there, makes this quite interesting. As Zoroastrianism, seemingly have their own Trinity Ahura Mazda, Ahriman and Zurvan.

In place of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. However, including Zurvan in that trinity seems a bit unfair considering he is the Strongest in the Pantheon and the Original Progenitor, just like Parabrahman. However, there is Azi Dahaka who is equal to Ahriman and Ahura Mazda.

Moreover, most of the Gods in Zoroastrianism are known to be the good powers under the authority of 'Ahura Mazda' and are considered to be his obedient followers. Then there is the Older Gods in Zoroastrianism which also go by the Name 'Ahura's' which is reminiscent to the Hindu term of demonic beings the 'Asura's'.

The Ahura is a class of divine beings "inherited by Zoroastrianism from the prehistoric Indo-Iranian religion. In the Rig Vedaasura denotes the "older gods," such as the "Father Asura".... Ahura Varuna, and Ahura Mitra, who originally ruled over the primeval undifferentiated Chaos. 

Funnily enough, both Varuna and Mithra who are considered Second Generation Primordial Gods are also deities in Hinduism, albeit with a much lesser role. Then there is the term 'Daeva' which the Zoroastrianism use to refer to the Evil Spirits and enemies of Ahura Mazda and his followers and creations.

Which in Hinduism refers to 'Devas' which are the Gods in the Hindu Pantheon. Through 'Daeva' and 'Ahura' in Zoroastrianism, and 'Deva' and 'Ashura' in Hinduism you can see the connection between the two ancient mythologies and religions. In some texts, the lesser yazata deities were often also regarded as Angels during the spreading of the Abrahamic Faith.

Ahura Mazda was often regarded as the sole creator deity with his angels, and framing Ahriman as a Demon and an evil spirit who is opposing the creator. The more accurate term to describe the 'Daeva's' and 'Ahura's' are the elder gods on the sides of Ahriman being called 'Daeva's' and Evil Spirits. Meanwhile the elder gods in Ahura Mazda's side as 'Ahura's' and Angels.

On other, Zurvan the true progenitor of the pantheon had been mostly forgotten in most cases due to him leaving everything to both Ahriman and Ahura Mazda.

However, in the modern era where I lived, Zoroastrianism had become rather obscure and forgotten. Which is why Ahura Mazda being in Apocalypse of the Gods manga had excited me.

I also remembered feeling excited when I first watched Fate and heard the name 'Angra Mainyu' but was later disappointed to find out that the Angra Mainyu in Fate had NOT been the Zoroastrian God himself.

Then there is Campione, which is an anime that had brought Verethragna, a Yazata God in Ancient Zoroastrian Persian Mythology.

Funnily enough, there had been many powerful mythologies originating in the middle east. Such as Mesopotamian ones such as Babylonian and Sumerian, Semitic ones such as Canaanite and Arabian Mythology, Turkish, Zoroastrainism and other Persian Myths and even the Abrahamic Religion.

Kind of insane to think so many of them came from this area of land and continued to contest for the dominance in the region. However, most of them were forgotten with the Dominance of the Abrahamic Faiths and their continuous spread. 

Even reaching the Mythologies close to them such as Egyptian, Greek, Roman and even Hinduism, that's how powerful the influence of Judaism, Christianity and Islamic religions had been.

' Oh god, I have gone off topic with this long monologue, haven't I?' I said as I shook my head off these thoughts and thanked god for my Apotheosis Intelligence and Divine mind processing which made me think without much time passing in the outside world.

As such I immediately put those thoughts aside and focused back to the situation at hand in time to hear someone speaking.

"I see, stronger than Grandma. There is so many things we don't know yet it seems." Hera who I suddenly noticed was next to me spoke with her arms crossed with a finger on her chin with her eyes narrowed as she looked at the ground.

I agreed with Hera, this world was vast and full to the brim with all kinds of Mythologies and beings. Even more so with verses such as the ones used as components for this world, it was far beyond the idea of understanding in just a mere instance.

I wouldn't want to go to pantheons like the Zoroastrian Pantheon, who on rare occasions with a few rare other pantheons have the capacity to boast that they have the largest number of Primordial Gods amongst the Pantheons.

Not that the Greek Pantheon is lacking in Primordials, but when it comes to Conceptual Tier: Arch Protogenoi, know that even in this rank not all beings are equal, this alone speaks volumes.

Which is scary since everyone in this rank is a Hyperversal Level entity, this is also the Tier of beings like Azatoth, Chaos, Ananke, Ginnungagap, Yggdrasil, Zurvan, Ahura Mazda and Ahriman sit in along with many other powerful mythological beings. 

"That is what I thought too, which is why I tried to learn as much as I could during my time with Tartarus." Hades replied with a nod.

That was undoubtedly a great move on Hades's part, something that was expected from someone of his great mind.

"Whilst that's good and all, II would even say it is to be expected. I also believe it's time to get a move on, we can't stay here all day." I decided to speak and point at the gate.

"Agreed, we don't have much time to be dawdling about. Let's get moving, make sure to follow my steps and direction. The Underworld can be confusing sometimes, as nothing inside every stay the same that's how the underworld is, chaotic and mysterious." Hades seemingly agreed with my statement and turned around as he walked towards the Gate, prompting everyone to get ready.

Hades started to unleash some of his inner conceptual aspect energies and seemingly focused on the gate.

We all stood watching with bated breath as the Gate to the Underworld seemingly shook, before slowly opening...

As this was happening, the influx of conceptual energy from the Gate had gotten even more potent than it had been before as its aura shook the entirety of the ravines, making us brace ourselves.

As the Gate opened more and more, we began to see...

Darkness? Yes, there was nothing but a black empty darkness beyond the Gate. I wanted to observe he gate more but Hades started walking towards the Gate and made a hand gesture towards us to follow him.

We looked at each other before nodding and following him. Adamas and Hestia were right behind Hades, and were followed by Zeus and Poseidon, both of whom looked serious. 

A hand grabbed my shoulder.

"What are you doing? This is no time to be monologuing let's go, they are leaving." Hera quickly spoke as she was behind me with Demeter who was looking at the Gate.

I nodded apologetically and began to walk behind the rest with Hera and Demeter.

As we neared the Gate, I saw Hades enter inside with his figure distorting as a ripple echoed through the Gate, with the rest of us following him inside.

Soon it was my turn, with my companions next to me. I braced myself, not knowing what to expect and entered.

I suddenly felt as if reality shifted as my entire being was being immediately absorbed into the Gate.


Location: The Greek Pantheon Cosmology, The Divine Realm of the Greek Underworld.

Date: 4.49 billion BCE+

Dimension: The Infinite Multiverse's Neutral Zone, specifically The Astral Plane.

Timeline: During the beginning and emergence of the Age of the Gods on Earth, period of the Middle Pantheon Formation.


Third Person POV:

Deep in the chaos of the Underworld, in the most desolate regions within the darkness. A massive wormhole of Chaos and Darkness was seen in the epicentre of a Lake made out of pure conceptual energy of Death and Darkness.

Suddenly several figures started to emerge from the Wormhole, behind sent outside of the Lake and into the Underworld.

Their figures immediately were thrown into the unknown, however they all seemingly stopped themselves before their bodies could impact anything and looked around at the area they were in before they looked at each other.


Main Character Person POV:

As soon as everything around me shifted and my being was absorbed by the Gate, I was startled at first but soon enough I saw how the very principles and conceptual aspects of the dimension changed, further showcasing that I was leaving the Heavenly Realms of the Greek Pantheon and entering a completely different Realm.

As we entered this new dimension, I quickly felt my body being sent hurling outside of the Gate and sent hurling into the air alongside the others.

However, we all stopped ourselves before we could land anywhere and stood in the air. I turned behind to see if Demeter or Hera came out safely, which they were to thankfully do and saw them look around at the area analytically.

I also turned my gaze to the area, looking around at the Underworld. I was immediately in complete awe as I gazed at the mythical realm.

'This place really lives up to its name, I never expected the underworld to be like this.' I spoke as I saw the world around me, analysing and taking in as much as I could.

[ The Image of the Underworld's Appearance.]

The sky was dark purple, with black clouds formed by the conceptual aspects of the realm that floods the entire realm. I could feel it, the conceptual aspects of this place were completely different from the conceptual aspects in the Domain of Gaea.

Unlike the realm of the Heavenly Greek Land and Earth which was full of life and calming energy. The Underworld was the complete and utter opposite, this place reeked of death and absolute chaos, the energies that dwelled within this realm were completely out of order. 

I can see the untamed conceptual energies clashing as unnatural anomalies occurred within the underworld, the clouds rained blood, black and purple thunder filled with the conceptual aspect of chaos echoed through the skies of the underworld, fogs that reeked of the conceptual aspect of death hovered around the realm. 

This realm was completely apocalyptic, no place where any mortal creatures could thrive and was completely filled with all kinds of dreadful energy in every place you looked. You could feel how poorly looked after this realm looked as it lacked a proper ruler to organize it.

This whole place was completely untamed, unorganized and foreign compared to most other Greek realms. None of the energies in this realm seem to be in coordination as the Greek Hell was barely being held together, completely shrouded in chaos and continued to inflict a constant air of dread and gloom in the place. It's very presence seemingly promising to shower any person that dwells here with doom.

I saw how Hestia, Hera, Demeter seemed rather disturbed by all of the things in this realm seemingly disgusted. Meanwhile Poseidon was keenly observing his surroundings, his eyes scanning everything. Adamas and Zeus looked uncomfortable at what they were seeing.

Hades seemed neutral, having already seen this before. Soon enough, uncertainty and hesitation rang through the tense atmosphere as everyone's gaze seemingly fixed on each other [Except Poseidon and Hades].

"Brother, is this really the right way? I heard rumours about the Underworld, but I didn't think it was this bad." Hestia asked Hades, seemingly concerned as she gazed at her surroundings.

"I concur, this place seems absolutely chaotic and dreadfully dangerous, is it really safe for us to cross this place?" Adamas asked uncertainly as he looked at Hades.

"I know what you are all thinking, and yes. I am afraid this is indeed the Underworld, the realm of the dead. The reason why the Underworld looks like this is due to the lack of a proper ruler to help balance, order and add proper laws to help fix the current status of the Underworld. Which is why Tartarus was seeking a proper ruler for the Greek Underworld for so long." Hades explained, with everyone's attention on him.

"That does make sense. It also gives more reason for us to overthrow the titans, their rule over the Four Main Greek Divine Realms is simply inadequate and mediocre at best. To leave the Underworld in such a state." I spoke, looking through the realm.

"I agree with you dear; this is really unacceptable." Demeter added as she grabbed and held my prompting Hera to look at Demeter unamused.

'How awkward.' I inwardly thought not knowing what to do here, having two women flirt with you makes things complicated as accepting any of them would leave the other heartbroken.

 After spending a year with the two of them, I really grew fond towards the both of them. Not to mention the fact that they were both otherworldly in terms of beauty which can make anyone freeze in awe when looking at them. I sighed at that before looking at Hades who once again began to speak.

This made me silently thank him for making everyone focus on him again, and successfully altering the path where the conversation was going to lead to.

"Indeed, the Underworld had been neglected for a very long time. Quite the infuriating act this is, which is why I had taken the mantle up myself; it was bound to have happen sooner or later due to my Conceptual Aspects being completely suitable for the Underworld. To think that they have defiled this realm to such a degree, the sheer lack of organization and proper ruling is sickening." Hades began seriously as he gazed at the Underworld.

"However, I was able to find out many interesting aspects upon further observation and inspection. Which brought me to accepting the throne, I had to go through many procedures with Tartarus which admittedly took quite a bit of our training time during the first initial months I had spent here." Hades concluded before changing his gaze and looking at everyone seriously with narrowed eyes

"If you desire to, I could inform you more about the specifics regarding my findings and discoveries of the Underworld on a much later date. For now, however I would like to remind you all that we did come here on an important task to fulfil." Hades spoke, reminding everyone why we came here.

"Hohohoho, dear elder brother. All you need to do is lead the way, I am also tired of all this talking, I believe it is time we go save those uncles of ours." Zeus laughed before joyfully replying, seemingly ready.

I nodded at those words.

"Very well then, I will go over the location. Our uncles are locked in a prison located in the deeper and more chaotic regions of the Underworld, the second level of the Underworld otherwise known as the Nether Regions or the Netherworld, where Tartarus lives." Hades began his explanation.

"Inside the Netherworld there is a Prison created by Tartarus that houses absolute security which prevents exit, which is guarded by many monsters and ungodly creatures that were appointed when Ouranos imprisoned the Hecatoncheires and Cyclops." Hades ended his explanation.

"The Netherworld? It seems that the Underworld has its own network of dimensions and connections with alternative regions. The Aquatic and Atlantean Realms are also quite similar in this regard." Poseidon who had been silent for a long time spoke calculatedly in his usual demeanour, with crossed arms.

Hades nodded and spoke after a long silence.

"Indeed, luckily however the barriers between the Underworld and the Nether Regions can be accessed through simple means. I will explain more on the way, now make sure to follow my steps carefully if you step out a bit further you can easily get lost, the abyssal chaotic nature of the Underworld makes it so that any unaware and unfortunate soul that walks into those regions get lost quite easily as they lose perception of what is around them." Hades spoke as he began to fly and gestures for us to follow him.

We followed and immediately crossed several areas across the various regions of the Underworld.

"So, you're saying that the Underworld is not only interchangeable but also wields and possesses the characteristics of deluding a soul or one's mind by changing their perception of reality?" Hera who was flying next to me on my right, asked Hades at the front.

"That is correct sister, the Underworld in nature usually plays with the minds of the unsuspecting. However, this is only to beings of mortal origin. For us Gods, the Underworld isn't that dangerous to us. As we have the dominion over many conceptual aspects of reality and can often be considered conceptual incarnations given form. However, we can get lost if we do stray and walk these lands without proper caution." Hades answered as he led the way as we passed several regions down below.

"The planes that could actually threaten a divine being within the Underworld can only be counted on two hands as our divine bodies and souls grants us protection against many things that could easily kill mortal entities in an instant. So, whilst they do exist unless you actively try to reach them the chances of finding such planes are quite slim. One such place, however, is the Netherworld which is our current destination." Hades explained, prompting Hera to nod in understanding.

"What makes the Netherworld so dangerous?" Demeter asked this time, who was flying on my left.

"I had also been meaning to ask that question." Adamas added, seemingly curious himself as he was currently flying next to hades.

Hades chuckled before answering his siblings.

"The Netherworld has the unique characteristics of rendering any influence of any Domain that exists outside of the Underworld limited. Meaning that any Divine Being who has no connection to the Underworld will be quite weakened and have a limited amount of power, all whilst boosting the creatures and beings of the Underworld to high degrees." Hades began with a small smirk.

"Wait does that mean, you will get stronger being in the Netherworld and Underworld respectively whilst the rest of us are weakened?" Zeus suddenly asked, shocked by this revelation upon realizing the implications.

This got everyone's attention on Hades.

Hades laughed at this question after hearing it.

"Well, I must congratulate you for figuring that part out brother. I didn't think you were that observant. Indeed, my power does increase in the Underworld due to my connections with many Conceptual Aspects that connect to it, I even go as far to say that I even have an endless reservoir of authority and control of the Conceptual Energy whilst being here." Hades revealed with a chuckle.

Hades's comment about him only made Zeus grumble as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

" Is that so? So, I wasn't wrong in saying that it is similar to the Atlantean and Aquatic Realms. I had also felt a similar experience during my stay inside those realms." Poseidon spoke in his usual indifferent apathetic tone; however, he was seemingly interested in this topic to grant a reply.

" That is quite interesting, I wonder what other similarities those two realms have?" Hera asked, seemingly intrigued.

" Well, when it comes to the Netherworld, there is another characteristic that renders it dangerous. Gods from outside the Netherworld who don't have Domains that connect them here, do not recover their Conceptual Energy as easily as the ones with it due to the weakening of the link between them and their Conceptual Aspect. This also affects your Concept-Reliant Immortality making it much slower than Normal." Hades said, making everyone grow nervous at this fact.

" This is even worse for foreigner beings who are not of Greek Origin, as they have absolutely zero connections to any of the Greek Realms." Hades added, looking at me.

This piece of information was quite nerve-wracking in its own right too, I couldn't help but wonder what I have gotten myself into.

Fighting Greek Beings in their own Realm? It's like fighting a fully equipped man with all kinds of firearms, weapons and experience in World War 2 whilst being completely unarmed, unexperienced and completely unprotected. This is really bound to bite me in the ass eventually, God forbid.

It's not just the Greek Pantheon, I am pretty much at a disadvantage fighting anyone from any mythology in their own divine realm.

I looked at my hand, wondering how bad the aftereffects would be. I was not feeling anything at the moment due to the fact that I was not trying to use any of my Domains and Conceptual Energies.

Another thing, is why hadn't I felt anything whilst in the Domain of Gaea? Is it because Gaea herself? Questions for later I suppose.

" This is why Ouranos and Kronos use the deepest parts of the Netherworld as the perfect stage for imprisonment. There are other unique areas in the Underworld, such as the realm of the Elysian Fields and the Realm of Hellfire. Which makes it dangerous for most beings except me. For me, as a God of the Underworld. I thrive within this realm, so I have zero need for worry. " Hades continued his explanation.

" However, there is no need to fret about the dangers of the Netherworld, as whilst the Netherworld is indeed dangerous, the more powerful you are the less strict the influence of the Netherworld is." Hades began after a short pause.

" Which is usually at the Ascendant Tier and above, so I felt the need to bring it up we only recently entered that level through our training, not to mention that it only decreases its influence by a certain percentage depending on your power, so you are still limited to the Netherworld's influence on some varied degree." Hades explained.

" Besides, the most dangerous effects often comes when the Netherworld's Conceptual Prison deems you an offender or a prisoner, The Chains and the Prison that bind the dwellers of the Nether is very dangerous." Hades concluded his story as he continued to lead the way.

After the conversation concluded, leaving everyone thoughtful about those words. The atmosphere had once more descended in a comfortable silence as we travelled by flight across the countless regions below, drawing nearer and nearer towards our destination.

The rest of the trip was spent in silent contemplation, as no one uttered another word.

~ Time Skip~

We had just crossed the barriers between the Underworld and the Netherworld a couple of minutes ago and were currently on our way to the Tartarus Prison in the Nether Regions. Upon our arrival, all of us except Hades felt a visible strain that prevented our bodies from fully utilizing the full extent of our Conceptual Domains.

Hades had also explained that the Underworld had similar effects but on a MUCH lesser scale, as opposed to the Netherworld which was dangerous to even gods.

At first it was rather uncomfortable feeling myself being somewhat limited, but I grew accustomed to it but then I had an idea... What would happen if I trained in such a realm? The possibilities are endless!

I shook my head, as my inner Saiyan was speaking. We are on a timetable here; So, I couldn't afford to think about such matters.

Going back to the main topic, it's quite a frightening thought to think that even though everyone in our group is an Ascendant Tier, which is basically the Tier for the High Rank Gods of this world was this restrained in the Netherworld.

Then how fucking restrained must the lesser Tiers be? Thank fucking god I was not brought to the Greek Pantheon Realm as a regular human, otherwise I would have been absolutely fucked.

I sighed as this whole trip to the Netherworld from the Underworld had taken an hour by now, The Underworld was freaking massive.

I could cross billions of light years in a nanosecond, yet it had taken me an HOUR to reach the Netherworld. That's really fucking crazy, it seems like the Divine Realms of all the Mythologies are really infinite as they were endless.

Granted none of us were really using our full maximum speed, nor were we using our True Ascension Divine Form or any ability except mere flight but still, that was a lot of time.

We are able to find the secret Gate to the Netherworld through a specific route above a floating celestial object that seemed the Underworld version of the Sun, which was located in the reverse dimension of the Underworld which was an even more chaotic version of the underworld which was flipped over upside down.

It was quite an experience to go through, the Underworld was quite fascinating. 

I chuckled to myself.

"What are you laughing about?" Hera asked curiously as she looked at me as we were flying.

"Nothing, just reminiscing the several moments we spent in the Underworld. What an interesting place, quite suitable for training I must add." I replied with a louder laugh.

"Of course that's what he thinks about after witnessing all that." Demeter responded in a flat tone. However, she had a small smile as she was amused at my antics.

Our conversation drew everyone's attention, however as some of them grew interested.

"Ohohohoho, that is quite an idea! Training in the Netherworld? That's genius, why haven't I thought of that? The results that the prospects of such a training would bring is quite beneficial." Zeus laughed at his own words, nodding to himself.

Adamas chuckled seemingly liking this idea.

"Don't forget to count me in too, as if I would let you both get ahead of me and stand by as you two get stronger." Adamas challengingly added.

 "Whilst I appreciate your enthusiasm you three, the Netherworld is not some place you can just enter willy nilly and take advantage of for some measly training. Tartarus obviously won't be happy about someone doing something like that in a realm intended to make anyone who enter it experience complete dread and suffering." Hades spoke with a chuckle, shaking his head.

"Sheesh, what a spoilsport." Zeus muttered, prompting Hades to roll his eyes.

I chuckled as we continued flying.

"I believe that we are nearing our destination." Poseidon suddenly broke the comfortable atmosphere and made us all serious, as he was looking at the horizon with an analytical look.

Hades nodded.

"That is correct, only a few moments away from reaching the conceptual prison of Tartarus." Hades spoke this time serious as he focused his attention on the Horizon.

Everyone seemingly braced themselves as we drew closer and closer to which eventually, revealed itself as the massive fog of the netherworld that reeked of death in absolute chaos had cleared and revealed what's ahead.

A massive structure that seemed infinite in size, was in front. It was an unholy castle which so far had the most dreadful energy out of everything we had seen in this realm.

"How frightening." Hestia spoke, she looked completely weary as she gazed at the structure.

"That is the Prison of Tartarus, the most desolate, chaotic and guarded prison in all of our Pantheon as its located in a very isolated region within the Netherworld which is surrounded by an ungodly fog. The warden of that prison is Kampe, one of the Higher ranked monsters within the Underworld." Hades explained to us.

Eventually we arrived in front of the massive seemingly infinite sized castle, we landed in front of the gate. Which to our surprise opened as a massive army of monsters appeared before us, flooding the entrance.

Each monster was easily tens of meters in size and above, they all seemed like mythical beasts with several heads and deformed indescribable appearances.

Suddenly a massive tremor shook the ground below as we looked behind and saw a massive hundred meters tall creature with dozens of heads and eyes speak.

"Intruders, how dare you tread those lands! I am Kampe, the Warden and Goddess of the Prison of Tartarus, I felt your presence the moment you stepped into my territory, speak your business at once!" The newly named Kampe spoke, Hera's face twisted in disgust.

I couldn't blame her as Kampe had a disgustingly horrific appearance. A thousand crawlers from her viperish feet, spitting poison afar, were fanning Enyo to a flame, a mass of misshapen coils.

What could be seen around her neck was completely flowered and unorthodox as she had fifty various heads of wild beasts, all of them varying as there were lion heads that seemingly roared with expressions that were like the grim face of the riddling Sphinx; others were spluttering foam from the tusks of wild boars which was really unsettling. Her countenance and entire stature were based off the very image of Scylla with a marshalled regiment of thronging dog's heads.

She seemed double shaped even, as she appeared a woman to the middle of her body, with clusters of poison-spitting serpents for hair. Her giant form, from the chest to the parting-point of the thighs, was covered all over with a bastard shape of hard sea-monsters' scales.

The claws of her wide-scattering hands were curved like a crook talon sickle ready to slice anything that dare come her way. All the way from her neck over her terrible shoulders, with her tail raised very high over her throat, her tail was akin to a scorpion with an icy sting, however even more unsettling was the sharp-whetted, seemingly crawled appearance as it was even coiling upon itself.

Such was manifold shaped Campe, as she rose writhing and flew roaming the earth and the skies above, and the briny deep of the Underworld itself, what could be seen behind her was a pair of a flapping dusky wings, rousing tempests and arming gales, what unsettled me was her eyelids as a flickering flame could be seen which belched out far-travelling sparks.

She was a Nymph of Tartarus.

As we all took in her absolutely disgusting appearance, one thought crossed my mind. This atrocity needed to be killed and exterminated right away.

One of us seemingly moved, completely unamused by this turn of events. As everything around, seemingly shook at his mere presence, he immediately sprang into action as he used his Conceptual Aspect Domains.

The Netherworld seemingly became more chaotic after this change.

"Foolish imperfect creature, you dare reveal yourself in such a disgusting manner before me? You have the gall to call yourself a Goddess? Know your place worm." Poseidon spoke using divine words, not even giving the creature a single glance as he immediately arrived in front of it and lifted a hand and without her seeing anything she was completely pierced, and half of her body was destroyed.

Kampe roared in pain as she was completely blown by the impact and thrown off.

" HOW DARE YOU! MY CHILDREN, ATTACK!" She ordered as she glared at Poseidon as her body trembled and shook in pain, she begun trying to heal herself.

Right as that happened, the horde of monsters attacked. However, unfortunately for the poor creatures. 

Immediately as they charged, they were completely annihilated as Zeus and Adamas alone had bothered to even do anything. They were annihilated in an instant.

"N-No way.... My children." Kampe spoke as she cried at the loss of her children, her wounds failing to heal as Poseidon had used an Authority in that attack that prevented her from healing.

"Begone, disgusting trash." Poseidon uttered, completely annihilating her in an instant as her body exploded and imploded in on itself, even going as far as destroying her soul as he turned away never even bothering to ever glance or look at Kampe.

I sighed; this was an expected outcome. All these monsters couldn't even match a Minor God let alone us. Kampe was the only one who could have possibly stood any chance as she was on par with a Low Rank God, she was in the Cosmic Tier: Divine Class.

But all of us were easily Ascendant Tier: Heavenly Class, so she was doomed considering that we were TWO TIERS above her.

"They actually appointed these chumps as Guards and Warden for the most dangerous prison in our Pantheon. Are you fucking serious?" Adamas muttered in absolute disappointment.

"It is quite disappointing; you would think that the warden and the guards would prove to be somewhat of an obstacle, couldn't they make some Titan act as Warden?" Zeus added completely displeased. 

Hades also shook his head in disappointment.

"How incompetent, to think they would neglect the Underworld to such a degree." Hades sighed.

I sighed too equally disappointed, before hearing Demeter speak.

"That creature was very disgusting; you did a good job Poseidon." Demeter spoke with a grateful nod towards Poseidon, who remained silent but gave a slight nod surprisingly enough. 

"As disappointing as that was, we should get a move on." I spoke pointing at the Gate that led to the inside of the castle to which everyone nodded.

Seeing as to how we dealt with the warden and the prisoners, there should be no one left to guard the Hecatoncheires and Cyclops.

We started walking towards the entrance of the prison.


The End.

Author Note: Chapter completed, like usual let me know if you see any grammatical errors or any sort of misarranged paragraph and I will fix it right away. Soon things are about to get quite interesting, there is also going to be a nice, unexpected turn of events bound to happen eventually. I can't wait to see your reaction to that twist.

The Titanomachy will be much different than what you think, that's all I will say for now.

I also brought up the Zoroastrian Pantheon and some of the lore behind the Mythology because I thought it was too underrated. No joking, Zoroastrianism is definitely one of my favourite mythologies. The Gods in this Pantheon are very powerful and are going to eventually show up sooner or later, you can be sure of that.

One of the top ranked pantheons in this world. Speaking of top ranked, do you guys want a list of High Ranked, Middle Ranked and Low Ranked Pantheons so you know where each mythology stands? I can do that if you guys want me to, but it may take quite a while to properly do.

Also, now that I have fully decided the four pairings. I am going to inform you that I am still considering whether to make it six or four. It's really a hard choice, considering how indecisive I can be. 

Speaking of pairing, I am going to try to add more romance scenes as the story goes on. I haven't written romance before so bear with me. I am trying to make it as realistic as possible without any out of step development.

Like I previously stated this is the current official pairing:

1. Hera

2. Demeter




Yup still leaving the other two as a mystery. 

Hint: No more Greek Pantheon Goddesses.

Still deciding if there will be a fifth or sixth or not, nothing confirmed yet. 

Anyways good day to you all, this chapter took longer than I expected I was actually planning to release two chapters together, but something came up unfortunately so I couldn't do that. 

Next chapter