
Chapter Ten: What is True Ascension?

Author Note: Please notify and inform me when you see or notice any grammatical errors, thank you. I also changed a bit of the Power Class System after some more consideration about certain things.

Here is a fun question for you all: Have you all been reading the Record of Ragnarök Apocalypse of the Gods Side Manga?

I have seen the new chapter leaks and its certainly living up to the hype.

After some careful consideration, I have risen up the power level of certain beings such as Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma.

So, I edited a few chapters, let me see if you see anyplace that needs to be edited.



Location: The Greek Pantheon Cosmology, The Divine Realm of the Greek Heaven.

Date: 4.49 billion BCE+

Dimension: The Infinite Multiverse's Neutral Zone, specifically The Astral Plane.

Timeline: During the beginning and emergence of the Age of the Gods on Earth, period of the Middle Pantheon Formation.


Main Character Point of View:

Ever since from that day onward, both Demeter and Hera have been acting quite weirdly, as ever since that day Demeter and Hera have been more provocative in their actions towards me and not shying from physical contact and grabbing my arm out of nowhere, they also seemed to be acting quite competitively against each other I can also sometimes see the tense atmosphere when I try to compliment or have a conversation with both of them.

It was really awkward and weird; I wish I had an idea on what was going on. For some reason, Demeter had also gotten a tad bit possessive and often clung to my arm and stared very intently at Hera when she got too close, she keeps giving me these dangerous yandere vibes.

Hera on the other hand, acted somewhat sweet. Too sweet even, it's like she keeps trying to get me to praise and compliment her and then give Demeter the smug treatment. Those two really had a complete personality switch for some reason, they also always seemed to bring my name up in their now usual arguments.

I sighed at this weird situation, why do I feel like I am missing something?

I sighed once more as I shook my head from these thoughts. Moving on from that, let's discuss the results of our training. After that day, we upped the intensity of our training, and I benefited very greatly from it.

It's been 3 months since they first showed me their True Ascension Divine Form, which means it's been around about 11 months since we left for this training trip, during my training with Hera and Demeter who reluctantly used their True Ascension Against me.

It was as expected, they were too strong even for my Super Saiyan Form the sheer gap in power was too large, they had grown even more than thousands of times stronger thanks to the True Ascension Divine Form.

Another fact is that I wasn't the only one getting stronger from training as they kept growing stronger too which meant the gap remained stagnant without shortening or widening particularly. 

I tried to abuse my perks as a Saiyan quite a lot at first, making me increase my power at an alarming rate. However, it seemingly started waning after my instincts had gotten used to Hera and Demeter's True Ascension Form and absolutely dread-inducing aura that felt far stronger than everything I had felt and due to the lack of true danger of death and risk of deadly injuries.

Although the power they had was VASTLY superior to my own in their True Ascension form even whilst my use of the Saiyan transformations such as Ikari and Super Saiyan, heck even if I were to attain Super Saiyan 2 or 3 it would not be enough to shorten the gap in power.

However, I recently tried to use the Super Saiyan God Form seeing as to how I am literally a Saiyan God and all that. But unfortunately, I had been unsuccessful in all attempts so far.

Until I had a realization and figured out the possibility, WHAT IF my 'True Ascension' Form is the Super Saiyan God form after all? What if the reason I couldn't access the Saiyan God state despite being a Saiyan God is due to it being something strictly available only as a 'True Ascension' state?

Knowing the inner workings of the system, it wouldn't make me surprised if it tweaked things to turn out that way. Changing the way Saiyan Transformation works and fitting it to the system as a means to repair a 'Glitch' or 'Bug', especially when you consider the fact that Super Saiyan God is literally the Saiyan Version of a True Divine Form.

As a matter of fact, I would even go as far as say that it would make sense considering that so far, all my attempts in using God Ki and Divine Energies to envelop my form and using what I know from the anime and manga. However, even with all these steps and process. 

So, it is not just what MAKES SENSE, it's the ONLY possible explanation as to why I am not able to go Super Saiyan God as of yet. Otherwise, I would complain quite loudly if they somehow rigged my Saiyan Biology and the nature of Saiyan Transformations.

To be fair the transformation process explanations for the Godly Saiyan Forms have been rather vague, I tried all the things such as containing all my Ki and raw energy within my body using the most potent method using complete focus and concentration alongside other methods.

However, the result did not change no matter how hard I tried.

If that's the case, then what would happen if I tried to add my Super Saiyan Forms on top of it? I need to obtain the 'True Ascension' form first to know....

 As you would expect, we all managed to increase our current base power to vastly greater heights. We even achieved our goals of reaching the next tier.

Here is what my current Properties Status Page would look like.



True Name: Nocyr Aglaed

Aliases: None

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Saiyan, Archetype: Divine

Classification: Outer God

Tier: Ascendant Tier: Heavenly Class

Origin: Outer Dimension, Prime Multiverse

Source: Planet Vegeta, Planet Sadala

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hidden Attribute: Heaven, Beast

Class: Foreigner Class

Power Level: 4.2 undecillion


It's not bad at all, especially considering that I am undoubtedly a High Ranked God now, I would say these past 11 months had not been a waste whatsoever. I was able to grow so fast thanks to my Saiyan Genetics and this system alongside with my Divinity mixing very well together.

Not mention the sheer intensity during my training with Hera and Demeter, whom both are not far behind in current base power due to how much they trained and the experience they were able to gain was quite useful for them.

Hera and Demeter also managed to effectively adapt and master their True Ascension Forms, which somehow made their True Ascension form grow continuously in strength as they trained more.

That's how strong this True Ascension Form is, we were able to learn that the more you use and train with it the stronger it becomes. Which really made me wonder even more about my own 'True Ascension' Form, I looked upwards and saw them clashing far in the distance which became quite common after that day.

I went back to my Meditation.

I am really close, I managed to figure a lot of things out with some help with Demeter and Hera. Who had some very good knack for comprehending Domains, I continuously delved into my subconscious each day and tried to get attuned and sync with my Domains.

Which was quite rough and a frankly very long process. Thanks to that however, I was able to improve my power level even more drastically due to the intense mental training I put myself through. I was contacting the very 'Will' and 'Consciousness' of my Domains and trying my best to merge them with my verse essence, my Divine Core and align all my Domains together.

The first of the Domains that gave me the most trouble, my energy Domain was the first to sync with me. With it I was able to finally understand the true essence, meaning and definition behind the Conceptual Aspect Domain of Energy.

I was able to see the Threads of Origin of every type of Energy within the vast confines of the Greek Heavenly Realm and see the threads that connects everything with the Root, The Origin of Supernatural Energy itself.

Then there is the 'The Great Beyond', which was surprisingly not difficult due to the immense amount of information I have about my source of Origin and the Outer Planes and the realms beyond. It was also surprisingly accepting of me, which is probably due to my freakishly alien nature to the Inner Plane.

Even the system was flabbergasted at first due to not knowing how to classify me, so it was not all that hard as opposed to what came next.

Next came the Null and Nothingness Domains, which were quite a twister. I don't even know where to start, trying to comprehend and align myself and become one with those Conceptual Aspects was even more trouble than it is worth.

It took a painfully long time, as 'Null' and 'Nothingness' are the most complex amongst all the abstract concepts. Let us begin with the Conceptual Aspect of Nothingness.

When I first got this Domain, I first believes that it refers to just Emptiness and Lack of Matter as a concept. But as I delved deeper, I came to realize that Nothingness was in actuality infinite, as 'Nothingness' continues to exist everywhere whilst not existing at the same time.

Which makes Nothingness a very complicated Domain to understand, as the system pointed out before 'Nothingness' is not to turn 'Something' into 'Nothing' as that is what my 'Null' Domain does, but 'Nothingness' is to completely be 'Nothingness' in its purest state.

'Nothingness' in simpler terms, is the complete of opposite of 'Everything'. Which is funny to think about when you realize that I am the complete opposite of the Abrahamic God who was confirmed to have a Conceptual Aspect Domain of 'Everything'.

At first, I thought this Domain wasn't going to cooperate considering that it looked at me before when I delved deep into my subconsciousness. However, I realized how stupid that was of me considering that I had this Domain at such a high rank from the beginning, which means I had a very high affinity as the system had pointed out before.

After I finally began to understand what true 'Nothingness' is, the rest began to come easily as I felt the will of this Conceptual Aspect nudge closer and closer to me. I was eventually able to sync with it through pure effort and hard work.

I was able to finally comprehend the true meaning, of what it is to be nothing, turn into nothing and stay nothing. Nothingness is the absolute denial of everything, as it refuses to acknowledge the very 'Concept' of 'Something' possibly existing, thus the rule where Existence is Impossible and not Allowed.

It is the Eternal Emptiness that never began, nor will it ever end. The absolute absence of creation, matter and everything in between. Compared to the Null which turns everything into 'Nothingness'. What the 'Nothingness' does is restructure the world to change it so that 'Something' didn't even come to exist in the first place to begin with.

That is the true meaning of Nothingness, to be, stay, remain as the absence of everything and personify absolute nothingness.

It really an absolute heartache of a Conceptual Aspect to understand.

Then moving on to the Conceptual Aspect Domain that gave me the most trouble out of all the previous ones, which so happens to be the 'Null' which in simpler terms links and refers to broader tree of concepts such as 'Anti-Matter', 'Negation', 'Nullification' and 'Resetting'.

Then there is 'Rejection' and 'Acceptation', which makes this very complex and particularly compact Conceptual Aspect of Reality very different from all my other Domains.

Like implied before, the Null focuses in the 'Negative and Positive Change' aspect of reality. It denies and accepts conclusions which give it the ability to edit them and resets everything into Zero, which is different from Nothingness as the very concept of 'Zero' does not exist in 'Nothingness' itself as it is considered to be a numerical concept which the 'Nothingness' does not accept nor allow.

I was close to understanding the Null, most of my recent meditations in my inner subconscious plane had been around the Conceptual Aspect of the Null. So far from what I understand, Null is completely neutral unlike 'Nothingness' who absolutely despises 'Everything' and would never work alongside it.

However, it also seems that 'Null' and 'Nothingness' are very compatible Conceptual Aspects, seeing as to how their 'Wills' seem to respect each other.

I snapped my eyes open from meditating as I looked at my hands excitedly as I shook. 

'Fucking finally! it's about time!' I inwardly exclaimed as I stood up. I had finally managed to merge all my Conceptual Aspect Domains and all the raw untamed Conceptual Energy within my inner subconscious into my Divine Core. 

I actually fucking did it! I had managed to attune all of them together! I couldn't actually believe it was finally over with! I can finally try to use and see 'True Ascension' for myself.

I couldn't help the complete grin from showing on my face.

As I was in my thoughts, two massive forms landed close to me creating massive wind currents alongside raising dust and creating craters upon their landing.

"My, My, now don't you seem quite excited? How rare." Demeter's voice rang out through the dusty air as the winds began to slowly calm down.

"I agree with you on that one sister, he has an unusually characteristic grin on his face. You can tell he is up to something." Another voice added which was undeniably Hera's, I watched as the scene clears revealing the two Greek Goddesses looking at me whilst in their True Ascension Divine Form, with their pure melodic divine voices echoing through the area.

I looked at the two, my grin not fading as I chuckled at their words.

"You both are right; I have some very good news!" I began, prompting the two to look at each other confused before looking back at me questioningly.

I decided to continue and inform them with enthusiasm.

"I DID IT! I was finally able to successfully sync with all my Conceptual Aspects and merge the Domains into my Divine Core!" I announced.

This news had prompted the two of them to widen their eyes in surprise before adopting smiles and grins of their own, an expression I would have never thought possible during the day I met them.

It's amazing how much our friendship and bond with each other had improved so much.

"Really? It is certainly about time. I was beginning to think that those Domains of yours were quite stubborn and impossibly stingy, all things considered. 11 months is certainly a very long amount of time" Hera began with a chuckle before speaking in an amused and joyful tone.

"Me too, God was this really a painfully long process." I replied with a deep sigh.

"But look at the positive part about this, you have finally been able to achieve both of the goals we had set for this training trip. Moreover, not to forget that we finally have the chance and opportunity to witness your True Ascension State, I have been waiting to see this ever since we started." Demeter said, attempting to cheer me up and view the good regarding all of this despite the lengthiness of the whole matter.

"Your right about that, after all that waiting I had to go through you can bet your life that I am completely excited and absolutely running out of patience, I am extremely ready to test out my 'True Ascension' Form. Speaking of which, you both should probably back off a reasonable distance." I said, to which they chuckled and nodded seriously afterward making a sizeable distance between us.

As they did so, I closed my eyes and focused deeply allowing myself to enter my inner subconscious instantly and go towards my Inner Divine Core, which took the shape of a large sphere connected to an endless amount of network and connection lines, each one leading to where a Conceptual Aspect Domain was located. 

Completely connecting them with my Divine Core and allowing them to function properly as I had finally managed to forge all these lines and successfully sync with my Conceptual Aspect Domains and align them all together in a proper network. All my Domains seemed ready to answer at any time and moment, prepared to heed the call and come to my hands.

I turned my attention back to the divine core, and I instantly willed myself to merge with it. Immediately as I did so, I began to experience a sudden transformation instantly as the Divine Core collided with my body, my body fully becoming one and completely aligned with my Divine Essence as I had complete attuned with all my Conceptual Aspects.

In the outside world, outside of my inner subconscious. Hera and Demeter watched as the terrain trembled and sky darkened as the whole atmosphere around us seemingly froze, once again trembling in anticipation as my body erupted in a white light and began to grow.

The weather grew hectic as my Domains began to pour out due to their alignment with my Divine Core thus revealing their Status and Depth. The Conceptual Energy erupted as it began to manifest, my body itself becoming the very Personification of my Conceptual Aspect Domains.

"Woah..." Demeter muttered as she saw the effects some of my most powerful Domains had on everything around us as I unleashed it, the range of the aftereffects due to any of these transformations were unknown.

The first transformation was usually the most hectic, unpredictable and uncontrollable due to it being the first initial transformation sequence which meant that your body was not used to it and caused all this mayhem.

I slowly grew in size as my aura grew denser and heavier, everything around us was visibly shaking and some of Domains caused rather interesting effects on the plane around us.

As the end of my transformation approached, I finally opened my eyes and felt it. The deep, immeasurable power I held. It was fascinating, if I felt strong before I feel invincible now. However, I didn't let it go through my head as I knew that this was nowhere near taking to me being the strongest being in existence.

I also feel something much more, if before I had connections with Conceptual Aspects of Reality through my Domains then now, I had properly managed to completely become a proper vessel of primal Conceptual Energy in its purest state.

It's as if those Conceptual Aspects of Reality had fully become part of me and allowed to me to manifest as an extension of them, becoming a literal Personification that defines all those respectable and most ancient Conceptual Aspects and Domains. 

I felt as if I could easily erase entire massive cosmological structures of universes with the most ease. That's how powerful I was able to become not just through my transformation, but also my training which made me much stronger than I could have ever been.

I couldn't help but admire my current form despite the endless mayhem it caused around me.

As the transformation finally ended, I arrived at a height slightly larger than Demeter or Hera's Divine Forms. Reaching about 50 meters, I watched as the light emanating from my body preventing proper view of me began to fade. The atmosphere, land and sky stopped the chaotic mayhem which caused everything to go back to normal.

Immediately, I began to scan over my form. My eyes widened in surprise before I smirked. I knew it!

I saw the red fiery aura that erupted with all sorts of divine, ethereal and supernatural energies flare around me enhanced by my Conceptual Energies of my Conceptual Aspect Domains, radiating mysterious power that seemed alienish and unknown compared to Greek Heavenly Realm.

I also bore witness to the emergence of the black dark shapeless yet morbidly dreadful embers of the Great Beyond that flickered and chaotic essence of the aura which echoed of the emptiness of nothingness and threat of the Null.

I gazed at the rest of my body, my hair which before was a much darker and duller shade of red was now blazing with crimson fury and much longer in length going past my neck and shoulders. It was spiky and stretched upwards, giving me the proper Saiyan look. My eyes which had been previously golden had shared a similar colour as my Aura and Hair, glowing in a crimson glow.

My body was much more defined and had the perfect musculature proportions fit for a mighty God. My skin, completely flawless and had a pale tone which only enhanced my perfect form which echoed of unbridled divinity.

Despite all that, something seemingly caught my attention even more. I saw certain markings similar to ancient runes of an ancient forgotten language, something completely aliens in origin. Markings that glowed red, If I had to compare them with something it looked like something Acnologia from Fairy Tail and Toppo in his God of Destruction form had.

I saw a Majestic Halo form behind me, the colour of the Halo was a morbid red that crackled and erupted with black energy. it had a similar appearance to the Halo that Merged Zamasu had when he fought Goku and Vegeta.

I was mostly shirtless in this form, only having a black metal headband on my forehead with silver decorations and a bright red gem, large dual theme black and crimson coloured shoulder pad armour pieces with gauntlets alongside armour leggings, heavy armour boots, metallic looking belt and the most interesting detail is that they had silver decorations of what seemed to be ancient letters and drawings engraved on the armour. 

My elbows, chest, back and head were left most exposed showcasing the countless markings that appeared on my body, glowing in power and divinity.

I must admit, this is quite an interesting appearance. However, what interested me even more was the fact that my assumption was completely correct.

'I fucking knew it, Super Saiyan God! No wonder I couldn't access it, this form became a 'True Ascension' State.' I inwardly yelled in confirmation of my theory. I was really happy, because this had brought countless possibilities into my mind.

Many ideas and things I wish to try! I can't help but feel more excited and was about to begin if it were not for the cough that interrupted me.

 "It seems he had gotten a bit too excited again, sister." Demeter chuckled, looking at her sister who was the one responsible for the cough.

"I can see that sister; however, I cannot blame him. Not only is his power tremendous, but he also looks completely different! It's like looking at a different person." Hera replied to her sister, making them both gaze over my new form.

"Indeed, however you must admit that it has a very wonderful charm to it. As expected with that wonderful charisma of his and my amazing skills, we are completely compatible." Demeter spoke before looking at her sister with a rather odd smile on her face.

Hera only clicked her tongue before commenting.

"Absolutely sister, as expected from someone whom we both admire. However, I can see that his form has some similarities with mine which does make us more compatible. Don't you think?" Hera began, making Demeter almost lose her smile but reply with a dangerous aura.

"Oh, I don't know about that sister, I am sure he would rather prefer a woman with a much gentler and compassionate style, wouldn't he? Instead of someone who is usually so cold and emotionless, you definitely need to lighten up a little. I don't really think you are suitable." Demeter retorted with a fake, yet dangerous smile directed towards her sister.

This however caused another round of back and forth to go with each of them trying to outwit the other and throw some insults in the mixture.

I couldn't help but sweat drop at the scene.

'Why do they keep behaving this way?' I couldn't help but ask as this was really something out of my area of expertise, before I sighed and went ahead to try and stop them from fighting again.

'Well here goes nothing.' I thought as I prepared myself, knowing that this will take a while. Calming them down, that is.

~ A while later~

Somehow, I had managed to calm them down after effortlessly trying to diffuse the situation. Their anger was slowly fading as they seemingly glared at each other with displeased looks, they each clung to one of my arms for some reason.

I also told them to revert to their normal forms, thankfully to my new True Ascension Form. I was able to dodge and block any incoming attack during their fight which escalated due to their continuous witty remarks.

Eventually they stopped the glaring contest and started to ignore each other, looking very displeased and upset. Which made me sweat drop even more.

For some reason, I am always involved in their argument as the main topic, and when I try to intervene and defend myself and stop one of them from taking the argument too far, they usually reply by throwing in statements such as 'Why are you taking her side?'.

It was as if I was the cause behind all this which confused me even more. I shook my head before changing the focus of my attention back to the important matter that needed to be focused on.

Earlier when I was in my True Ascension Divine Form, I had seen how much my status and power increased from that Transformation. I was completely shocked. I knew that I had grown way beyond my own imagination, but the statistics completely blew me away.

It was really very unexpected; I never expected the 'True Ascension' to be THAT strong, but it made sense considering how WIDE the gap between me, Hera and Demeter had been when fighting them in their True Ascension Divine Forms. They were too strong, and the gap never closed no matter how hard I tried.

It also makes sense when you think about the fact that Super Saiyan God alone is far beyond any normal Saiyan form, so the increase makes somewhat of a sense, but still. Knowing that this is still the initial stage of my transformation only served to excite me.

Most would wonder by know about what the status would have looked like, well it went alone the likes of:



True Name: Nocyr Aglaed

Aliases: None

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Saiyan, Archetype: Divine

Classification: Outer God

Tier: Ascendant Tier: Heavenly Class

Origin: Outer Dimension, Prime Multiverse

Source: Planet Vegeta, Planet Sadala

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hidden Attribute: Heaven, Beast

Class: Foreigner Class

Power Level: [ True-Descension/ Normal State: 4.2 undecillion] [ True Ascension Form: 4.2 tredecillion]


Going from Undecillion all the way to Duodecillion and Tredecillion. 

That's a fucking 1,000,000 times power boost, are you fucking kidding me? 


That was my first initial reaction when I first saw this.

This just serves to make the overpowered gods even more overpowered; I mean HOLY FUCK.

I rubbed my forehead; I still couldn't help but be completely shocked by all this even though a bit of time had passed since I first looked at it. It was definitely a lot to process through.

After that, I was so shocked I even went ahead and tried to make sure of it by asking the two goddesses accompanying me regarding this. I was able to confirm that it's the same case for them as well, a fucking 1 million times power boost.

However, there is a certain detail that intrigued me. For them, unlike me who had a Million Boost right off the bat. They began with a smaller 100,000 times boost initially. Which whilst being ten times smaller than a million is still a MASSIVE number. 

No fucking wonders my measly 50 times Super Saiyan form didn't stand a fucking chance. I was way too fucking outclassed here, especially when you consider that the two aren't that far behind in strength in base form. Which only adds more to why I couldn't fucking do anything against them.

But I was able to learn a couple new things.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked the two women who nodded, being in a much better mode than they were in earlier. 

However, they still seemed to regard each other with distaste for some reason.

"Yes, me and my sister had several theories and after seeing your recent 'True Ascension' we were able come to the conclusion and realization that not all 'True Ascension's' or 'Divine Forms' start equally and could vary depending on the potential and compatibility of the divinity with their Domains." Hera replied impassively.

Demeter nodded and continued.

"Not to forget that it seems that 'True Ascension' continues to grow the more you use it. Which explains how we both were able to increase the divine form's power, not only did we use the form every day, but we also trained with it which in the end ended up unknowingly benefiting us." Demeter analytically added with a serious expression whilst rubbing her chin.

"Hoh? I see. Though isn't that amazing? Seems like following my decision and using your 'True Ascension' state to train proved to provide merit after all, didn't it?" I teased.

To which earned a chuckle from Demeter and a response from Hera.

"It certainly did, you definitely did well in convincing us to train with it. Otherwise, we would have strayed far behind should we have not heeded your advice. As expected from my belov-." Hera spoke with a smile, however before she could finish that sentence, she cut her off and had an embarrassed look and blushed as she looked away.

"As expected from what?" I asked confused, not completely sure where she was going with this.

Demeter merely snorted as she wrapped her arms around me from behind.

"Don't worry dear, she is a bit shy. How about we leave her and go have a talk about something I have been meaning to tell you for a while now, just the two of us?" Demeter asked in a rather seductive tone which sounded melodious and hypnotizing, her eyes half lidded as her breath tickled my neck.

Her arms very smooth and her body fragrant, the smell of nature which carried a very delightful aroma.

I blushed as I felt two massive mounds rubbing my back which made the blush on my face grow even deeper in embarrassment and surprise.

"Hey! Get your hands off of him!" Hera sneered as she tried to get Demeter off of me.

Just like that, I ended up being pulled as they began another argument.

'Not again.' I thought as I chuckled nervously, slowly starting to realize my current situation.

I may be fucking dense, but even I am not THAT fucking dense, part of me wants to blame it on Saiyan Biology and say that they are a naturally dense species that does not understand nor know the meaning of love and relationships, but I can't.

There is no way to defend and self-justify myself out of this one.

I couldn't help but resist the urge to smack my head, how could I have been so stupid? Do they really have feelings for me or am I fucking hallucinating? Or am I misreading the signals here? Maybe they don't have feelings, and I am just having too much intrusive thoughts.

Okay stop.

Fuck, what am I supposed to do? I have zero knowledge or experience. I am totally clueless about relationships.

Shit, I should have known better. All this time we had spent together would have obviously resulted in something like this. It was 11 whole fucking months after all, more than enough for someone to develop feelings for someone else.

I sighed as I was faced with a rather hefty predicament, I am going to play it safe for now and act like I did before.

I do not want to get stuck in between the fury storm by two women. A wise man one said 'Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned'.

I gulped at the idea of getting caught in a love triangle between a couple of women.

Moreover, those two seem like the really possessive type, don't fucking tell me the both of them are Yanderes?

Whatever powers lies up there amongst the realms of the unknown, I beg of you O wise one please do not sentence me to such kinds of perilous trials.

The last thing I needed was for the situation to get worse.


??????'s Main Point of View:

~ Somewhere unknown and very far~

" Oh, but it will~" I spoke as I chuckled evilly whilst writing the script.

A person appeared next to me and spoke in a familiar voice.

"Our poor boy will suffer a lot, won't he?" The voice who turned out to be Aexalton's spoke as he gazed at the Inner Planes through his Multidimensional Eyes.

I sighed and gazed at the dude, why the fuck is he here again.

"Can you please stop breaking the fourth wall? It's the fifth time this week." I asked him politely.

He smirked.

"Where would the fun in that be?" He asked, completely amused.

I sighed as I kicked him out using my power as the Author.



The End.


Author Note: I hope you all enjoyed that ending, I tried to make this chapter as interesting as possible without just flooding information. Let me know if anything seems out of place or if there are any grammatical errors you noticed, and I will fix it right away. 

Also do not forget to leave a comment, those motivate me to update more. The more you comment, the more motivated I feel.

Author Note 2: I had officially decided on four women so far. Whether or not I will add more is unknown, however let it be known that should I ever decide to add more. The number shall NEVER exceed six. That is if I ever decided to increase the number from four, which MAY or MAY NOT happen.

Which may or may not occur, depending on whether I grow interested in a certain pairing. However, let me just say you all didn't exactly provide the answers and explanations I was looking for in the votes, so I took matters into my own hands and decided on the next two official pairing.

Regarding the 'May' or 'May Not' thing, I am indecisive, okay?


Here is the official pairing list:

1. Hera

2. Demeter




Extra Note: Hahahaha, I bet your all confused. You really thought I was going to spoil, didn't you? Nope, you will all have to keep guessing. I am keeping those two new official pairings a secret. Normally I would say sorry, but I am not sorry at all.

Fine, Fine Okay I will leave a hint.

Hint: both of them are from the 'Polls'.

Moving on, here is an interesting question:

What pantheon and gods are you interested in seeing appear in this fanfic?


Have a nice day.

Next chapter