
Power Class System:

This world is a mixture of six different verses combined which means that certain mythological characters will be different as they might be merged.

Worlds Combined: Dragon Ball, Nasuverse, Record of Ragnarök, Saint Seiya, Percy Jackson and Highschool DXD.

Note: Since I am going to add both Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya and the Nasuverse, the cosmology is going to be pretty insane, especially if we add stuff from DXD and ROR and fuse it with the Dragon Ball verse, Saint Seiya verse and the Nasuverse.

As for Percy Jackson, I am just adopting certain concept like the mist and such.

There are 6 Lifeform Categories in this world, which are:


Infinitesimal Lifeforms: -

Tier 0.1: Micro-Infinitesimal Class.

Info: Beings who are comprised of singular cellular bodies and are considered to be on an infinitely smaller scale compared to ordinary humans.


Tier 0.25: Microcosmic Class

Info: These beings exist on a much higher scale than microcosmic class beings and are comprised of multicellular organisms.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: I -


Tier 0.5: Microscopic Class

Info: Microscopic Entities who are comprised of dozens of complex multicellular organisms capable of preforming independent action.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: I


Tier 0.75: Micro-organism Class

Info: Micro Organism Entities are beings who are comprised of dozens of microscopic entities within their structure placing them on a much higher scale than any of the lower micro tiers.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: I +


Mortal Lifeforms: -

Tier 1: Super Lesser Class

Info: Entities of this Caliber are considered to be the 'Ideal shape' for most organismic lifeforms, its the peak which they strive for.

Example: Humans and Animals.

Power Level: 1 - 9

Destructive Capability: Pebble Level to Wall Level

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: H


Tier 2: Lesser Class

Info: Entities who are above the normal Human level and wield capabilities that could classify them as superhuman. 

Example: Human Warriors and Soldiers and Large Animals.

Power Level: 24 - 249

Destructive Capability: Large Wall Level to Large Room Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: G


Supernatural Lifeforms: -

Tier 3: Low Class

Info: Beings capable of preforming supernatural feats via an inherent supernatural ability and connection to ethereal energy.

Example: Supernatural Creatures of Low Tier, Low Class Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels.

Power Level: 1000 - 9999

Destructive Capability: Small Building Level to City Block Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: F


Tier 4: Middle Class

Info: Beings capable of preforming feats beyond average supernatural lifeform standards.

Example: Supernatural Creatures of Middle Tier.

Power Level: 24,999 - 249,999

Destructive Capability: Small Town Level to Large Town Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: E


Tier 5: High Class

Info: Beings that far exceed the supernatural standards of the average supernatural lifeform entity.

Example: Supernatural Creatures of High Tier and Baby Dragons.

Power Level: 1,000,000 - 9,999,999

Destructive Capability: Large City Level to Mountain Range Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: D


Legendary Lifeforms: -

Tier 6: Elite Class

Info: Beings that transcends the limitations of the average supernatural creature and enter a new realm of power, these beings are the bridge between the supernatural and the mythological.

Example: Supernatural beings who are far above Supernatural Standards and even far above the average high-level standards such as Low Class Dragons.

Power Level: 50,000,000 - 500,000,000

Destructive Capability: Large Mountain Range to Large Country Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: C


Tier 7: Ultimate Class

Info: Ultimate Class Supernatural creatures are beings who have reached the top of the food chain as their sheer presence makes the very atmosphere freeze, these beings have power to alter the flow of the world as they delve deeper into the limits of what mortals could achieve.

Example: Ultimate Class Supernatural Creatures, Ultimate Class Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels and Middle Class Dragons.

Power Level: 5 billion - 50 billion

Destructive Capability: Small Continent Level to Large Moon Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: B


Tier 8: Monarch Class

Info: Monarch Class Entities are the peak of the Standard Average Supernatural Lifeforms; beings of this level are classified as natural disasters due to the sheer power they wield. Capable of bringing an entire nation to its knees with ease.

Example: Monarch Supernatural Creatures such as High Class Dragons and Upper half of the Ultimate Class Supernatural Level.

Power Level: 500 billion - 5 trillion

Destructive Capability: Planet Level to Gas Giant Level

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: A


Mythological Lifeforms: -

Tier 9: Mythical Class

Info: The Mythical Class refers to beings who eclipse the Legendary Lifeform level and ascend into Mythological Levels of Power, these beings have so much power that the very atmosphere of the world freezes when they unleash their power, the atmosphere itself shakes in fear and bends down to these powerful beings.

Example: Mythical Class Supernatural Creatures are the border between the divine and mortals, this level is what is considered to be the apex of what mortal power could possibly achieve, Ultimate Class Dragons are in this category.

Power Level:  500 trillion - 50 quadrillion

Destructive Capability: Star Level to Large Solar System Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: AA


Tier 10: Sub-Divine Class

Info: This is the entry into the realm of the Gods, the gate point that leads into divinity. Beings of this level exude unimaginable untold ancient power as their sheer presence alone causes a massive disturbance in the world as reality itself distorts as they reveal and unleash their might.

Example: Sub-Divine Supernatural Entities are beings who reach God-likes level of power and hold a massive grip on reality itself. The lower half of Seraph Class Angels, Satan Class Devils and Cadre Class Fallen Angels and monsters such as General Class Dragons Classify as such alongside the majority of Demigods.

Power Level:  500 quadrillion - 50 quintillion

Destructive Capability: Multi Solar System Level to Galaxy Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: S


Cosmic Tier: Divine Class

Info: The Divine Class belongs to a category of beings in which defy all logic, their sheer power makes the world itself shiver in fear, these beings transcend the supernatural world as any beings in this category can bring absolute destruction of the world in an instant. These beings are beyond comprehension to ordinary mortals and even supernatural beings due to their sheer immense power.

Example: This belongs to beings who truly achieved power on the divine level, beings such as Great Satan Class Devils, Great Seraph Archangels, Great Cadre Fallen Angels, Dragon Kings and True Vampire Monarch's alongside Minor Gods exist on this level.

Power Level: 1 sextillion - 1 septillion

Destructive Capability: Large Galaxy Level to Multi Galaxy Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: SS


Supreme Tier: God Class

Info: This God Class belongs to a category of beings that is rooted deep into the realm of the gods. Whilst the gods are known for their complete dominions over their domains, aspect of power and divine authority this class of beings take it a step further by embodying the very concept of their domain and aspect. World Tier beings are located on the top of the food chain on the order of the Supernatural World, these beings can manipulate aspects and concepts of the universe to their whims.

Example: The true entry to the realm of the gods, Middle Class Gods and Great Dragon Kings alongside the peak of most none-divine supernatural races.

Level: 1 octillion - 1 decillion

Destructive Capability: Galaxy Cluster Level to Small Universe Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: SSS


Ascendant Tier:  Heavenly Class

Info: The Heavenly Class refers to a class of entities that fully embody conceptual aspects of existence on a very deep subconscious level to the point where their very existence plays a vital role in maintaining balance and order in the universe.

Example: This is the realm of the major gods and upper divinities of the universe, beings that are otherwise known as the High-Class Gods beings such as Takemikazuchi, Bishamonten, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Thanatos and Hypnos. Calamitous Anomalies such as Super Devils and Heavenly Dragons such as Grendel, Ladon, Fafnir, Y'Ddraig Aur, Crom Crauch also exist within this tier.

Power Level: 1 undecillion - 1 tredecillion

Destructive Capability: Universal Level to Multiversal Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: EX


Extradimensional Lifeforms: -

Aspect Tier: Primordial Class

Info: Beings who have become the very physical representation of the aspect and concept they are supposed to represent and have become essential to the continued existence and prosperity of a plane of existence. Beings on this level usually play a massive role in the grand scheme of things and will continue to do so.

Example: This belongs to beings of the Primordial Level, most of the strongest chief gods and the strongest deities' dwell within this rank such as Krishna, Kali, Durga, Hanuman, Verethragna, Spenta Mainyu, Angra Mainyu, Izanagi, Izanami, Oludomare, Quetzalcóatl, Huitzilopochtli, Xipe Totec, Tezcatlipoca, Sun Wukong, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Seth, Anubis, Thor, Odin, Freyr, Freyja, Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Marduk and alongside the Dragon Gods such as Albion Gwiber, Y'Ddraig Goch, The Four Heavenly Beasts of China, Vritra, Nidhoggr, Jormungand'r and Typhon. Vampiric Gods & True Vampire Ancestors such as Arcueid Brunestud and some of the Primordial Gods such as Gaia, Ouranos, Anu, Ki, Borri, Ymir, The Ennead and Airavata. Lastly the lesser Outer Gods such as the Evie Etoulde's Regalzeva, Seraselbes and Fate Type Moon Outer Gods such as Sefar.

EX: Beings such as the Scribe of Heaven Metatron, The Strongest Fallen Angel Samael and the Demon Gods such as Abaddon and Belial.

Power Level: 1 quattuordecillion and above.

Destructive Capability: Low Complex Multiversal Level - High Complex Multiversal Level.

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: UX


Conceptual Tier: Arch Protogenoi Class

Info: Beings who transcend very fabrics of existence, reality and reasoning itself and are no longer bound by the laws of the multiverse. These beings exceed the very foundations and conceptual boundaries of existence with their immeasurable power. These beings are beyond the scope of Gods and are considered as abnormalities amongst abnormalities, no words can describe them.

Example: This classification exists to describe the True Dragon Gods Bahamut, Ophis, Great Red, Bahamut and Chimera Gods such as Trihexa or 666 and First-Generation Primordial Gods of the universe and Chief Gods of the Evie Etoulde such as Melvazoa. Not to forget the Outer Gods of the Outer Extradimensional Planes, beings such as Chronos, Chaos, Ananke, Aion, Amun-Ra, Atum, Apophis, Ginnungagap, Yggdrasil, Surtur, Rod, Danu, Yam, Amenominakanushi, Ahura Mazda, Ahriman, Zurvan, Azi Dahaka, Ometecuhtli, Omecihuatl, Hunab Ku, Pangu, The Abrahamic God, Iblis, Azrael, Para Brahman, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Enuma Elish, Ea, Yaldabaoth, Cthulhu, Azatoth, Ghatanothoa, Yig and etc.


Power Level: Cannot be Measured in Numerical Numbers.

Destructive Capability: Hyperversal +

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: Z


Unbound Tier: Omni Tier

Info: Beings who transcend everything, these beings stand at the apex of the multiverse as the supreme rulers. To lesser beings, beings of this level are considered 'Omnipotent' as they carry endless immeasurable power.

Example: Omnipotent Entities such as the Omni King, The Grand Priest, Mechikabura, Supreme True Dragon God Zalama, The Root and the Counter Force.

Note: And.... Some versions of our favourite Dragon Ball Cast.....

Power Level: Cannot be measured in Numerical Numbers.

Destructive Capability: Outerversal - Boundless +

Average Standard Parameter [For this Tier]: ∞


Note: I will use the concept of Parameters from Fate and Power levels from Dragon Ball, all supernatural beings within this reality will function based on these Parameters and Power Level Power Scaling, I will take my own spin on it as this is a completely AU based Universe considering that it's a mix of several anime's, so it would have differences.


Order of Parameters (From Weakest and Lowest to Strongest and Highest):

I - > H - > G - > F - > E - > D - > C - > B - > A - > AA - > S - > SS - > SSS - > EX - > UX -> Z -> ∞

Extra Note: Everything in this world will have parameters and status pages, powerful supernatural beings and certain species such as Gods and Dragons will be able to view the status of lesser beings and mortals in an instant. Basically, most supernatural beings have access to this unique ability and can grow stronger from it. Of course, the Gods put some rules so supernatural beings don't run amok amongst humans....

I have a feeling you guys will like what I planned regarding the status page, it's going to be pretty detailed.


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