
A Misunderstanding

 In an unusual place, a little girl can be found crying. And then, a boy came and stood for her in front of the kids who were bullying her. 

"Oi! What the hell you're doing!" The boy shook off the bullies. And then, the boy went back to the little girl to calm her down.

"Oi, they're gone. Honestly, can't you at least raise your voice a bit higher?" The little girl then tried to wipe her tears only for more to come out.

"B-but... they've been my friends for a long time. And then... they got jealous because I got four colors. And now... nobody wants to play with me..." 

"For real? I thought you were getting a lot of friends because you had those colors."

"Because their parents said... You can make a lot of money the more colors you have. That's because they don't want to play with me." As the tears of the little girl grew more and more, the boy took her hands. 

"Where are you going to take me?"

"To my friends. I'm sure they'll happily be your friends. Of course, me too." As they walked with their hands held together, another boy called out to them.

"Oiiii, Ryumaaa! Why are you so late?!" 

"Sorry, I gotta go pee earlier. Oh, by the way, this girl is..." As Ryuma walked towards the other boy. They've been called out by his other friends who are playing there. And they spent most of the time playing together. That very boy is standing in front of him.

"Rio?" Rioga Tenjiro. Age 16. The guy with a blonde hair. Wearing casual clothes. But the most part sticking out from this guy is his eyebrow. When others see it for the first time, they are wondering. Is that thunder? Because of his unique eyebrows, the others have been making fun of him a lot. 

Despite that, he doesn't mind it that much. Except, not many have been making fun of his eyebrows anymore because he teach those guys a lesson, not for the girls of course. He keeps blushing when the girls talk about his eyebrows. Like a tsundere he is.

"R-Rio... Is that you? My eyes didn't fool me right?" 

"Yes! This is me. Now you can stop all this. It's all only misunderstanding."

"Riooooo~" Ryuma sprints towards Rio. Thinking he's glad to meet his childhood friends again. Well, that's what Rio is thinking. 

"Rio~- YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!!!" Ryuma kicks Rio in the abdomen. Send him flying across the hallway. He then grabs Rio's collar and shakes him many times.

"How dare you join these fucking cannibals cult! *cry* Is the flesh they've served is that delicious for you to give up on humanity..."

"Let me go! I'm telling you, you are misunderstood what's going on!"


"IT'S BECAUSE YOU JUST BROKE MY TEETH FOR GOD SAKE!!!" As they keep arguing with each other, Ryuma gets dropkicked from a certain distance.

"THERE YOU ARE KID!!!" It was Line who's drop-kicking him. Ryuma got sent quite a distance. Line immediately bonded him with her line.

"NO!!! I REFUSE TO DIE LIKE THIS!!! NOT LIKE THOSE VICTIMS FROM THE MOVIES." Line immediately gave a consecutive slap to Ryuma until his cheeks turned red.

"WAKE. UP. TO. REALITY. ALREADY!!!" A few minutes later, Ryuma finally calmed down. From Line extreme dominance it is.

"Wait, you guys didn't eat human?"

"No! We do not! that's what I'm telling you the whole time!"

"So... the bloody guy in the teacher's office?"

"Oh~ You mean Rudy? That guy just blew the garage from his failed 'creation'. So I'll have to give him a proper punishment~" Said the pretty teacher.

"Then... What about the girl in the freezer?"

"Oh! Have you found Meryna already? She helped me with removing the organs of the wild deer." Said the old man.

"Then what about the fingers sticking out from the plate?"

"Fingers? Are you mistaking it for the sausage?" Said the tall guy

"Then what about the doll-"

"GIVE IT BACK!!!" The robed guy takes back the doll from Ryuma's hand.

"So, do you understand now? No Cannibals, No kidnapping, and No moving dolls here. You're being overdramatic!"

"I never said the doll is moving?" 

"Then why is that doll standing on top of your head- wait..."

"THE DOLLS IS MOVING!!!" It was the doll that the robed guy had just taken from Ryuma. The robed guy realized immediately why his friend, Marlon just moved despite knowing it was a doll.

"Meryna! Don't play around with my Marlon! Give him back!" The girl is standing far behind them with her hands sticking out. Ryuma realized that something was sticking out of her fingers.

"A thread?" The pink threads coming from Meryna's finger. Connected to the doll. The doll is jumping towards the robed guy and Meryna cutting off her thread.

"Hihihi, just wanna pranking the new face."

"*Sigh* Ok then. Since almost everybody is here, it's about time they had to introduce themself."

"Hello~ My name is Sonia Laventi~ But you can call me Miss Sunny~"

"Ehem! My name is Khalil Marfa. And this guy is Hutogi Kamaru. He's in the same class as you." Hutogi bowed his head to Ryuma.

"Wait, this tall guy is my classmate? I thought he was working here?"

"Nice to meet you. You can call me Huto. Also, this is my growth problem as people keep mistaking me for an adult." Ryuma's eyes are filled with jealousy as he keeps staring at Huto.

"Hahaha~ Then my name is Meryna and this robed guy is Derugo!"

"I wanna go to my room already..."

"And you probably know this guy. Rioga Tenjiro. Anyway, there are some people you haven't met yet. Also, I had to get you into the office for you to fill out the registration paper. And also, for the damage you just caused." Ryuma avert his eyes from Line.

"Oi, look me in the eye you bastard." With the misunderstanding solved, everybody went back to doing their things. Ryuma on the other hand, was dragged back to the office with Line and Sunny. As they arrived at the office, he then was dragged to when the other student was in.

"I hope I won't have to deal with you all day. I've got a lot of things to do. Sunny, make sure to deal with this guy."

"OK Nurse Line~ Let me handle these tasks!"

"Ok then, I'll leave everything to you." Sunny wave on Line who's leaving the office.

"OK then, let's start again. First, fill this regis- Oh my~" The registration paper was wet from the fire sprinkle earlier.

"Looks like I've gotta take another registration form. You'll gotta wait for a bit. Oh by the way, no. more. fire. okay?" As Miss Sunny left the room Ryuma looked to the guy who got 'discipline'.

"He's in pretty bad shape..." Ryuma is worried about the guy who seems to be not moving. He then tried to shake off his body. The guy did not budge. He then comes closer to the guy to hear his heartbeat.

"BOOOO!!!" The guy who looks like he's dead got up. Ryuma's heart just skipped for a second there.

"Oi! It's not cool! I've already had a bad day today! I also thought you were dead already!"

"Hehe, my bad my bad~ Couldn't resist." The guy extends his hand to handshake Ryuma.

"Name's Rudy by the way. Full name is Rodion O Welson." Ryuma accepts the handshake.

"Ryuma. Ryuma Ochirou"

I'm quite sleepy today as I managed to finished writing this chapters.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Cryostscreators' thoughts
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