
Pokémon chapter :1 Awaking of a Monster

In the year 2024, Troy was staying in a hospital for the remainder of his life, waiting for death to catch up to him. The only thing that was bothering him was that he wouldn't get to play any of the new Pokémon games in the future. But let's not stay in the past; let's go to the present.


A young child, about the age of 13, was in the library looking through books filled with Pokémon and what they liked. Some may be wondering why this child is in a library reading a book about Pokémon and not something else. Well, the reason for that is simple: the child was none other than Troy, and the reason behind reading books about Pokémon was because Troy was somehow born into the world of Pokémon.


Our protagonist Troy was in the library reading about how Pokémon work in real life. Like in the pokdex back in the old world, some pokedex show how dangerous some Pokémon are, but in the RealWorld of Pokémon, they're not that insanely overpowered. 


Now back to Troy, he was in the library in Saffron City, learning all he could about this world and how one can have a profession in it. Troy had been looking through all the books for the past 8 years, when he had fully awakened to this world. Finishing his book on how to become a trainer, Troy sighed in annoyance at the qualifications. Putting the book away, Troy exited the library. Seeing how late it had become, Troy started to run back to the orphanage.


Troy had grown up in an orphanage as long as he could remember; he doesn't know what happened to his parents in this world; they probably got killed by some Pokémon; sadly, he couldn't care less; it's not like he knew the people. While walking back, Troy was thinking, "Uh, it's about that time when I'm officially an adult and kicked out of the orphanage, not like I planned to stay there any longer; beside, the recruitment test is finally happening tomorrow."


Once in the orphanage, Troy quickly got into his room and started to drift off to sleep. While fast asleep, his eyelids started to glow, changing from brown to shining red.


Unknowingly to Troy, most Pokémon and a few people around the world started to shiver in fear for five seconds because they could tell that a monster had awakened that day.


Outside the windows, Pidgey's were chirping in the morning, waking the kids up at the orphanage. Troy, hearing the chirps, had awakened, knowing that today was the day, and started to grab his backpack and pack what little stuff he had. Walking out of the orphanage, the caretakers couldn't care less that Troy was leaving, as it seems to happen a lot. 


Walking outside for the past 5 minutes, Troy had finally arrived at a decent building that was not shady looking at all, as one would think. Troy, going inside, walked up to the receptionist and asked, "I'm here to take the test." Some would think that's a strange question to ask the receptionist, but not here. The lady replied, "Go to 15 on Eevee St., and you will be taken to the test. You have about 2 hours before the test fully begins, and thank you for joining Team Rocket."


After receiving the information from the lady, Troy started to hurry to the building's location. After arriving after about 30 minutes of walking, Troy made sure that this was the building before entering. Just as he stepped foot in the door, his consciousness began to fade. Just as he was about to go to sleep, Troy could have sworn he saw a yellow-looking Pokémon with a whisker before being completely asleep. "Huh, so this one wasn't completely knocked out like the others; this test will be interesting!" 


Waking for what seems to be the second time today, Troy, feeling dizzy, started to open his eyes and look around his surroundings, seeing about 100 people from young to middle-aged all around him. Seeing that some of the people were still knocked out, he decided to sit down and wait for something to happen.


After waiting for about an hour, most people had finally woken up. Seeing this, Troy felt like something was going to happen, just as he was thinking that a man who seemed to be about 17 had come up to Troy. "Young man, you seem to be pretty calm about all this. Do you know what's going to happen?" before the guy could finish his question. The lights went off, and a loud voice could be heard: "Well, well, it looks like we have about 100 or more people for this year's test. I wonder if all of you can survive."


Troy, trying to look around and see where that voice was coming from, suddenly shut his eyes as the lights came on, only to see a clown-looking person with a big R on his uniform. Finally, having all the attention on the clown member, he began to continue talking.


"Alright, then let's get to business. Most of you are here because you need money and want power to survive. Well, Team Rocket welcomes you with welcoming arms. All we want in return is loyalty to the team and boss. Now, if you may look to the left and right, dear members are wheeling out a ton of pokeballs, and in these pokeballs are 5 different Pokémon native to Kanto. I suggest you pick wisely what pokeball you choose because some Pokémon will kill you if not handled right. Well, enough with that. I will start calling your number on your shirt. When called, please come up fast and grab your Pokémon. Well, let's begin!" 


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