
The Negotiation

"I said no, you're not my guardian and therefore you have no right to ban me from Hogsmead. I'm an emancipated student thanks to being the lord of the most ancient and noble house of Flight, and am legally my own guardian.

If you wish to ban me from Hogsmead then I insist that you ban everyone, because I don't find it fair for you to just ban me"

"Mr Potter, please see reason" Dumbledore said "Mr Black is after…"

"Mr Black is after someone and that person is not me" Harry looked at his brother and winked at him before looking back to Dumbledore "even if he was then you still can't ban me. I can take care of myself and even if you do ban me then I can pretty much just sneak out and go to Hogsmead, let's not waste time here Dumbledore, what was the third thing you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Very well Mr Potter" Dumbledore sighed and looked at Harry with that disappointed grandfather look, unfortunately it had no effect on him so he just dropped it "the third thing I wanted to talk about is training. I've seen you at the war duel, and I've heard rumours about you at school. It's clear that you're a fighter, I wish for you to train your brother"

"What?!" Adrian blurted out

"What?" Harry said slowly

"I wish for you to train your brother" Dumbledore repeated. He was hoping that doing so would either let him learn more about Harry or help convince Harry to his side, it would also help Adrian who really wasn't doing as well as Dumbledore would like.

"You…want me…to train him?" Harry gestured to his brother

"Dumbledore, you can't be serious!" Adrian said with pleading eyes as he got to his feet "You actually want me to train with him?!"

"I believe he meant train under me but I also agree in saying you can't be serious" Harry replied

"Albus, I agree" McGonagall said her piece "it's clear to everyone that the two don't get along"

"I am also in agreement" Snape added "Slytherin Potter is a hardworking and excellent student and duellist, Gryffindor potter is just an arrogant and talentless brat. It will never work"

"What he said" Harry pointed to Snape "it'll never work"

"Now, now" Dumbledore smiled at everyone "I'm sure that this will work if you boys simply put in the effort"

"But sir…" Adrian was about to complain

"Adrian" Dumbledore said "with Mr Black out, you need to be trained and know how to defend yourself" He said with a hint of finality, signalling to Adrian that the conversation was very much over. Adrian slumped and sat down on his seat where Ron sympathetically placed a hand on his shoulder

"I would've thought that a Gryffindor would've put up more of a fight" Harry commented and Adrian glared at him

"Now Mr Potter" Dumbledore brought back Harry's attention before the two boys could start fighting "I would like you to teach your brother about duelling and hand to hand combat, you seem to be more than proficient in both"

"Thank you but what makes you think I'm willing to train him?" Harry asked

"He is your brother" Dumbledore reminded him

"I also don't like him" Harry pointed out "so why would I train him when I have so many better things to do?"

"Mr Potter?"

"Ah" Harry said "it may surprise you Dumbledore but I am not exactly willing to sacrifice my time to train your little golden boy just because you tell me to" The trio once again dropped their jaws, McGonagall looked at him in shock and even Snape had a little bit of surprise on his face. None of them could believe that Harry was willing to talk to Dumbledore like that.

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore said, doing his best not to let his anger show "why do you not wish to teach your brother?"

"Firstly, I have many better things to do" Harry answered "like homework, quidditch, sleeping, snogging and just plain enjoying myself. Secondly, it's no secret that me and my brother don't get along. Thirdly I am not the sort of person you want teaching him. I'm a survivor and a fighter, my brother is many things but he is neither one of those"

"I'm sure that Adrian will do his best to prove you wrong" Dumbledore said confidently before Adrian could reply.

"Even then, what possible reason do I have that's worth me wasting my time on him?" Harry raised an eyebrow

"You want pay?" Dumbledore asked with a surprised voice

"Hmm, that'd be nice" Harry nodded "I want some form of payment"

"You want to be paid to teach your own brother?!" Hermione demanded

"I want to be paid just to be in close proximity to him" Harry replied "after all, bin men are paid to handle trash"

"Mr Potter, ten points from Slytherin" McGonagall told him off

"How cruel" Harry said dryly before turning back to Dumbledore "so, what do I get for teaching him? Hmm, let's say twenty-five galleons an hour"

"You want twenty galleons for an hour?" McGonagall looked at him with disbelief

"Ten to deal with him and ten to teach him plus five for the therapy sessions I'll need after I've taught him" Harry replied "plus if you want to add his friends to the lesson then that'll be twenty-five galleons for each of them as well. To simplify, twenty-five galleons per student, that's my lowest offer, take it or leave it."

"Very well Mr Potter" Dumbledore sighed, this was not how he wanted this meeting to go "you will be paid twenty-five galleons an hour"

"Lovely" Harry smiled for the first time since the meeting started but his smile quickly vanished "now, let's talk rules"

"Rules?" Dumbledore asked

"Yes, I have two rules if you want him to be taught." Harry replied "let's run through them. The first being I do not accept late students, if he's late even once then I will punish him. If he's ten minutes late or under then I will make him do laps around the lake for each minute, if it's over then I'm cancelling the lessons and not starting them up again" Harry noticed that Snape looked at him approvingly.

"Mr Potter, don't you think that's a bit strict?" Dumbledore asked

"Maybe" Harry shrugged "but my lessons and what I say goes. The second rule is that during these lessons I will not have interference from you or the teachers, if any of you interfere in my lessons or take points from me or hand detentions to me during my lessons then I will cancel them immediately. "

"Now Mr Potter, that is unreasonable" Dumbledore argued

"I don't care" Harry replied "if these lessons happen then I gain some money, if they don't happen then I lose nothing. It seems to me that you want these lessons more than I do, I'm not changing my mind. Those two rules and twenty five galleons an hour or I walk."

"Mr Potter" Dumbledore was about to object

"Keep arguing with me and I will raise the price to thirty galleons" Harry interrupted him. Everyone in the office couldn't believe the way that Harry was talking to the leader of the light. "My rules are simple, be on time and no interference"

"I agree with Mr Potter" Snape said "the rules are simple and not unreasonable, besides Mr Potter is right in saying that he holds all the cards"

"Very well" Dumbledore sighed "your rules are agreed to"

"Lovely" Harry stood up, he extended his hand "I'll have tomorrow lessons payment today" Dumbledore reluctantly got twenty-five galleons and handed them to Harry who put them all in his pocket which was fitted with an extension charm. "Are the other two being trained as well?" Harry asked. All eyes fell on to Ron and Hermione.

"Uh…" Ron looked at Adrian and Hermione

"We'll do it" Hermione said, wanting to see how good of a teacher Harry is.

"That's fifty more galleons" Harry reminded Dumbledore "twenty-five per idiot". Dumbledore bit back his response and handed Harry fifty more galleons.

"Is that all Mr Potter?" Dumbledore said, praying for the boy to say yes.

"For now" Harry nodded, he then turned to the trio "you three will meet me by the lake tomorrow morning at five"

"You want us to be up at five in the morning?!" Adrian couldn't believe the words coming out of his brothers mouth

"I want you permanently quiet when I'm around but I will settle for you being there a five in the morning" Harry replied "be there at the time, if your ten minutes late or under then prepare to do laps. If your more then don't expect more lessons from me" Harry turned and walked out of the office.

"Dumbledore, please tell me I don't actually have to take lessons from him!" Adrian pleaded

"I apologise Adrian but I'm sure that they will be good for you" Dumbledore said apologetically

"But he'll probably kill me!"

"Shame" Snape said dryly "sadly, I doubt that he will hurt you that much Potter. I know it must be difficult for you but I personally think it's about time you learnt some discipline and…"

"Severus" Dumbledore warned

Snape fell quiet but he did so with a smirk on his face, picturing what his Potter would do to the Gryffindor one. Judging by the look of McGonagall and the golden trio, they were thinking the same thing.


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