
Chapter 36

Kiyotaka silently looked at Nephis and the others who were happily telling him information about the Expedition. They didn't hold back any information and talked about the Shard Memories they received, about the Hollow Mountains in the south, and about how they found relics of the First Lord.

Looking at their faces, Kiyotaka finally felt an unexplainable feeling in himself... was it camaraderie?

Looking at the members of the cohort, he sighed and took out close to a thousand soul shards and distributed them.

Kai suddenly asked, "Don't you need them to saturate your core?"

"No, I only need to kill... also, I have already saturated my core to the fullest... and also a bit more than that."

Instantly, the atmosphere turned quiet. Nephis and Sunny, especially, looked at Kiyotaka with wide eyes.

Kai, perplexed, asked, "How come... I can tell you are telling the truth..."

Kiyotaka looked at the horizon and spoke in a calm manner, "That is how my Aspect works, I guess."

Nephis and Sunny looked at the astonished Kai and then back at Kiyotaka and asked simultaneously, "Your Aspect?"

Kiyotaka looked directly at Nephis and revealed a very small, almost unnoticeable smile. "We are somewhat similar, after all."



It's a concept that has always seemed foreign to me. Trust has always been a weakness, an illusion created to manipulate and control. In that place, trust meant vulnerability, and vulnerability meant failure. Every bond, every promise was a potential betrayal waiting to happen.

Yet, in this new world, trust appears to hold a different value. People place their faith in each other, in their comrades, and in their leaders. They trust in their strengths and in their unity to survive the Nightmare Spell and the battles it brings. I see it in their eyes, in their actions, in the way they fight side by side, relying on each other.

But can I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, truly trust anyone? Can I allow myself that vulnerability?

I've learned to rely on my own skills, my own calculations. I understand the mechanics of manipulation, the art of deception. Trusting someone means giving them power over you, and that is a risk I have never been willing to take.

However, the dynamics here are different. Trust seems to be a currency, a necessity for survival in a world filled with nightmares. As I navigate through this new existence, I am forced to confront this alien concept. Perhaps, in some twisted way, I will need to learn to trust, if only to achieve my own goals.

Trust. It's a delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, between control and chaos. For now, I will tread carefully, watching and learning. Trust may be a foreign concept, but in this world, it might just be a tool I need to master.

Hinting to Nephis and Sunny about his Divine Aspect Rank, and hinting about the formation of a new core, was a very big step for him. He didn't know whether this decision of his would turn out to be the right one, but he knew he didn't regret it.

Maybe this is what it means to trust, he thought. Not just to rely on others, but to share a part of oneself, to take a risk for the sake of something greater. He had always operated alone, but now, amidst these comrades, he felt the faint stirrings of something new.

Was this camaraderie? Was this the bond that warriors forged in the heat of battle, the connection that made them stronger together than apart?

Kiyotaka looked at Nephis, Sunny, and the rest of the cohort. They were more than just allies now; they were a part of his journey, a part of his struggle to survive and thrive in this world. Perhaps, just perhaps, they were the key to unlocking his own potential.

As he distributed the soul shards, he saw the glimmer of gratitude and respect in their eyes. It was a small gesture, but it held a profound significance. For the first time, he was not just fighting for himself, but for something larger, something that connected him to others.

Trust. It was still a fragile concept, still something that he approached with caution. But as he stood among his comrades, he realized that trust might be the foundation upon which he could build a new life, a new identity. It was a risk, yes, but one that he was willing to take.

He took a deep breath and let the moment sink in. The path ahead was uncertain, filled with dangers and challenges. But with these companions by his side, he felt a sense of determination, a resolve to face whatever came next.

Trust. It was not just a weakness, not just a vulnerability. It was a strength, a bond that could forge a powerful alliance. And in this world of nightmares, that might just be the key to his survival and ultimate freedom.

Kiyotaka allowed himself a small, almost imperceptible smile. For the first time, he felt the possibility of a new beginning, one built on the fragile yet potent foundation of trust.

Still, Kiyotaka had only opened up slightly, not revealing his True Name or his Flaw. Even as he hinted at his Divine Aspect Rank and the formation of his new core, he kept crucial parts of himself hidden. Trust, after all, was still a calculated risk.

His True Name and his Flaw were deeply personal, vulnerabilities that could be exploited if known. Here, in this strange new world, he still couldn't afford to be completely open.

Yet, this small step was significant. It was a delicate balance, sharing just enough to build a connection without compromising his own safety. As he stood among his comrades, he realized that trust did not mean complete transparency. It meant giving just enough to foster mutual respect and reliance, without laying all his cards on the table.

Trust. It was a nuanced game, one he was learning to play. He would protect his secrets for now, revealing only what was necessary. In time, perhaps, he would find a way to balance trust and caution, strength and vulnerability. For now, this was enough.


Sunny couldn't believe what he heard a few minutes ago. Kiyotaka had just decided to hint that he had a Divine Aspect and that he knew Sunny also had one. Sunny himself was very secretive about his Aspect's Rank and more about his Flaw and True Name. After all, he cherished his freedom and didn't want to be enslaved. He even went as far as killing one of the tenants who asked him about his True Name, which made him abandon the Castle and move onto the ruins of the Dark City. He couldn't fully grasp why someone as intelligent as Kiyotaka would open up out of the blue.

There was also a part in Kiyotaka's words that made him curious; it was about something beyond saturating his core. Feeling restless, he decided to find a moment and speak to Kiyotaka in private. He looked at him with his shadow vision. Soon, as if understanding what Sunny wanted, Kiyotaka distanced himself from the camp. Sunny also excused himself as they both met in a dark corner of the ruins.

Sunny solemnly looked at Kiyotaka's golden eyes and broke the silence.

"Kiyotaka... what did you mean back then?"

Kiyotaka looked at Sunny's confused expression and said, "Trust, Sunny... I trusted, that's it."

Sunny grimaced in his heart. "Trust, you say..."

Kiyotaka walked past Sunny and whispered to him, "The War is near , take it slowly"

Returning to camp, he left Sunny to his own thoughts.

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