


"You should sleep in Kingsley room" Mrs Wealth said winking at Jocelyn

"She can sleep with me in the guest room,right?" Lila said

"She will stay with me" Kingsley said

Jocelyn phone rings out making them to stare at her

Mother could be boldly seen on the caller's name

She didn't want to answer the call,but when she saw Mrs Wealth curious look she sigh

"Answer the call and let me speak to my best friend" Mrs Wealth urged her eagerly,she saw the caller's name because she was seating beside her

Jocelyn slide the green button answering the call

"Thank God you picked up,am so sorry baby,it was a slip of tongue okay" Yolanda said

She gave no reply

"Am sorry crazy Joc,forgive your crazy Yo" Yolanda said

"It's fun hearing you begging me crazy Yo" She said

She had already forgiven her when she thought about what Dylan said,and moreover Yolanda haven't tell them the real story,she only briefly explained some part to them

"Thanks baby,but you will still pay for making fun of me" Yolanda joked

"How are the kids?" She asked

This make Mr Wealth, Galvin and Josh to stare at her


Did she make a mistake,was she trying to say Kid

Mrs Wealth, Brittany and Hannah were not surprised

"They are okay" Yolanda replied

"They want to speak to you" Yolanda said

"Mummy is it true that you have fall in love with Dylan's father?" Mandy shouted

Her voice was loud,and Jocelyn phone was on speaker,she purposely put it on because of Mrs Wealth who wanted to speak to her best friend

"Mandy!!!!"she screamed in her head

All eyes was on her,Mr Wealth was smiling, Lila eyes was glowing in hatred,Galvin and Josh was only staring at her blankly their facial expression can't be understand, Brittany smiled happily,Hannah smiled at her,Kingsley sat there in shock and surprised, he was also happy

"That means we are going to interview him,if he is fit enough to be our father" Mandy said

"Hmm"She tried to give signal to Mandy but the latter misunderstood her

"You said hmm which means that you're in love with Dylan father,did you tell him that he is going to be the father of ten kids?" She asked

"Mandy" She warned

"Mother!,don't worry grandmother explained to us already,Dylan said he is happy to be our sibling so don't worry,I will take care of your new son,grandmother said you should make sure you use protection" She said

"Mandy!!" Jocelyn said

"I don't understand what she meant,is Dylan father trying to kill you?" She asked angrily

"Dylan,your father is not treating mother well" They could hear Mandy's voice

"Why will he do that,he loved her right?" He asked confusedly

"Did he want to be like Jasnaked"Craig asked angrily

"Jasnaked,who the heck is bearing such name" Jocelyn asked

"The man that runs around nakedly, don't forget it's our doing" Craig said

"You're a dead meat if you don't treat her well" Mr Wealth said to Kingsley

laughing out loud

Everybody couldn't hold the laughter in anymore

"Where did you get those kids?" Galvin asked laughing,tears were coming out of his eyes

Jocelyn blushed in embarrassment

"What the hell is wrong with those kids"Jocelyn thought

"Dylan what do you think we should do?,he is your father" Craig said

"I have a very good way to deal with him" Dylan said

Kingsley couldn't believed that Dylan will also gang up against him

"New father means new baby" Love said

"You're right,but we have to interview your father" Mandy said

"Let me answer the first five question for him" Dylan said

Jocelyn was about to hang up the call,when Mrs Wealth hold her hands

Anybody that lives with this kids will never be depressed instead the person may likely die of laughter

"Question 1,Are you rich?" Mandy asked

"Yes,My father is rich" Dylan replied

"Did he have a very big house that can contain us"

"Sure,it seems like he has been expecting you guys,the mansion is so big that sometimes I get lost" Dylan replied

"Mother said we are a crazy family, that only a calm man can be able to tolerate us,can your father tolerate us?"

"Yes,why can't he?,even if he can't, am sure you can make him tolerate us" He replied

"Can he cook?" Mandy asked

"Cook?" He asked back

"Yes,can he?,Alvin loves food more than anything should in case mother is not at home or the maids can he cook for us?" Mandy explained

"He will answer that himself" Dylan replied

"You guys haven't hang up the call" Yolanda said

"Yolanda is that you?" Mrs Wealth asked

"Kara" Yolanda muttered

"It's really you,am sorry for not checking up on you since all this years" Mrs Wealth said

"It's okay,how are you and that your small boy?" Yolanda asked

"That small boy is your daughter lover now" Mrs Wealth said going to her room

Mr Wealth followed the suit,Brittany and Kingston also shared the same room,while Galvin and Josh went to their rooms

"Never knew that you were a bitch" Lila said

"Mind your words,Mosquito" Jocelyn said

She was embarrassed by what the kids said but that doesn't stop her from ditching it hot for any body who want to feed on her craziness

"Mosquito?" Lila asked in shock

"Yes,a mosquito, it's only a mosquito that disturb someone literally every time and you know why?,because they don't have any other job to do aside that,now tell me what's the different between you and a mosquito?" Jocelyn asked

"You..." Lila couldn't form a word

"Lost of words, don't worry when you get one,I will be in King's room waiting for you" Jocelyn said walking out on her

Kingsley just sat there processing everything, the girl he loved loves him back but he have to hear it from the horse mouth

Lila hissed going to her room,she slammed the door hard feeling so angry


Kingsley entered the room,he saw Jocelyn lying on the bed in a lingerie

Jocelyn could feel his presence but she pretended like as if she was asleep, this was the only thing she could put on which was in the room,

It was no doubt Mrs Wealth hand work

Kingsley refused to give in to temptation, he quickly used the duvet to cover her body well,before entering the bathroom,he already had an erection

He sat inside the Jacuzzi tube,the cold water was helping his erection

"what the hell are you doing to me Jocelyn" He thought masturbating

Jocelyn was shocked when she heard him moaning in the bathroom

She quickly divided the bed with pillows even thou the bed was a large king size bed

Kingsley dried his hair with the hair drier, he shake his head when he saw how she divided the bed with pillows

"So childish" he muttered

"Childish, this is my own way of protecting myself from a sex starved horny man like you" Jocelyn thought

"Are you asleep?" Kingsley asked

"She didn't reply,she can't face him not after Mandy spill everything

"That big mouth" She thought


"Have done everything I could" Natasha's father said to his friend Frederick

"But you said you're going to bring her to me in other for her to be safe" Frederick questioned him

"Yes,I plan to fake a marriage between you two,to take her out of that hell she's suffering from,but when Lara came in,I have to spice things up not to raise suspicions" He said

"You made a wrong choice getting married to her" Frederick said

"I know,since the the day I heard her speaking to someone on the phone" He said

"But you should've told Natasha" Frederick said

"And spoil the plans?" He asked

"But she will hate you,she must've misunderstand your kindness to hatred"Frederick said

"It's better than watching my daughter getting killed by that woman" He replied

"Can't you divorce her?" Frederick asekd

"She's a dangerous woman and she needs to be handled in a careful way" He said

"Can't you just report her then?" Frederick asked

"Without evidence?" He asked back

"I hope they find her soon" Frederick prayed

"When they find her,just buy her another house outside, don't let her go back to that hell,don't even let Lara know that you've found her" Frederick said

"Sure, I can't make the same mistake twice" He replied


"Am finally back" Jaxon said smiling

"Jaxon" he heard his name

"Buddy" he called when he saw Galvin his friend

"Let's get going,I have many gist for" he replied

"Trust you" Jaxon replied

"What makes you come back?" Galvin asked

"For my Jocelyn of course" he smiled

"She has the same name as my sister In-law" Galvin replied

"Sister In-law?" Jaxon asked

"Yes,she's beautiful"Galvin said

"She maybe but not as my own Jocelyn "Jaxon replied

"If you say so" He replied

"Let's branch to the supermarket, I have to buy some things" Jaxon said



"Have been laying low,it's time for action" Jasmine said

"Get it done" Jasmine speak to someone on the phone

"Jasmine,who are you speaking to?" Mrs Romero asked

"One of my client mother,have you eaten?" He asked changing the topic

"Yes,just wanted to check on you" Mrs Romero said

"Thanks mother" he replied


Jocelyn entered Kingsley office,she dropped his lunch on his desk

"Dylan forced her to bring him lunch

"Are you just going without a saying a word?" Kingsley asked her when she turn back to go

"What do you want me to say?" She asked

"Shouldn't we talked about yesterday?" He asked

"Let's just forget about it" She said

This comments hurt him so much but he didn't show it

Jocelyn left the office,when she got outside she remembered that Dyaln asked the driver to help him get some things,she was sure Dylan purposefully send the driver unnecessary errands

"Will I have to go there and face him again" She thought

She saw Kingsley running towards her,she stood there wondering why he was in such a hurry

"Move aside" Kingsley yelled

But her brain couldn't process anything, it was as of someone was holding the remote controlling her brain,she stood still

Soon a sound of a gunshot could be heard


"Done Madam,my balance" A husky voiced said


"Bye" Natasha said to Rowen

"He is fun to be with" Natasha giggled

"Sure he is" Hannah hissed out loud

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked in concerned

"Just leave her alone she's probably jealous of you,gist me what happened?" Tracy said

"Nothing, we just have a casual talk" Natasha replied

"You're lucky to have a talk with him,many have been waiting for that opportunity" Tracy said

"Don't tell me nothing happened with all the hours you spent with him" Tracy asked

"And she said nothing happened" Hannah yelled startling the both of them


Louis was getting something in the supermarket when she saw a lady putting some stuff inside her stomach making her look like as if she was pregnant

He watched amusedly, wondering his she will get out without getting cut

He quickly roll his cart towards where he was going to pay for what he bought,she was surprised when the receptionist paid for the little things the lady bought simply because she thought she was pregnant

After paying he quickly followed the lady out

"Why are you following me Mister" she asked him

"I saw what you did in there" Louis said

"So…?" She asked

"I can drag you back in there and report you" Louis said

"What do you want?" She asked

Louis being a big time playboy licked his lips when he saw her curves

"A pervert huh" the girl said

She saw the receptionist and the security guards looking around in other not to get cut,she wanted to took to her heels but Louis stopped her,when she saw that the receptionist was closer,she kicked him where the sun never rise

This made him released her grip,he cried out in pain holding his torso

"You made me do it" he heard her yelled while running away

"Just let me catch you,thief" Louis said

"Sir,do you know that girl?" The receptionist asked him

"Just leave me alone" He said

It was as if that girl use all the power in her to kick him

Next chapter