


"No this can't be true"Hannah said after seeing the news

Hannah wealth the last born of the wealth family, a younger sister to both Kingsley and Brittany

An aunt to Dylan

She dashed out of the room

Tracy who was her roommate and best friend run after her

The news was going viral,different comments was given about the incident

"Poor boy!"

"What an innocent soul"

"Should we call the babysitter a man or a woman"

After Jocelyn was saved from the car before the explosion, her wig fell off, revealing her long hair,but no one could talk about it,because of the situation, she had lose much blood

"But she's a life safer"

"I don't think so, what make her hide her identity,if she didn't have an ulterior motives"

"I pray for their recovery"

"RIP to the driver"


The wealth family were present in the hospital, Daisy was with them including Lila,all of them were looking so worried especially Kingsley who was moving up and down

Hannah rushed in,

"How is he?" She asked

"Still in"Louis replied

Soon the doctor came out to them, Kingsley rushed towards him

"How his he?,is he okay?" They bombard the doctor with question

"He's okay,he only sustain a little injury,you should thank that woman who help him out on time,else I don't know what would have happen to him"The doctor said

"He's awake,but only two people can see him at a time" the doctor said

"I will go" Kingsley, Lila and Hannah said at once

"Let's go in Hannah"Kingsley said not even staring at Lila's side,be fore entering the ward with Hannah

Lila sigh sadly

"Don't worry,you will see him" Mrs Wealth said patting her back

Kingsley knew that Dylan wouldn't like Lila's presence

Kingsley rushed to the bed where Dylan was placed

" Are you okay?"

"You're not feeling pain right?"He asked in worried

"It's good to see how worried you're for me" Dylan mutter while smiling

"Seems like you're really okay" Kingsley said rolling his eyes

"Of course,due to Mr Joy's help,where is he?" He asked looking around

"You're here aunt" Dylan said

"Of course baby" Hannah said chuckling, she had been so worried when she heard the news

"Where's Mr Joy" Dylan asked

"Actually,I don't think Mr Joy can work with us any longer" Kingsley muttered avoiding eye contact with his son

"What do you mean?,don't tell me he didn't survive the accident, it was all your fault" Dylan said crying

This action of his surprised Kingsley a lot,even Hannah was surprised

"When did Dylan start to care about someone" he thought


"It's all your fault,I told you I don't feel like going to school"Dylan said still crying

"Mr Joy come back,I promise to behave well" Dylan mutter

"She's not dead" Kingsley said

"Yesssss" Dylan screamed,this make those who were outside to rush in

"What happened" Mrs Wealth asked

"Nothing" Kingsley replied

"Wait…,you said she,what do you mean" Dylan asked

"You must be talking about your babysitter, well she disguise as a man in other to get this job"Lila quickly said

She know that Kingsley hate lies,so he won't bother to take the babysitter back,so she has to tarnish her image,so Dylan would hate her,she can't let anyone to snatch her baby

"Mr Joy is a woman" Dylan thought

"That even make it better"Dylan said

"What do you mean?" Lila asked

"All the babysitter who came to babysit me,only came to try their luck with my dad but she's different from them" Dylan said

"Don't you think she's dangerous" Lila said

"Don't worry about me, Miss witch,next time don't poke nose into my business" Dylan said irritated by her voice

"Mind what you say boy!" Mrs Wealth said

"Of course Granny" Dylan said grumpily

"Am coming let me go and check on the babysitter" Kingsley said to them

"Let me go with you" Dylan said

"Am afraid that can't be possible" Kingsley said

"Why?" Dylan asked

"Because of your health"Kingsley said

"OK" Dylan said

"Let me go with you" both Lila and Hannah said

"Let's go"


"He's not dead" Jasmine asked angrily

"Yes,he was saved by his babysitter" The guy in mask muttered

"What about the babysitter?" Jasmine asked

"Still alive" The guy muttered

"Seems like I have to start from the babysitter, maybe Lila would accept to work with ,she would be afraid of the babysitter in case she snatch her baby" Jasmine said smirking


"Thanks Ronnie" Daisy said

Ronnie was the doctor who treated Jocelyn but she was still unconscious, her face was paled,her lips was dried, still she still look beautiful and peaceful

"Stop thanking me,what are friends for" Ronnie said

He had been scared when he saw her roll in on the stretcher in a pool of blood,Thank God, she was saved

"Mum" They heard the children's voice

"Shh,don't make noise" Daisy said placing her hand on her lips,giving them sign not to shout

"It's because of us right?" Love said looking at Jocelyn who was been drip with blood and saline solution

"No,nobody knew that the accident was going to happen" Daisy said squatting to their height

"Maybe if she's not looking for how to feed us this won't have happen" Mandy said feeling sad seeing the way her mother was

"No dear,you should know that your mother won't be happy to see you like this" Daisy said

"You're right,mother said whatever happen when there is life,there is hope" Love said smiling

The door to the ward was knocked

"Come in"

Kingsley came in with Lila,Hannah and Louis

"You are?" Mandy asked looking at Kingsley

"That's your mother boss"Daisy replied her question

"Oh,our mother work with you but you couldn't take good care of her" Mandy spat angrily

"What are you saying you stupid kid" Lila asked

"And who called you,stinky mouth" Mandy replied

"You poor brat"Lila said

" Take use it and buy toothpaste "Mandy said throwing one dollar note at her

" Who gave you the right to call my sister brat?"Craig who has been quiet all this while asked pushing Lila

"And you are?" Lila asked rudely

"Craig,don't you dare call my siblings names OK,else you will face my wrath"Craig said fiercely

"Silent but fierce" Louis mutter looking at him

"I can see,so she's a whore,who gave birth to this poor brats" Lila spat venomously

"Your mother is a whore, the only mistake your father make was not pulling out when he was suppose to pull out,producing a public toilet" Joy who was thirteen years old said hotly

"I hate you all" Lila said

"It's mutual witch" Joy spat

Hannah was laughing silently on her spot,the kids where something else

"Are they really kids"she thought

" Am out"Lila said storming out

"Even better,Mister since our mother got injured in your place,you have to take the responsibilities" Craig said

"But she's doing her job" Kingsley mutter

"Getting injured while saving your child" Mandy interrupted


"You have no say Mister,we are staying with you until she's fully recovered" Mandy said

"Are you making a bargain with me?" Kingsley asked amused

"How can a woman gave birth to nine kids,she tried, all of them look like her,wow" Kingsley thought

"Well am here to fire her?" Kingsley said

"You won't dare" Mandy said

"I hate been dare miss" Kingsley said

"Have you seen mother act crazy before" Mandy asked

"No" Kingsley said

"I see,if only you have seen her craziness you would know that we inherit it from her,and I won't seat here and watch you do nonsense to my mother" Mandy said

"Fine, but all of you can't stay in my house" Kingsley said

"You have no say in that,our mother who always take care of us is here lying unconscious,you also have to take responsibility" Mandy said

"Almighty Kingsley getting bullied by a kid" Louis said laughing out

"Lower your voice,L gas" Mandy said rolling her eyes

"Now that take me to that boy who's anthem is " YOU'RE FIRED "Mandy said

Next chapter