
100 ways to die


Powerful being speaking

Used for emphasis on certain words.


So... I kinda got reincarnated into the SCP-verse with magic….

It all started when a ROB gave me one wish after he found my death amusing. Oh you wanna know how I died? It was quite confusing honestly. I'm still confused.

How I died.

POV Plane pilot.

Alright only 3 more hours left, this is my last flight too! Then I can watch my three beautiful daughters grow up!


My co-pilot shouted, "Sir! We have been hit! It looks like a large rock has inbedded itself in our left wing!"

Oh you have to be kidding me.


We took a nosedive downward and crashed into the ground. Ending all of our lives.

POV Train driver


POV Truck driver

Once I make this delivery I'm scot free! I can escape this country and nobody will ever know about the five bodies in my back yard!


Is that a train?


POV Random dude in his house

9:00 PM

I can finally relax after my 10 hour shift!



Back to me

That dude just so happened to be me.

The ROB finding my death extremely amusing granted me one wish.

POV Main character back then

"So you are telling me, you just want the biggest magic potential possible? No gamer system, no system at all? I could just trow in a status screen for easy viewing of your skills? I could just throw in a few magic books for you?"

"Whats the point of the journey if you just hand it to me? My life was boring so I want to be a LOT more interesting this time. And that status screen you suggested, I would rather make it myself."

The ROB sighed.

"Fucking magic junkies. Since you want to make your life so interesting does the SCP-verse sound good?" The ROB said, trying to make me go back on my statement.

But my smile only grew, "That was what I was going to ask you for! There are so many things about thr SCP-verse I want to figure out!"

The ROB grumbled again, "Get out of my sight you magic junkie!"

And just like that I was gone.

POV Current me

Today was my 15th birthday! Yay me. October 19th for LIFE.

Currently I was walking home with a small fire glowing in my hands. I flickered it on and off repeatedly, changing its colors as well.

How was I doing this? Simple. Fire magic was the easiest of the bunch so far. All it needed me to do was control some mana and smash it into air. And bang! Fire!

Although that was the most basic of the basic uses of magic. And it required a whole lot of mana too. Not a lot to me, but from what I have been told by the ROB I would have about 150 times the amount of mana wizards my age have if they trained day and night, without training in the slightest.

And believe me, I TRAINED.

Oh yeah, the ROB occasionally checked in on me as well. Once a year on my birthday. I could ask him one question then. After he got over me being a 'magic junkie' he was pretty chill and helped me with my magic here and there.

I frowned slightly. A person was following me. The SCP foundation? No… ROB said they couldn't detect magic yet… in about 20 years they could, just not now.

I turned around. There was an asian woman trailing me. She looked to be in her mid teens like me, but did she have some honkers. Although I was more of an ass guy, but couldn't I appreciate boobs too?

"Oh hello there! I am in your math class!-

She wasn't.

-And I saw you do well in it! So I was wondering if you could help me with today's problem?" She said blinking her eyes seductively.

I felt a magical force invading my mind, luckily I had long prepared mental defenses against this.

How did I do so? Well I just copied occlumency from harry potter. I had a little trouble figuring out how to make the magic stick at first but I eventually got it down.

But something else was influencing me here, my dick.

Also my curiosity for whatever magic she was using drove me to accept, "Hmm? Of course, I'd be happy to help, just tell me when are where and I'll be there!"

She smiled beautifully before quickly hiding her fangs. Oh! I knew this one, wasn't she SCP-953? The nine tailed fox woman?

Her shapeshifting powers and charm speak would be good to study!

"Oh, I was thinking my place! It is just down the road from here!"

She ran up to me a grabbed my arm running down the street with me. I wasn't too fit so It was a bit of a challenge. I had only unlocked my magic three years ago, don't judge me for not having body enhancement magic.

Eventually we reached took a turn into a dark alleyway, how cliche.

"I don't see any houses here, you sure you didn't make a wrong turn?"

She looked almost shocked that I noticed that we where in a dstk alleyway, but simply waved it off, "Oh, I'm sure. Now why don't you stand nice and still for me?"

"Nah I'm good SCP-953."


I snapped my fingers and summoned 5 tendrils made of light that wrapped around her neck and limbs.

"What! H-H-How!? Who are you!?"

I smirked and took out a pair of my sunglasses, putting them on, "Me? Everyone calls me Merlin, because thats my name, and how? I simply isolated a bit of light and made it solid. Or are you referring to the fact I knew who you are and resisted your charm speak? Just a bit of magic."

"Y-Y-You're a mage?!? I'm sorry! I didn't know who I was messing with! These eyes couldn't see mount tai!"

Wait, is she acting like a Chinese cultivator right now? I mean she is Asian…

"Oh that? Don't you need to eat fresh human liver or something? I could generate you some… for a price."

She snarled, "I'm not selling my body to anyone for anything!" Oh she thought I meant that, "Although you are beautiful, at least in this form, I am FAR more intrigued by your shapeshifting and charm speak. I was going to ask for your help in studying it. As it would be a lot easier than forcing you."

She deflated at that. "Ah… If you could get me liver… sure." Good good. If I could shapeshift that would be major for my body enhancement magic. And charm speak would be useful in general.

I motioned for her to follow me while I released the light tendrils. I could clearly see her contemplating escaping from me but she realized that wasn't a good idea.

Eventually we had gotten back to my house. I was an orphan so no parents to get shocked over me bringing home a girl.

And that is how my next three months went. Studying her abilities to the maximum. And how was I giving her liver? The store. I just bought liver and removed its bacteria. I then through my knowledge of the human anatomy changed it into human liver. The studying of her abilities was going well.

And on one such evening I was just hanging out with the girl.

"Hey fox girl, do you have a name? It's weird not calling you anything."

She blushed, "N-N-Nobody has asked about my name in hundreds of years…" she put her hands on her mouth at the mention of her age. Looking at me worriedly. As if I would suddenly lose opinion of her.

"Well do you have one? I could give you one if you don't?" She blushed a bit harder for some reason. "Y-Yes you could give me a name please…"

Hmm… What should I name her? Over the last few months I learned a bit of Korean from her. Gumiyeong. Meaning beautiful fox.

"How about Gumiyeong? Meaning beautiful fox?" She paused at that, "You think I'm beautiful?" Was she an idiot? Of course she literally had shapeshifting powers!

"Uhh yeah?"

She smiled showing her fangs. Oh and her nine tails were also swaying back and forth rapidly.

Well anyway, during these three months I made huge advances in my magic! Although the newly named Gumiyeong was no expert, it helped having a separate opinion.

So far I could make some moderate modifications to myself. Such as height, muscle mass, and bone density. Although I couldn't become a fox yet I was doing just fine in my opinion.

And for charm speak? I could use it to Gumiyeong's level. It was what I focused on for the first two months, that is why I wasn't a master of shapeshifting yet.

First chapter might feel a bit rushed. but chapter 2 is definitely NOT rushed at all.

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