
Ch30 - The companions

(Lae'zel POV)

The rightful prince Orpheus shall be freed, due to the odd one's utility. It cannot be said that he lacks knowledge, just a deceitful nature. He thinks us so dumb to believe we do not know what it is, ever since he gored the rutting ogre in the blighted village I had my suspicions. And yet here I stand, one final step to freeing Orpheus himself, and I can only thank the shapechanger for it.

I walk back out through the astral portal, joined by the others. 'Charles' as it likes to be called has disappeared once more, thinking us too blind to notice its disappearance. I'd take slight of it if it wasn't for the last time he disappeared for 3 tendays, he was capable of rivalling a jhe'stil. I pull out my githyanki longsword, despite the elegant craftmanship, I knew it would not hold to the level it does if not for the gauntlets I was given as a peace offering.

Instinctively, I go to press the sword against the cold, stable grindstone. I could sit here for hours on end sharpening my pride and power, I planned to if it wasn't for the half-elf walking up to me. 5'7, medium build, female, cleric and ill-prepared for battle. She seemed wary, good, that's a desirable trait in any warrior, but it didn't seem like she was looking out for enemy combatants.

"Lae'zel, I don't suppose you've noticed anything odd about Charles as of late?" She asked me in a half-whisper. A rustle of the leaves next to me, I drew my weapon and prepared to grant death to my enemy, a moment later a wizard fell out of it. 5'11, medium build, wearing a purple robe and fixing a large staff to his back, Gale.

Falling through the bushes he brushed himself off and said, "Not to eavesdrop on your conversation, but I too have noticed a change in our companion's behaviour. I ,for one, love the drive in knowledge, but the smell of the dissected corpses he leaves is revolting. To make it worse, he uses a firebolt on them, leaving the camp to smell like burned meat." The wizard speaks true, Durge nearly goes feral from the smell, I believe it's why we had to leash him up in the first place.

"Charles is an unpredictable figure, ever since he came back from 'spying on a hag', he changed. I will not deny he has become a better fighter, but his unpredictability makes him a liability." I spoke up, affirming my thoughts on it.

"Or a wildcard." Gale countered.

"Look, as someone who was so deep in the dark embrace of someone who couldn't care less, you guys helping and understanding me was invaluable. I think we need to give him the opportunity to speak, and if needs be push him towards it." The cleric stated.

"I think this needs to be a camp decision." Gale spoke, firmer than we're used to with him. We understood his point and awoke or got the attention of everyone who knew him well, gathering them around the centre.

"Why on earth are you keeping me conscious at this ungodly hour?" Astarion rubbed his eyes and moaned as usual.

"It's about Charles, isn't it?" Durge spoke up, we tied him to a post in the middle of the group we were in.

"Uh yes, how did you know?" Shadowheart asked.

"We've all seen him stacking corpses up in his bag, and I knew one of you would take offence by it." He spoke with an accusatory tone.

"I suppose we should be concerned by that, but it's actually because he seems more… disconnected than usual." Gale managed. He's different? I haven't noticed, it appears I've become dull to my surroundings, maybe the grindstone may help.

"I do not know what you speak about." I speak.

"Really Lae'zel? You haven't noticed him becoming just that little bit too calculating in battle? He only uses spells that won't damage their body, he's obsessed with his research. I think the longest conversation I've had with him is about the gods, and then he ran into the forest and came back with that staff and the ring!" Shadowheart seemed erratic almost, I could almost sympathise.

"I remember walking up to Charles one night, he told me of his research and how he could use it to aid me. And as far as I'm concerned he has held up his side of the deal and more, I think he needs someone to help him. Not once has he told us what he's researched, nor have any of us asked. I'm with Shadowheart." Durge spoke up from his post.

"Aye, you never know, I could learn a thing or two from his research. Let's talk to him." Gale affirmed.

"Look, he did some dark ritual on his body to allow me to harm Cazador through him. I couldn't be more in favour of wanting to help him." Astarion agreed with the three.

"I was never really that close to Charles but the Blade of the sword coast will lend an ear to anyone willing to speak." Wyll spoke.

Now it was my turn apparently, I never noticed these things, why would I? After all, I was taught black and white, enemy and ally. And Charles has been an ally to me, I will aid him in whatever battles he has. "I am in agreement." I joined.

With everyone who knew him in the druid's grove in agreement, we waited for him to arrive in the morning. In the meantime, I shall sharpen my blade to defend my rha'stil.

(Durge POV)

I have an undying respect for Charles, after he cured me of the voices a qualitative change fell unto me. I seemed to be able to care more for those aside my close allies and I could mostly sleep peacefully. Even when he's around I can see it, everyone is in higher spirits. I can only wish he was there in the underdark with us, when we were consoling the former slaves of Nere.

I sigh to myself, tied to this post in the corner of camp. It was demoralising sure, but I know it's for the best, it's why I asked for it to happen.

"Ah there he is! The master of the house!" A small grovelling voice came from behind me, I could only slightly turn my head in the direction. A small goblin-like being in formal gear walked up beside me.

"What?" I simply asked.

"You're the vilemaster, what a jubilant day this is! I've been trying to meet you in private for a while now, but you seem to keep some preceptive company. Now let's get you out of these bonds, I always thought you more of a sadist myself master, but we can work with this." He reached over to the expertly woven knot and just before I can say a word, he slices it with his hand.

"What are you talking about? And tie me back to the pole!" I demanded.

"You of course! The spawn of Bhaal, the dark urge, do you not hear it? The voices guiding you in the right path, or how your body twitches at the sight of blood?" He started rubbing his hands together in delight.

"No, no not anymore, I've put that behind me, I'm a better person because of it." I vehemently deny.

"Is that so? Then why were you tied up?" The creature gave a crooked smile, clearly knowing why.

"It helps me sleep." I gave a stern look back.

"Oh how I miss our conversations, yet I must insist that you make your way to the lower city. Ah! I have a gift for you, consider it a 'welcome home' gift if you will. Should you surrender more to your urge then you will find it most beneficial. Goodbye now, I hope to see you soon." And with that he vanished, leaving me with far too many questions, and unfortunately some answers. Cursed to be the son of Bhaal, of his dead flesh itself.

(Charles POV)

Gloomy woods surround me, moonlight shimmering through the leaves revealing myself cramming 60 giant wolf spiders into my bag. As it turns out, Jaheira was completely right, barely took 30 minutes for these. Dismissing my [Band members] ,of which I can now summon six. I look at my haul counting the ettercaps, giant wolf spiders and a singular wyvern, naturally they are all in pristine condition.

Packing back up I take flight once more, I think if I use the materials to make a spider specific one, I could make something pretty cool. Only 5 minutes later, spent thinking of rituals, do I arrive at camp. I think I'll take the rest of this night off, I'll borrow one of Gale's books to read he won't be reading at this time anyway.

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