

"Is that so? "Axton glanced at the beggar, who's crazily doing all he could to disrupt the ritual. However, one of the Seven has the ability to create a barrier made out of symbols. The beggar can only create a small crack as his firepower is not enough.


He is somewhat dissatisfied that the Personal Disciple gave up his position out of nowhere, but Axton couldn't bring himself to persuade Yoma to take the position back as he has to respect the beggar's decision.


"He is strange," the monk said, his eyes coming back at the Headmaster of the Great Serpent Cultivation School. "I assume the main school has approved of this."


"Yes, this is a very important matter," Axton nodded while pointing his hand towards the monk. 


"I will protect Our Saviour at all osts! "The monk shouted and slapped the air in front of him. The giant red Buddha projection also did the same, one of his hands slapping down at Headmaster Axton.


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