
The Hunt Ends(Part-3)

Clouds gathered.

Thunder rolled.

And lightning flashed.

They arrived instantly, seemingly ready to wreak havoc wherever they touched.

Apollo's eyes reflected the countless flashes in the night sky. A bitter smile crept across his face. There's no turning back now, he thought as the night briefly turned to day.

He was still being dragged by one of the tails of the Alphadusk Shadowtail. However, compared to their usual speed, they seemed to be moving slower than before.

The Alpha looked up at the sky and howled angrily. Dark orbs materialized around them and shot toward the clouds, but they vanished like drops in the ocean.

The monster roared as its speed gradually slowed.

Apollo glanced upward, feeling a pressure he had never experienced before. It was far stronger than anything Mathias had shown or even the ten-tailed Alpha had displayed.

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