
Free (1)

Hank was left with no choice but to kill Noelle. He couldn't trust that she would not speak of what she saw. Ian was gone so he knew no one would come looking for a mere maid. He had not anticipated that Ian had loved her so much, he would return to find out what happened to her.

Ian fired the first shot at Hank and unlike the one with Layla, he did not miss. His father's silence told him everything. Noelle's death was cruel.

Layla attempted to stand to go to Hank who was hunched over, his hand pressed to his shoulder, but she sat down when Ian looked at her. She hated how Hank treated her lately but she still loved him. It was hard to sit still when her husband was bleeding before her eyes. 

"Where did you put her?" Ian asked, ready to shoot again. If not for wanting to know where Noelle was resting, he would have shot Hank in the head and been done with this. "Speak quickly before I shoot again."

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