
Power (1)

"Our son has been acting unlike himself since that bastard came around and I seem to be the only one interested in what is happening to Victor. Would it hurt you to be a parent for once?" Layla questioned, looking down at Hank.

Hank wished at this very moment he could lose his hearing. "Leave the boy be. You should be glad that he is going out more. He has been cooped up in this house long enough."

"Because he has been unwell. We can't have him going all around the town and I don't know where he is. Do something about it," Layla pleaded with Hank. Why was she the only parent concerned about what was happening to Victor?

Everything felt out of order since Ian returned. Life was going so well before then and now she had to be worried about her son. Why couldn't Ian just crawl back to wherever he had been hiding all these years? 

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