
Dungeon [4]

After everyone arrived near the throne, there Arya showed them the tunnel behind the throne.

They decided to enter, and after walking for a few minutes, they reached a small room where there were five chests, and shockingly all had some names on them.

After closer inspection, they found these five chests had their name on them. One on each.

"Well, the rewards are already distributed. So dig in." Setanta said to all of them.

"Let's go," Munda said out loud and sprinted towards the one his name had.

This caused others to laugh out loud, and then they reached theirs as well and opened it.

Inside the chests were their rewards.

Munda received a bracelet that allowed him to create a solid Jiva shield around him.

Anaya received a necklace that healed minor wounds, very fastly.

Muniya received a spectacle that allowed her to zoom in on objects.

Setanta received a Mantra Book that had the mantra 'Jiva Arrow' which allows him to shoot arrows made of his jiva.

As for Arya, his reward was quite peculiar. It was an old and worn-out book.

"Yo guys what did you get?!" Munda asked everyone while smiling.

"Well, I got a necklace that allows me to heal minor wounds," Anaya replied while showing the necklace around her neck.

Muniya just pointed towards her spectacle and said," Zoom in".

Munda laughed and said.

"Hahahah, I received this and it let me create a shield, cool right?" Munda created a shield in front of him.

Everyone nodded as it was a great Yantra, especially in this trial.

Then they turned towards Setanta and Arya.

Setanta showed them his book and said.

"It's a 'D' rank Mantra book 'Jiva Arrow', though I can't use it now. Only at the next rank can I learn this."

The other three dropped their jaws as a Mantra book is very precious.

To learn a Mantra one has to work hard and will consume time. But a Mantra book will implement its knowledge directly into the mind. One just had to practice it and he will be able to use it.

So, their action of dropping the jaws was justified, and Munda who thought he was the coolest can't even mutter a single word.

Then they turned towards the last member of their party to see what he got.

Arya showed everyone his reward. When they saw it was a book they were about to freak out as this dungeon in the first trial just gave them two Mantra books.

But then they noticed the book Conditions and Arya's helpless smile. Then they noticed the book had something written on it.

"Pfft, hahahahahaha." Munda was not able to suppress his laughter after reading the title.

Even others were trying their best to not laugh but were feeling miserable.

Their actions caused a tick mark to appear on Arya's head.

"World Knowledge For Monkey. By- IBW.

Hahahahahah." Munda laughed out loud. While reading the title of the world. This is one of the guide book about the Basic knowledge in the kiskindha Continent. Almost every knew this book as it was created by the 'World Government'.

"Ohh, isn't the title different from the real book like its author JBW," Muniya asked curiously which caused others to notice this as well.

"Well the book is worn out so maybe it was 'J' but the time worn out and is now looking like 'I'," Setanta said a reasonable answer as the book Arya got was looking very old.

"I think, everyone gets what they need the most or is Very useful to them," Munda said while still giving Arya a mocking smile.

Arya wants to punch Munda's face right now. But he stopped himself and focused on the book and thought.

'Though Setanta told me many things. He said it's very little, well maybe this is the right reward for now.'

Then Arya stored the book in his backpack he had since the beginning.

After getting their things right they started heading towards the exit of the dungeon.

First, they reached the hall where they defeated the boss monster. There they saw a spiral similar to the dungeon.

They nodded to each other and entered the spiral.

One by one they exited the spiral. As they had once already crossed and know about the breathing problem so before entering every one of them took a deep breath.

Then they exited the dungeon, after leaving the dungeon they reached the same place where they killed the Kobold. Before they could do anything suddenly arrows rained on them.

Munda quickly used both of his Yantra to stop the arrow while others stood behind him to save themselves from the arrow.

After the arrow rain ended they saw a dozen people standing and they had around 4-5 archers who just fired those arrows.

"What do you think you are doing, Hutiya?!" Asked Setanta to the person standing between those dozen people, most likely their leader.

Arya noticed a particular person too, who he knew. 'Virala' was there, standing with those people, and was smiling towards him.

"What?!, Setanta I just saw that something was coming from that dungeon. I thought it was about to overflow. So I attacked!" The guy Hirala replied to Setanta's questions. Lying.

" Don't joke with me about a dungeon in the first Trial overflowing. Don't you know it's the lowest class dungeon and it can't overflow." Setanta replied that this is a fact that the lowest level of dungeons does not overflow.

Overflow is a stage where if a dungeon is not cleared in a particular time it will overflow and cause the monster in it to be thrown out of the dungeon.

But this is something that the people in the first trial should not know, So how did Setanta and Hutiya know?"

This also caused others to get confused, but they didn't ask as this was not the right time

Setanta gritted his teeth and asked,

"what do you want?!" His eyes were bloodshot as he looked directly into Hutiya's eyes.

"Ohh, nothing much. Just the reward you received from the dungeon." Hutiya said as if this was the most natural thing to say.

"Yo-You!!!!" Setanta was angry, very angry.

"Huf" he released his breath and turned towards the party members and said.

"Guys, this is the only way. Please forgive me. I am not a competent leader." He apologized to them turned towards Hutiya and said.

" Come and take it, but remember that you will have to face the consequences of your actions."

Hutiya and all the other members came near them and four members went towards one each, while Hutiya went towards Setanta.

After seeing the Mantra Book Hutiya became shocked then it turned into a smile as he got something really good.

As he was enjoying his moment he heard something.

" You're kidding me, you are saying you got this worn-out kid's book?!" It was Virala who went towards Arya to get his rewards.

"Yep," Arya replied while looking directly into his eyes. This reply made Virala remember the time from phase one as he replied similarly.

This caused his anger to reach its peak.

"Good, Good. So you choose death. Huh"

Listening to them Hutiya turned towards them and asked.

"What happened Virala?!" He asked.

To which Virala replied while showing the book," he is saying he received this shitty book."

"Huh?!" Hutiya Can't believe it as here Setanta received a Mantra Book and this guy received a child's guidebook.

"Hahah, Setanta. I didn't know you were this bad. How did you even distribute these rewards." He laughed and turned towards Virala and Said.

"Give him back that book, as his party leader decided to give him such an important book. He must have done something great to receive such a prize."

"But ?!" Before Virala could have said anything. Hutiya signaled him to shut up.

Virala complied and returned the book to Arya while directing his anger toward him.

"Kaaaaaaaa" Before they could do something they heard this scream.

They all turned towards the tunnel they arrived from and noticed their standing were kobolds.

Leading them was a kobold bigger than all other

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