
Venture Forth! Begin a Dungeon Dive

A couple days later.

"Good job Leafmunk! Keep those berry fields planted! Same for you Pengulet, Teafant, good on you guys keeping everything nice and watered!" I said before petting those three pals who seemed reinvigorated to keep doing what their doing.




"Hey Daisy! Stop putting Hoocrates to sleep! We need him to help with gathering the berries!" I shoo Daisy away from Hoocrates, who was deep asleep, but she just snickered at me before going off to wander around some more.

"…. Hooo?" Hoocrates mumbled before he started to get up from his sleep, though he is nocturnal so he would sleep during the day but here at base he, along with the other nocturnal Pals, don't need sleep as much.

"Sorry about that Hoocrates, Daisy decided to play a prank on you is all." I said patting his hair shaped hat.

"Hoo! Hoo!" He started to shake his wing like a Cantankerous old man as he looked at Daisy who only snickered at him before doing her own things.

"Nyaa! Nya!" I heard cat noises as I turned to see Kate and her Cativa pals had finished with the construction of the small ranch.

"Nice job guys! Now we can have a Lambball and a Chikipi stay in here and help us get more wool and eggs for us to make meals out of." I said kneeling down and petting them for the job well done.

In these few days I've gone up from level 5 up to level 9 and my pals that I have on my team have leveled up with me.

The five in my group of Pals are:

Kate(Cativa) lvl. 8

Daisy(Daedream) lvl. 8

Lamby(Lambball) lvl. 7

Nellie(Nitewing) lvl. 9(11)

Neeko(Cawgnito) lvl. 7

And something I learned is that certain pals have more 'human' like proportions than others though only female pals specfically.


The day after catching Daisy and a few other Pals.

"Huh, an old church, though it looks run down." I mutter as I come across the ruins of a church nearby the entrance towards the main section of the Island.

"Oh? There's another person." I say as I hadn't seen anyone since I saw that woman near the plateau of beginnings, though I know she still hasn't left as I see smoke up there so she must have a camp nearby there.

But this was the first man I had seen coming to this island, he was currently poking at the fire in front of him while he petted his pal Foxparks.

"Hmmm? Oh a new arrival I see? Must have washed up on the shore not long ago from the looks of it." He says sizing me up.

"What gave it away?" I ask before sitting at his fire.

"Well your only wearing rather basic clothes, better than rags but not by much , if you were wearing Pelt armor I'd say you'd been around for awhile then." The guy says as he flips a log over in his fire pit.

"Fair enough, but why are you out here far from the other settlements?" But he chuckled when I said that.

"I just perfer to be out in the wilderness is all, and besides I get to see new thing everyday, like us meeting is a new experience for me, and not only that but you having a Anthromorphic Daedream by your side." He says pointing to Daisy who was just floating around in the air.

"Well I knew she seemed a bit different than the others of her kind, but what makes her special or any other anthro for that matter?" I decide to ask since this guy has the answers.

"It's simple really, your Daedream had a Lovander mother and a Daedream father to be born looking more human like in nature, it's more common for people to breed pals like that so they could have their very own anthro pal for themselves, it's hard to find a good woman on this island so most of us guys have gone out to find love in other forms while not wanting to be drained dry by the ever lustful Lovanders." He goes onto explain which was a bit weird but I guess it made sense in a way.

I mean it gets lonely on this island but the easiest way for companionship was having pals and if you could have a pal who could also be your partner in a sexual sense to help you and them relieve eachother from stress is a good thing when you think about it.

"So any pal can end up like that?" I question him but he shakes his head.

The more normal pals that's possible but the legendary pals found in the most dangerous regions of this island are highly unlikely to have anthro forms, but I haven't seen any of those legendary pals so I can't say for certain if that's true or not." He explains to me.

"But be careful as on the other side of this exit to the main island is syndicate territory, and those assholes won't hesitate to shoot you on sight if they see you or any pal that gets anywhere nearby them." He explains to me.

The syndicate are basically these islands main bad guys, a bunch of criminals with guns who shoot first and loot you after and then selling what pals you have on you for money to use on the Blackmarket.

There are other groups but the Syndicate is the most widespread and most dangerous group on the islands, luckily the ones found near the center are the rookies so they aren't as strong as the ones found on the outer islands or the smaller islands of beginnings spread out around here and there.

"But best be careful of your base, there's a chance of wandering pack of wild pals might attack your base while your away, so you should build some wooden walls around your base before you go out for long periods of time, though I have heard their are locations that are hard for people and pals to reach so if you ever set up a base in those places they would be the safest locations in all of the Palpagos islands." He decided to tell me which made me intrigued.

"Thanks for the info, though I got to ask, do you know how I could get ancient parts to make an egg incubator?" I decide to ask him before I begin to make my way back towards my base.

"Of that's easy, just beat any of those huge pals you see out in the wild, those guys we call boss pals carry some ancient parts on them, it's what makes them big after all, or if you ever see large sparkly pals, we call those lucky pals then they drop them if you beat them or catch them, and the last and easiest place to get some is dungeon diving in the various caves around the island, they have pals you don't see as easily in them and much easier to beat boss pals can be fought and either beaten or tamed to get you some ancient parts as well." He went into explain to me.

"Well thanks for the info! I'll see you around man!" I say before I begin to head off back to base.

"…. Hey Daisy?"


"….. Was he fucking that Foxparks that entire time?"

"Dae dae dae!" She said while nodding as she laughed in her language as my eye twitched a little.

"Whatever, at least I know what to do when I'm ready." I say before we head back to home proper.

*Flashback End*

"Good, looks like we're all ready! You girls ready?" I say as I stop at the entrance of the First Dungeon we had discovered after a couple of days searching around.






The five said all excited like as I smiled before turning towards the entrance.

"Well let's begin This Dungeon Dive!" I said as we began to delve into the darkness below with only a torch to light our way.

Next chapter