
4.1 Dragon Rising

Irileth and I were walking side by side toward the gate, her steps in a hurry, worry on her face, "What's the matter?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe a living and flying dragon outside our walls," She glared at me, "Why are you so relaxed?" She asked.

'So, that's what it was,' I thought.

"I mean, it's just a dragon," I said.

She squinted her eyes, "Right,". We reached the gate and I saw the soldiers Irileth gathered, there were 5 excluding two of us.

I looked at her, "I thought there was a living dragon, why so few," I said with a smirk.

"Some are already at the tower fighting, and most of the soldiers have to stay in Whiterun if the dragon comes here," she spoke.

"Right," I nodded.




We were at the market place and I saw Camilla standing at her stall talking with a blonde-haired woman, I waved at her, and she did the same.

Irileth and I didn't talk much on the way, she seemed worried about the dragon, so I didn't disturb her.

We were standing at the Whiterun gate, and Irileth was telling the soldier to be on their guard.

Then I heard a voice from behind, "Darius!" I looked back to see, Adiranne standing still covered in soot.

"What's going on? where are they taking you?" she asked.

'Did they not tell the civilians?' I thought noticing the calm environment.

"Oh Adrianne my dear, I have been arrested for having too many women," I said jokingly bringing my hand in front of her as if they were cuffed.

'Let them be oblivious. For now' I thought.

"Oh really, I was telling you weren't I," she said getting closer.

"So if I talk to my father, would marry me, I can get you out of jail, you know" She made an offer I couldn't refuse, If I was arrested that is.

We both laughed, leaning down I was about to kiss her but I felt a hand on my shoulder, "What are you doing?" I turned around to see Irileth staring at me.

"Nothing, Just having fun," I replied.

"You can have fun later, first let's get the task finished," She said not naming the danger.

'Did I just get an OK for Harem,' My mind was in a different place, 'I did get an OK before with three ladies,'




We were hiding behind a giant rock.

I could see the tower and a dragon over it, circling around. On the ground were bodies of soldiers at least 8 or 9, and 3 alive soldiers were hiding under the rubble.

Because of them, the dragon didn't reach Whiterun, well I'm thankful to them, not remorseful.

Looking at the dragon, I wondered ever since I got here I wasn't much afraid of these creatures, I was a little scared of the spider though.

'Maybe, it's because it reminded me of home,' I concluded.

I sighed, my head brainstorming with ideas of how to kill this thing, most of them would result in grave injuries, losing an arm or leg.

'Can my spell work on cut-off limbs,' I thought, 'there's only one way to test it,' I moved toward the tower. If I get lucky, I will get out of it unscathed

Irileth and the other soldiers followed behind, we took out our bow, first, we have to bring it down, so we started shooting.

Out of the 40 arrows fired only 24 made contact, which was irritating enough for it to come down, as it landed, it started spitting fire, burning everything in its range.

System Prompt: Archery 18 -> 20

We backed away, but 1 poor soul caught fire burning him alive. When its fire ran out I ran toward it, as the others rained arrows on it, distracting it.


I brought out the Iron Warhammer, and with its pointed side, I swiped it toward its head, stabbing him.

System Prompt: Two-Handed 25 -> 26

I quickly stored the Hammer, bringing out the Nordic sword, I stabbed it toward its neck upon contact, and it shattered.

Feeling the pain from the hammer It took flight, and the wind generated by its flapping knocked me back.

It was again in the air, flying faster than before, "Darius! 200 arrows are left!" Irileth shouted while aiming at the sky.

"That will be enough," I said, as I took out my bow, I had my own storage filled with 50 arrows.

I stretched the string as an arrow materialized between the bow, and I released it. My speed was unmatched by any other, most of the arrows that made contact were mine or Irileth a seasoned warrior.

I shot 28 arrows, from which 12 hit, but this time the dragon didn't come down.

System Prompt: Archery 20 -> 23

It continued to circle around us, then suddenly it dived down, toward us, its mouth filled with lava, raining it above us as it flew past us.

I quickly pushed Irileth out of the way as I jumped opposite to her.


4 dead from a single attack, 'sigh, whatever,' I stood up, I have to use that 'But first I have to stop it in one place,'. We repeated what we did before, but this time the dragon didn't fly past us it stayed mid-air ready to fire.

'Arrogant are we?' I thought as I prepared my Kamehameha.

I decided to name my laser-like spell Kamehameha, Using the dual cast I mixed Flame and Spark. I aimed it at its wing, and a hole appeared in it, making him unable to fly, the dragon fell from the sky.

I had half the mana left, I ran toward the fallen dragon it was still standing, and suddenly I remembered, it hadn't fired its breath.

What I saw next was orange light, coming toward my face, as my vision became white, then I heard a sound




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