
Chapter 3: Escape (2)




No matter what, Hancock and her sisters are now happy because they saw little hope of getting freed from this hell

"let's go out," Hancock said as she gathered up her all courage inside her and looked at her sisters while She helped them stand up

She then looked at yoriichi too as she asked him to join her but she couldn't speak a word because she was already very scared to speak right now

As he understood her, he nodded his head to her reply as he took a breath and filled in his lungs in order to pump his heart faster to gain more strength for a small amount of time

Yoriichi is different from other people because from the beginning he had supernatural strength as well as he can control his body 100% including internal organs which is nearly impossible for any normal being to achieve


After using brute force, he was easily about to break the chains on him which made Hancock and her sisters extremely shocked

"H-how d-did you d-do it??!" Hancock asked this with a shuttering voice because no matter what this is something impossible which yoriichi just did

"Breathing" yoriichi replies to Hancock's question with an innocent face since he himself doesn't know how to explain it properly because he did it by relying on his unique talent

Hearing this, Hancock and her sisters couldn't help but feel puzzled as soon they thought he was joking in this situation but till now experience with him, she comes to the conclusion that yoriichi is not capable of jokes and rarely speaks

"Can you do the same with me?" Hancock asked this with hope in her voice as she gave up thinking since everyone breathing but no way anyone could do what yoriichi did according to her

But she hoped to get freed from these chains because if she did then she would have a chance to defend her sisters after all she is not a normal child neither

Yoriichi hearing her request, nodded his head as he moved forward as he grab the chain on her neck while he used his same technique again


As the chains were broken with a bit of struggle, yoriichi felt that her chains were different from his but still he was able to complete her request which was his objective

Yoriichi didn't stop as he also broke the chains on her arms and legs until she was completely free

"Thank *sob* yo-you" Hancock expresses her gratitude as she tries her best to not cry since she doesn't want to appear weak in front of her sisters

But she couldn't help it because it's been years since she was last free and due to that there were even marks on her neck and other other part of her body due to those chains

"Can you-you help my s-sisters too?" Hancock asked this in a pleading tone as tried her best to not let tears come out of her eyes while looking at him

Her sister's condition was not good because they both are very dependent on Hancock and seeing her cry, they also started to break inside

Yoriichi nodded his head as he also broke the chains on her sisters one by one while the sister also said thank you with sincere eyes

"Let's go," Hancock said with some relief in her tone as she saw her sisters free too since this would increase their chances of escaping this hell

To this, her sisters and yoriichi nodded their heads as they all started to move towards the gate

As they all come out of the door, they see an extremely gruesome scene in front of them which makes the sisters extremely terrified

Dead bodies, burning buildings, blood, screaming, etc, this is nothing but a gruesome war going on on this island

Hancock grabbed her both sister's hands and started to run towards the shore in the direction which she considered less dangerous

Meanwhile, the yoriichi followed them, but he was not scared even after seeing such a gruesome scene

He doesn't feel any other than pity because he can't understand how these people killed each other. How can they treat life so insignificant? Yoriichi believes that every life is precious as well as important and no one has the right to take them

But he knows he can't do anything about it since he is only an alone child, with that thoughts he follows the sisters

"QUICK, LET ME GET OUT OF THIS PLACE TO SOMEWHERE SAFE!!!!" A shout came as the sisters got frightened by the voice but luckily Hancock pulled them into a bush to hide

Hancock covered her sister's mouths, in order to hide themselves completely as they peaked through the bush and saw a celestial dragon ordering a group of men while in his hand there was a sword which he was holding carefully and in the other hand he was carrying a gun

He looks in a hurry as he commands men to carry boxes into that small yet strong ship while sweating very profusely

Hancock slowly started to take steps back with her sisters in order to take another path in order to avoid them


As she took steps back, Hancock's foot accidentally stepped on a fallen branch making a sound loud enough to be heard by that celestial dragon

"Who's there!?!" celestial dragon shouted towards the noise as he aimed his gun towards the noise

He was already stressed as well as he was scared because of this intrusion, as soon he heard a sound, he quickly aimed his gun towards the bush and pulled the trigger


Hancock closed her eyes as she was very scared in fear as soon she heard the celestial dragon shout but soon she saw that man holding a gun towards her and her sister's direction

Her face became pale, as she quickly closed her eyes and began to imagine the terrible fate which is about to happen


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