
People see no worth in you but I do

I, although with no particular talent or outstanding achievement to boast about, somehow became Chairman Chan's right-hand man (for calling myself right-hand lady makes it sound strange as hell) even before I hit 30. That meant I made many enemies as everyone wanted to be the right-hand man for the great Chairman Chan because that brings you closer to his wealth and power. Even I wasn't always sure why Chairman Chan kept me around so closely for so long. Even he used to say "Sin, to be honest, you are quite useless sometimes". But I have always been there with him, and for him. I am getting way ahead of myself, but if Chairman Chan told me to value myself, that's what I shall do, and value myself like how he valued me.

And I knew exactly what this was referring to. 

I think it was a couple of years ago. It was my birthday and the day had passed uneventfully. I didn't tell anyone it was my birthday because I never liked making a big deal out of it or celebrating it with friends - but the thing was that I did not really have people to celebrate with either. 

I was alone in this world. No siblings. My parents died a long time ago. Went to school in a different city. No high school friends or anything like that where I live and work now. Not that I had many friends to start with anyway. 

I did not even celebrate my birthday by myself with something like a nice red wine and a good soak in a bubble bath. I just treated it like any other day, to the extent that at some point I even forgot it was my birthday and only realized a few days, or even weeks later that it had passed. 

I was working overtime going over the presentation material for a business meeting that was scheduled for the next day. Alone in the office, immersed in work. Just the way I liked it.

Then Chairman Chan suddenly walked into my office. That wasn't such an uncommon thing though, as he'd seek me out whenever he needed me but I wasn't by his side. 

"Sin, are you still working?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm going over the presentation material for tomorrow"

"I think you are working too much sometimes"

"Not at all, Sir. I enjoy the work and I'm grateful that I have a chance to work here"

":Sigh: That's no way for a young lady to live"

"It's really not a big deal, Sir"


"Yes, Sir"

"Today is your birthday, isn't it?"

"Oh-. Yes, Sir. I think… but how did you…"

"Of course, I know your birthday. Why wouldn't I?"

I didn't really know what to say. Chairman Chan then walked over to me and handed me a key.

"Sir… what is this, may I ask…?"

"I know you have been living in pretty rough conditions. I know you are too modest and too humble so you will never do something like this even if you had enough savings. This is a key to your new flat. Fully furnished. I hope it's all to your taste"

"Sir, I can't possibly-"

"Please, take this. You deserve it"

I was lost for words as Chairman Chan put his warm hand on my shoulder. 

"Sin, I know not everyone in the company sees you the way I do. To quote a song from a band I love, 'People see no worth in you, but I do'"

"Thank you, Sir…"

That must be what Chairman Chan meant regarding the six-digit number.

Once I made my mind up, I walked towards the safe and keyed in my date of birth in six-digit format, and voila, Pandora's box opened.

"Wow, Sin, Chairman Chan was not wrong", even the lawyer was a little taken aback.

"He's usually right. You know that"

"Ahem, then, I will read it out for everyone now"

There was a very short but intense silence between the lawyer saying these words and starting to read out the will. Even I did not know what Chairman Chan's will was. As close as I was to him, he wanted to keep this one secret until he passed away. As the lawyer continued reading the will, I knew an apocalypse was about to start. Some looked surprised, some looked angry, or even furious, and some looked shell-shocked, like me.

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