
The Time Concept

Marcus frowned. Now, he may admit that he has a slight, a miniscule, smaller than the tiniest speck of dust in the Earth attraction toward Ziyi, but he wouldn't let her talk down on his team once again. 

He opened his mouth to retort, but before that could happen, the doors swung open again. 

"Let's sit," Ziyi said to her team. They nodded and sat next to the basketball team, much to their dismay. Well, it wasn't like they had a choice anyway! They were all seated by sports. 

Silence fell over the athletes as Johnny Wang made his way to the stage. Behind him was a group of older, very official-looking men and women. 

They looked important, but of course, Kai and the rest of the high schoolers didn't know who they were. 

Johnny went to the microphone and tapped it. At that moment, they already knew what was going to happen. 


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