
Act Civil

"We're here. We're really here," Max muttered as they got out of the car. After asking Ashley a ridiculous question, he was banned from speaking out loud.

"How do you think they're going to react when they see us?" Zheng asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Jian asked. "They're going to react the same way the public did. They won't want us there."

"I still don't see why," Jimmy muttered.

"I see that you're lacking in the intellect department," Zheng said, making Jimmy frown.

"Don't say that," Jian smirked. "He's just used to getting everything handed to him—that's why." 

Jimmy clicked his tongue. "Coming from a guy like you?" 

Jian shrugged. "I was made talented. You were built to be talented. That's different." 

"And yet one does not make it any better than the other," Zheng said, trying to calm the situation. 

Ashley sighed as she listened to their conversation. 

"Umm, are we going to meet the players now?" Max warily asked. 


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