
Represent The Country

Of course, Kai still couldn't believe it. 

Again, he wondered how much he had sacrificed to be where he was at the moment. 

As he made his way to the stage, the people around him clapped without any resentment—just acceptance. Even those bastard giants seemed to be happy with the results. 

Of course, Jian's die-hard fans was upset with the fact that their idol only graduated in second place. However, even then, they knew how well Kai played during the Interhigh Nationals. 

He went up the stage, and Kimmy placed the emblem on him. Jian watched them intently. Meanwhile, Lina also observed them with narrowed eyes. 

However, the interaction was merely professional. 

Kai went to stand with the rest of the Elite Five, still feeling that the situation was surreal. He felt like he was floating on a cloud somewhere in space. 


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