
Not Too Late

Kai felt something snap inside of him. 

However, even then, Yuze continued speaking—injecting some sense into his mind that he didn't even know he needed. 

"It's okay to be angry. It's okay to feel overwhelmed by it all," he continued. 

"Honestly, I would be, too. Your captain isn't going to play. It's your first time in the Nationals, and yet you're already playing in the finals." 

"More so than that, your grandma isn't watching. Your opponent is notorious for being perfect and having it all without putting effort into things. And your girlfriend isn't there to comfort you." 

Kai pursed his lips and scratched the back of his neck. "We're not like that yet," he muttered. 

"Oh, I see," Yuze chuckled. "You still haven't asked her, I presume." 

"Yeah," he softly said. 

"Well, you'll have plenty of time to do that once this game is over." 

Kai let out a deep breath. Alright, maybe he was just overthinking it all. 


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