"What is with that boy?"
"16 points in one quarter?"
"And that's against the Longyu Dragons?"
"Kai Guo? I need to remember his name!"
"The court isn't full, but it should be. With this scale of a game, they need to be in the Water Court!"
Nina and Rolan turned to each other with excitement.
"Is this the start of the rise of their popularity?" Rolan asked. "Will I finally see the day when people from around the country will appreciate them?"
Nina chuckled in amusement. "You're getting way too ahead of yourself. We're just in the second game."
Rolan clasped his hands in front of his chest. "I'm just too excited."
Just then, a group of students called their attention.
"Do you guys know them?" she asked.
Nina's eyes widened, and she pointed at the bench of the Dogs. "Those players?"
"Yes," they responded. "They're pretty good."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: