"Dang," Jet muttered. "It's about to go down."
"I knew it was a good decision to come here," Andy said, leaning against his knees as he folded his legs. "This is bound to become fun!"
"You were the most against it in the beginning," Jet deadpanned. "Anyway, I can't wait. Are they really going to play against the players of the University of Shanghai?"
"What do you say?" Donghai asked with a mischievous smile.
Chunlei pursed his lips. He was confident in the beginning. However, after seeing Donghai's stunt, he felt a bit hesitant. Moreover, he didn't think that the Feng Foxes would be able to beat their roster—especially since they were all older, bigger, and probably a little bit better than most of them.
Not Chunlei, though.
He still believed in his skills.
"Or are the little kids scared?" Jiho asked, obviously taunting Chunlei.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: