
Yin Yang Knights vs. Shizi Dogs (4)

The other boys looked at Kai with wide eyes. 

Indeed, he was breathless. It was a rare sight for them. In all of the games they played in the Interhigh Preliminaries, Kai had never looked exhausted. 

Was playing with Max Zhou taking a toll on him? 

Honestly, even Kai himself didn't know the answer to the question. 

"I'm fine," Kai said, evening out his breathing. It was true that he felt tired, but it wasn't to the point that he couldn't play his best. 

"There's only two minutes left," Coach Muchen said. "After that is halftime; you can rest then." 

Kai nodded as Lina explained a play for them. Kun was right by his side, and Kai paid greater attention to him. 

He seemed to be doing okay, but he also seemed distracted. 

Chunlei watched closely, sensing something that others hadn't. 


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