
Huishi Alligators vs. Shizi Dogs (7)

With Qiang's aggressive play on full display, he was acknowledged as a strong player, someone who instilled fear in his opponents. 

The Shizi Dogs glanced at Kai from time to time, wondering if he was all right after the consecutive hits. 

Yuze clicked his tongue. "Should we pull him out?" he asked. "He just got in a car accident." 

Coach Muchen and Lina nodded in agreement. With that, they called for a time-out. 

The players were confused by the sudden time-out, but they still went to their respective benches. 

With the small break, the people started talking about Qiang's strength.

"He's really strong, no?" 

"How do you think his mother fed him when he was young? I want to do the same to my future child." 

"Kai even dropped to the ground because of him." 

"It's crazy how Kai looks small next to him." 

"Do you think there's a person in the league who can compare to him?" 


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